Oct 2 Washington DC
Today we spent just kinda' hanging around. Since my legs, hips, back and feet refused to walk to the Metro again, we took a cab to the Capitol and walked around it. It really is pretty, so clean and pristine. OF course, we all know what goes on inside is none of the above adjectives!
From there we walked to the White House. Of course, we stopped at Starbucks along the way. Did you know there are 365 of them here? I think we have found at least 360 of them! The walk down Pennsylvania Avenue was great...I enjoy doing that. Took the required pictures at the White House. We did stop at the National Gallery of Art again and had lunch in the Garden Cafe again. AND, I had their wonderful Lobster Bisque....I think I have had my quota of that for a while. Well, maybe.......................
Oh, before I forget, while we were in Arlington yesterday, there was a change of command at Ft Myer; and GW was in attendance. Needless to say, there was an impressive fly over during the changing of the guard that we were viewing and I we thought it was for that, but it was for the change of command. We saw GW's motorcade after it left the cemetery/Ft. Myer and was crossing the bridge going back into DC. DARN, I didn't have a chance to visit with GW and give him some advice!
Jennifer had a plane to catch at 5:00 p.m. so we were back at the hotel by 2:30 p.m. After Jenn left, Bev and I went back over to Pentagon City Mall for a while, nosed around and then decided it was time for dinner. We went to Ruth Chris Steak House for dinner and had a wonderful dinner. Yum-o!
Back to the hotel to watch Dancing with the Stars, results.
Wed. Oct 3 St. Louis, or to be correct, O'Fallon. MO
Alas, our DC trip has came to an end. Bev and I flew back to St. Louis today. It is still hot here! Very unusual for this area. Mike and Al picked us up at the airport. Al is doing well and has had a blast with Mike this last week. They have been seeing Missouri; to Hermann for wine, California (the city, not state) for Burgers Meats and to Sedalia to visit old friends Dave and Dorothy Macafree. So they have been busy and Al has enjoyed every minute of it. Tonight Sarah and Natasha came over for dinner, which was a great pork loin that Mike fixed.

Great-Granddaughter, Natasha
Thurs. Oct 4
Did some running around here in O'Fallon today and had lunch at Cheeburger Cheeburger -- good burgers. Tonight I fixed paella...it wasn't the best I have done, but it wasn't bad either. Packed for our trip home.....ugh, I still hate that job!
Friday, Oct 5....Denver Airport
The song "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" is rolling around in my head! GET IT OUT! This song was popular when I lived in Denver, many, many, many (39 years of them....468 ) moons ago. I was pregnant with Jennifer then and in my first few months and had morning sickness ALL DAY! Enough of the needless information!
We are sitting in the Denver Airport....FOREVER! We are en route to Phoenix and have a 6 plus hour layover here. We tried to get on an early flight into Phoenix from here, but that flight is oversold by 6 seats (now, why in the hell do airlines do that? Where do they plan to get the extra seats?) so it isn't likely we will get to Phoenix earlier (another song just popped into my pea brain...."By the Time I get to Phoenix"...help, the song monster has me!)
It is kinda' fun sitting here...watching people. Some people make me wonder....of course, I am sure at times (a lot of time) I make people wonder as well.
We will be home in Tucson tomorrow, as we are spending the night in Phoenix tonight, since we get in way to late for me to drive us home! Then next Wednesday, we make another trip to Phoenix to put Al on a plane to Spokane. He has decided he wants to go deer hunting in Odessa, so he will fly up and spend 2 weeks in Odessa. I, on the other hand, will be home in Tucson getting new carpet installed in our house (doesn't that sound more fun than deer hunting??) and getting some things done on the rental house. Our life is way to busy for me right now. I think while Al is gone I am going to take some down time to start a new quilt! I have two baby quilts I need to get done in the next few weeks.
So, until next time, we are
THE WROAMIN' Wraspirs........