For those of you who don't know this, our house in Odessa is located fairly close to the train tracks. We hear/see about 20-30 trains a day. Going BOTH directions. That got me to thinking last night...when I couldn't sleep, what or who, keeps trains from running into each other? Now I know, given my previous profession with Boeing, I should know the answer to this question. Apparently I was missing or asleep during trains 101. Do they have a FAA controller type for trains? They must since the trains know when they should be on the siding to let another train go by. And did you know that trains have different sounding horns/whistles? And Amtrak has a completely different sound of a horn/whistle than freights do. And speaking of that, who controls how long and loud the whistle is? If it is someone on the train, I would like to have a talk with a few of them who seem to keep their finger on the whistle button waaaaaaayyyyyyy to long! One thing we have noticed since being home this time is that there seems to be more trains on the tracks this year. Fuel costs???? Hmmmm And I still can't go to sleep until Amtrak goes through at night...it usually goes through at 10:45 p.m.....although, some nights is has been as late as 12:30 a.m.....I know, I will still be awake waiting for it!!!! And some of you Boeing people can answer this question for me....are we still shipping 737 fuselage's from Wichita to Renton?? I haven't seen any this year.
Other than listening to/for trains, we have been sticking pretty close to home. Last week Joyce, (Al's sister), Ardis and I went to Spokane for a girls day. Joyce needed to do some clothes shopping, so Ardis and I decided it would be a good time for us to just go and look around. Neither of us bought a whole lot, we let Joyce do that! Then yesterday Ardis and I took the dogs, Beau and Schuster and her Simon to Ephrata to be groomed. We decided to stay there and bum around for the day. We went to Moses Lake and got a pedicure...which was Ardis' first pedicure...I think she is hooked. I got even with her...she hooked me on quilting and I hooked her on pedicures!!!
The weather has been bizarre here. Cold one day, warm the next, then windy, cold and rainy, then sunny and cold. I can't figure it out! And apparently neither can the weather guesser....he is always wrong.
We are getting ready for our trip to Alaska. We leave on July 5 and I am "gathering" and sorting things to take. And worse of all, I can't remember what I left up there last year. I have been watching the weather and it has been fairly nice in Sterling, but I still can't figure out what to take as far as clothes. This year I am going to make a list.......... then be in the same position I am now next year, as I probably won't remember where I put the dumb list!!!!
Until next time..................
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Lookee, lookee, what I can do!
Look what I learned to do today! I did my very first quilt top!

I can hardly wait to get it finished now. I had NO IDEA how to quilt, but thanks to daughter-in-law Ardis and her mom, Maryann; who own the Quilt Crossing in Odessa, I AM HOOKED! Now all I want to do is sew another one! What fun! How exciting to see it all come together. Albeit, this is a very simple pattern, and very easy to put together, I had a blast doing it. And, you have to start some place, right? The next step I have to do on this quilt is put more border on it so it will be big enough to cover the bed in our cowboy room in Tucson. Then, I will have it quilted professionally. I don't have a quilting machine and I can't hold a needle long enough to quilt by hand. But this still was fun. I already have the fat quarters purchased for my next quilt...and I am trying to decide on a pattern. It will have to be easy tho....no hard ones for this person.
You should see the quilts that Ardis and Maryann have made! WOW! Maryann is working on one right now that is absolutely beautiful. Ardis finished a quilt top today that would knock your socks off! They are so talented.
Anyway, just had to share my first quilt.
Look what I learned to do today! I did my very first quilt top!
I can hardly wait to get it finished now. I had NO IDEA how to quilt, but thanks to daughter-in-law Ardis and her mom, Maryann; who own the Quilt Crossing in Odessa, I AM HOOKED! Now all I want to do is sew another one! What fun! How exciting to see it all come together. Albeit, this is a very simple pattern, and very easy to put together, I had a blast doing it. And, you have to start some place, right? The next step I have to do on this quilt is put more border on it so it will be big enough to cover the bed in our cowboy room in Tucson. Then, I will have it quilted professionally. I don't have a quilting machine and I can't hold a needle long enough to quilt by hand. But this still was fun. I already have the fat quarters purchased for my next quilt...and I am trying to decide on a pattern. It will have to be easy tho....no hard ones for this person.
You should see the quilts that Ardis and Maryann have made! WOW! Maryann is working on one right now that is absolutely beautiful. Ardis finished a quilt top today that would knock your socks off! They are so talented.
