Portland, Or
Aug 19
Whee...it has been a wild few days for us. Before we drove to Seattle last Tuesday we had company from Australia. Al's cousin Christine and husband Denys were in Odessa for a short visit. Also Aunt Helen, Christine's mother were with them. It was good to visit with them and we are looking forward to seeing Chris and Denys later in the month as well.
We drove over to Seattle a week ago for doctor, dentist appointments. It was HOT in Seattle...in the 90's, which confuzzled us (a new word granddaughter Lori coined not to long ago...confused and puzzled), but I was lovin it. We stayed with Jenn, which she had ONE fan going when we got there and by the time we left she had THREE fans going.
First day was a scurry of doctors in downtown Seattle, dentist, and cardiologist in Kirkland. Al had good check ups every where....however, the cardiologist didn't like his weight (tee hee...it isn't just me nagging him now!) and has scheduled him for a stress test next month. I told Al he was going to have to study for this test..so I will help by stressing him daily (just kidding). Then that night we had dinner with good friends Row and Kathy...we always enjoy being with them and lots of laughs. We went to Goldbergs, a Jewish deli in Factoria and boy is it good.
Thursday saw us at the neurologist and Al has improved some on memory (can't prove it by me!) and the meds are doing a good job. Then to Diabetes doc, a new one since our last one retired. We really like the new doc...she is direct and to the point. Put Al back on his Byetta, which he had been taken off of earlier in the year.
After doctor appointments we went to the Boeing Human Resources Retiree's luncheon that is held annually in Tukwila. We didn't get to go last year and Al had a great time catching up with old work buddies. Also, sad to note, we have lost a few this past year...Russ HOlly who always headed up the reunion died and a Jackie Evans, who was a friends wife and we were with in Saudi died in January. Really begins to tell you how mortal you really are.
Then we scurried to Kirkland so Jo could order new glasses. I broke my glasses 10 days ago and have been "BLIND" since then. I have been wearing 10 year old glasses...which really didn't do much for me.
We had dinner at friends Frank and Lynn Congers tonight. Frank made his famous Taco's and they were excellent as usual.
Friday up and at 'em. Al had an appointment in Issaquah for a hearing test...ha, it wasn't just me, he really has a hearing problem as we knew! Ordered new hearing aids (donations are gladly accepted for the cost!!! YIKES!) and then to pick up Jo's glasses. YEAH...I can see again!
We then scrambled back to Lynnwood to have lunch with Granddaughter Ashley and get caught up with her life. She is working two jobs now and learning living on her own is expensive!
Tonight we had dinner at Jenn's, Ric, Janet and Sherrie joining us for home made barbequed burgers. YUM. And it is still HOT.
Saturday dawned and we just lazed around for a while. Jenn took off for her walk. I might add she, Ric and Sherrie are doing the 60 mile Breast Cancer Walk next month and they are really training hard for it. And thank you to those friends of ours who have donated to them....really a great cause.
Saving Second Base Team Ric, Jenn and Sherrie Saturday afternoon I had lunch with Granddaughter Cammie and had a great visit with her. She is always so fun to be around and makes me feel good. She is working at Starbucks and will be going to Shoreline Community College this winter.
Sunday started with a brunch at Ivar's Acres of Clams to celebrate Sherrie's 5 YEARS OF CANCER FREE. WHOOPEE!!! We are so glad to able to celebrate this point with her and pray for 50 more years of cancer free. She has struggled so hard with the breast cancer and the side affects of all the treatments. She is such a strong woman and I admire her so much....I am amazed at all she has gone through and came out of so strong. YOU GO GIRL.
Jo, Sherrie and Al
Jenn and SherrieOf course I shed a tear for Cindy, our neice who died from cancer a few years ago. I prayed so hard for both of them to survive.
It was still warm in Seattle, but it was time for us leave and head south to Portland. We are in Portland visiting daughter Melanie and her family; husband Ron, grandson Vic and granddaughter Lori.
We arrived in a warm Portland and met them for dinner at our favorite Chinese place. When we left the restaurant it was RAINING! WHAT????
Monday we awoke to a loud boom and two dogs in bed with us. THUNDER! We had a great thunder and lightning storm and a downpour of rain, of course, the dogs had to go out potty just when it rained the hardest...so I got a refreshing au natural shower!
Monday Melanie, Lori and I spent the day playing. We went downtown Portland to Powell's Books to snoop around and to get Al some books and Lori a book she needs to read before school starts in two weeks...(nothing like having all summer to read it..) I love Powell's Books...it is so fun to roam from room to room and see all the different types of books. It is such a unique book store. After that we went to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes after picking up Al from the hotel. We barbequed ribs at Melanie's house for dinner...in the rain.
Lori is quite the horse person. She is competeing the the Jr. Rodeo's and also she has lettered at Oregon City Highschool in Rodeo. Vic also competes -- he is a bull rider (not my choice) or as I say he likes falling off the bulls!
Vic ---- Falling off the bull
Lori carrying American Flag at RodeoWe will be leaving here on Thursday heading back to Odessa, where I hear it has been very hot...112 one day -- yup, that's hot! AHHHH...it feels so good!
So, until next time....we are busy and lovin' life..hope you are too!