Anyway, just had to share my first quilt.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Walk for the Cure
Our son, Ric, is walking the 60 mile walk for breast cancer and is looking for support. Please read the following:
Friends & Neighbors;
My name is Ric Wraspir, and in recent years many persons in my family and inner circle of friends have been affected by breast cancer. Most recently, my mother and my cousin have battled and are currently celebrating survivorship. With this inspiration I have decided to participate in the 2007 Breast Cancer 3-Day walk. I'll walk 60 miles over the course of three days with thousands of other women and men with a common goal to “end breast cancer forever.”
Without a cure, 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer – a devastating disease with physical, emotional, psychological and financial pain that can last a lifetime. These numbers have created a scary awareness to me with a wife, two daughters, aunts, sister, nieces and contact with scores of young ladies in youth sports. The realization that one of these women may become one of these statistics is disheartening. Everyone deserves a lifetime.
Now you understand why this is so important to me and understand why I'm asking for your financial support. I've committed to raise at least $2,200 in donations. My personal goal is set at $4,000. So, I need your help. It's hard asking my friends and neighbors for money, but this cause and this event are very important to me. I hope that you can make a tax deductible donation of $50, $100, or more. I trust you will designate the amount that's right for you. The net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund.
There are several easy ways to donate.
By Mail: Mail your contribution to me and I will submit proper paperwork to get your donation acknowledged and a receipt sent to you. Check payable to “Breast Cancer 3-Day”
Ric Wraspir
3810 NE 113th St
Seattle Wa, 98125
By Phone: Call 800-996-3DAY. Mention that I am participating in Seattle and my Supporter Number (160764370) and your donation will make it to my total and a receipt will get sent to you.
By Web: Donate through my personal webpage (www.the3day.org/seattle07/ric_wraspir)
Receipt will be sent to you.
So, yes, this is a plea for your emotional and financial support. I thank you in advance for your support and taking this journey with me. I look forward to seeing your name on my honor roll of donators.
Ric Wraspir
2007 – Breast Cancer 3-Day
Friends & Neighbors;
My name is Ric Wraspir, and in recent years many persons in my family and inner circle of friends have been affected by breast cancer. Most recently, my mother and my cousin have battled and are currently celebrating survivorship. With this inspiration I have decided to participate in the 2007 Breast Cancer 3-Day walk. I'll walk 60 miles over the course of three days with thousands of other women and men with a common goal to “end breast cancer forever.”
Without a cure, 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer – a devastating disease with physical, emotional, psychological and financial pain that can last a lifetime. These numbers have created a scary awareness to me with a wife, two daughters, aunts, sister, nieces and contact with scores of young ladies in youth sports. The realization that one of these women may become one of these statistics is disheartening. Everyone deserves a lifetime.
Now you understand why this is so important to me and understand why I'm asking for your financial support. I've committed to raise at least $2,200 in donations. My personal goal is set at $4,000. So, I need your help. It's hard asking my friends and neighbors for money, but this cause and this event are very important to me. I hope that you can make a tax deductible donation of $50, $100, or more. I trust you will designate the amount that's right for you. The net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund.
There are several easy ways to donate.
By Mail: Mail your contribution to me and I will submit proper paperwork to get your donation acknowledged and a receipt sent to you. Check payable to “Breast Cancer 3-Day”
Ric Wraspir
3810 NE 113th St
Seattle Wa, 98125
By Phone: Call 800-996-3DAY. Mention that I am participating in Seattle and my Supporter Number (160764370) and your donation will make it to my total and a receipt will get sent to you.
By Web: Donate through my personal webpage (www.the3day.org/seattle07/ric_wraspir)
Receipt will be sent to you.
So, yes, this is a plea for your emotional and financial support. I thank you in advance for your support and taking this journey with me. I look forward to seeing your name on my honor roll of donators.
Ric Wraspir
2007 – Breast Cancer 3-Day
This 'n That -- Here 'n There
Al, Jo, Victor, Lori
That brings us to today...Ric, Cammie and Jennifer left around 10:30 this morning and we are just being lazy today. AL is reading the paper and I have been reading my book. All of the kids have checked in to wish Al a happy father's day, so all is well with us.
Since our last blog we have been busy, busy, busy. At least I have no more snakes to report about!!!
Bruce, Holly and Cortney arrived here on schedule in late May, but unfortunately for us, only stayed a day or so. They were off to discover the beautiful states of Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. We were glad to have them for a the time they were here and enjoyed our short visit.
Holly and Cortney
After they left, we packed up the old Explorer (commonly known as the "Exploder" any more -- it's so old!) and headed for Seattle. We had our usual round of dentist and doctor visits and Al's doctors were all pleased with his current health state...thank goodness! We have decided Seattle and the surrounding area is one big traffic nightmare! Too many cars, not enough roads!
We were able to have lunch with friends Frank and Lynn Conger while we were there and also visited with Jan, another long time friend. We also got in a dinner with Ric, Janet and Cammie one night at the Keg and another night with friends Rowland and Kathy Brasch....so we did some visiting in-between doctor appointments.
On Saturday, June 9 we loaded up dogs and our belongings again and headed south to Portland (in a driving rain I might add...) with Jennifer following in her car for a visit with oldest daughter Melanie and her family. Grandson Victor was graduating from high school and Melanie and Ron hosted a graduation party on Saturday. It rained all day of course...as it usually does in the Pacfic NW when you plan a party outside! Oh well, we managed. Also grand daughter Lori was graduating from Jr. High; so we celebrated for her as well. Don Miller, Jo's ex-husband was there as well and we had a great visit with him. And yes, we are still all friends.
Jennifer, Mom, Melanie
Al, Jo, Victor, Lori
Jennifer headed home on Sunday (something about having to work?) and we decided we would all go to the movies to see Shrek 3. You have to know that Shrek movies are my absolute favorite, so I thoroughly enjoyed it. We met up with Don for dinner that night at a great Chinese Restaurant (I have no idea what the name is).
Monday and Melanie and Ron had to go to work (I just don't understand this concept any more!!) so we took advantage of the day and went tire shopping. The Exploder needed new shoes! Sears we found had the best deal....so $700 later for tires and shocks, we reeled out of Sears. OUCH!
Tuesday was graduation day for Victor. The ceremony was held at University of Portland, Chiles Center....way the heck across town from where we were staying. Vic graduated from Oregon City High School, class size of 400+. The ceremony was great, however, a bit moving for me realizing that yet another grandchild has graduated from high school. The score now stands at 6 graduated and 2 still in High School...ugh! Darn, we are really getting old! Graduation wasn't over until 10:00 p.m. and we were starved. We had to be there at 5:00 to get seats (even though we had tickets, getting seats was still tough), so we had had a late lunch, but didn't expect to be there that late. And of course, getting out of the parking lot was a challenge, along with the other 600 or so cars! Don had gone with us, so the three of us only had one thing on our mind...food. We were in an unfamilar part of Portland so we made a beeline back to where we were staying and wound up at a hamburger joint for dinner and it was very good.
Wednesday was Lori's graduation day. We spent the day just taking it easy, taking the dogs to the park, etc. She graduated from Ogden Middle School, but the ceremony was at Oregon City High School, where she will attend next year!
Thursday we drove back to Odessa. We got home around 5:30 after needed stops at the grocery store in Kenniwick.
Friday I spent the day unpacking and doing laundry and straightening up the house. Friday night Ric, Cammie and Jennifer came rolling in to spend Father's Day weekend with Al. We barbequed ribs Friday night and Ardis and Jerry joined us. It is fun to have family around.
Yesterday Jennifer, Cammie
, Myrna (Al's cousin) and I headed to Spokane to attend a baby shower for Kali, Gary and Jeannette's daughter. Kali and Scott are having a baby boy, Joshua Dylan, which is due on Aug. 8. She really looks healthy and happy and has that special glow that pregnant women have. We had a great time and I can't remember the last time I was at a baby shower...oh, wait, it was for friend Nancy in Seattle and I think that was 6 years ago! OUCH! Of course, not many of my friends are having babies these days --- can't imagine why!
Kali Wraspir-Mason & Joshua Dylan
That brings us to today...Ric, Cammie and Jennifer left around 10:30 this morning and we are just being lazy today. AL is reading the paper and I have been reading my book. All of the kids have checked in to wish Al a happy father's day, so all is well with us.
The weather here has been cool....only 68 right now and the wind is blowing....brrr! Hope it warms us soon. We will be leaving for Alaska in two weeks for a month stay, so I hope I get some warm weather here before I leave!
We have closed on the new Tucson house, and work is starting to begin on it. We have actually had 2 people call us wanting to know if we were going to rent it....how they got our phone number is beyond us! For the time being, we have decided to not rent it and see if my brother and nephew from Alaska want to stay in it this winter. If they don't they we will rent it. Time will tell....
So, until next blog, we hope this finds you happy, healthy and living life the way you want.
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