Okay, anyone who know me longer than a millisecond knows I am scared to death of snakes...any snake. And don't try to tell me there are "good" snakes in this world, -- uh, NO! The only good snake is a dead snake to me.
However, this morning I took the dogs to "snake training" to teach them to be afraid of snakes. All I really needed was my mother here to do that, since she did it to myself and my younger brother so effectively that it has stuck our entire lives! But since I couldn't have my mommy here, I WILLINGLY signed up the dogs for snake avoidance training. I should have read the fine print I think!
UP at the horrible hour (at least for me anymore) of 6:00 a.m. so I can be at snake training by 7:00. There are 10 dogs at the area for the training. I get my two out of the van and on their leashes and let them go socialize with the other dogs. Then the fun begins. The trainer says that we will go individually to the snake .. wait, a live snake??? YUP! What happened to the harmless rubber snakes that I am also afraid of???? Okay Jo, buck up and do this. First up is Schuster. The trainer attaches the shock collar to him and we walk him towards where they have the snake leashed and tied up. First of all, before I go on, who in the hell put the leash on this snake and how??? And do snakes know how to get off leashes???? Also the snake is defanged and therefore rendered harmless (so they say, they don't know me!) As we walk towards where the snake is, all you can hear is my knee's knocking so loudly they sound like rocks being banged together! ULP! The closer we get to the snake, the louder my knees get. The handler finally looks at me and says "Are you afraid of snakes?" Well, DUH! But to save my dogs lives, I walk toward the offending thing. The snake is a western diamondback rattler, and he is busy rattling away. Schuster isn't the least be afraid of it!!!! WAKE UP DOG! We inch towards the snake and finally Schuster gets the scent of the snake. He stops, but is curious. He starts towards the snake and gets a shock from the shock collar! Schuster yelps about the same time I do. We take him back to the "safe" area. He is pretty shook up. So am I. Finally we get him calmed down and the handler says "I want you to walk with us to the snake and then you walk past the snake to the other side"...uh, okay? Somy banging knees and I do this, and all Schuster wants to do is go with me, so he gets another shock. Another yelp and I am almost in tears...either from fright or from him yelping, not sure at this point which. All the time Beau is watching from the car. Finally, Schuster won't go near the dreaded beast with no legs and feet. Hooray! But then I have to walk him past another snake on the other side of the road, which is leashed and staked out as well. Schuster won't go near the snake...not within 10 yards...nope, he is afraid as I am now. (Thanks Mom!)
Now it is Beau's turn. Same procedure. However, Beau wants to play with the snake...thinks it is a long ball, or toy. So he gets shocked, but it only took him one shock and he decided he wants nothing to do with it and won't go within 30 yards of it. All he wants is to get away and back to the safety of the car. By this time my nerves are shot and I need a drink (did I say this was at 7:00 a.m. -- my day is shot!)
The last test we have to pass (and I am paying for this whole thing by the way!!) is to walk the dogs towards/past a snake that is hidden in a bush. The snake is in a mesh bag, securely tied, and hidden in the bush. The snakes rattles are taped so they make no noise. Neither dog will even get off the street towards the bush. Nope, they aren't going, period! They passed with flying colors. I, on the other hand, needed to sit down and rest and quit hyperventalating. I guess I passed as well, but I tell you the three of us couldn't wait to get back into the car and get the hell outta' there.
I feel this was good training for the dogs however. At least they know what a snake is and can do. And I feel more comfortable with the knowledge that they are aware of snakes and how nasty and evil they are!
And by the way, you will notice there is no picture present of the snake....nope, can't do it! I tried to copy a picture from the internet, but got the shakes just looking at the damn thing.
I will have nightmares no doubt tonight......
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Achoo, achoo, achoo...hmmm...achoo. Nose running, eyes running, achoo, palo verde in bloom and several other desert "things", achoo! Can't stop sneezing today. And for once, this morning the wind is DEAD! YEAH! achoo! Even the dogs and cats are sneezing. Jose just about turns himself inside out (Ick) when he sneezes....makes me laugh every time he does it. And he never sneezes once, he sneezes several times in a row, and then emits this low growl (and remember he is a cat) after he is done! I know the feeling! I want to growl after a sneezing fit as well.
Doctor appointments all day today...whoopee! At least maybe we will have time to have lunch at our favorite Chinese place today. Al is doing very well, however, his blood sugar is running very high so today we see the endocrinologist. And I a learning how to spell all these BIG words, like endocrinologist, cardiologist, infectious disease, etc. And don't even get me started on the different medicine's spelling. ARG!
It is suppose to be 92 today. Spring has finally arrived. Remember, here it isn't spring until it reaches at least 90----and then you know summer isn't far behind.
Achoo...gotta' go find another box of Kleenex. Have you ever wondered where they (whoever, "THEY" are) came up with the name Kleenex? Kleen-ex??? Oh, that leaves my snot clogged brain with way too many possibilities. BYE!
Doctor appointments all day today...whoopee! At least maybe we will have time to have lunch at our favorite Chinese place today. Al is doing very well, however, his blood sugar is running very high so today we see the endocrinologist. And I a learning how to spell all these BIG words, like endocrinologist, cardiologist, infectious disease, etc. And don't even get me started on the different medicine's spelling. ARG!
It is suppose to be 92 today. Spring has finally arrived. Remember, here it isn't spring until it reaches at least 90----and then you know summer isn't far behind.
Achoo...gotta' go find another box of Kleenex. Have you ever wondered where they (whoever, "THEY" are) came up with the name Kleenex? Kleen-ex??? Oh, that leaves my snot clogged brain with way too many possibilities. BYE!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Happy 75 Al
Things have certainly been calm for the last few days as far as health issues go...kinda' scary! Al is doing very well. His arm has cleared up nicely and he is doing well on his oral antibiotics. It's about time things returned to somewhat normal around here.
Last week we enjoyed an overnight visit from friends from San Diego. Pete and Diane Reilly were here for a quick visit. Al and Pete have known each other for many, many years and we were with Pete in Saudi. We enjoyed their visit -- they are wonderful people.

Dick and Lano arrived from Yuma on Wednesday and will go home tomorrow :-( We really enjoy having them here. However, they wind up helping do so many things around the house one wonders why they keep coming back!!!! We certainly don't complain! Dick helped me repair a light fixture in the 5th wheel and wire back up some outside lights that had been disconnected.
Speaking of the house, for the last 2 weeks we have been in the middle of having the outside painted. It is finished now and boy what a difference. We went about 10 shades darker (the paint color is called "light mocha"..coffee anyone?) The painters did an excellent job on the house. Gary and Mike...thank you so much.
Now they have started on the rental house....it needs painting as badly as this one did. And no paint sprayer...this is all roller and brush.
Last night we had Al's 75th birthday party here. I had thrown him a birthday card party and he recieved over 50 cards...thank you all for sending them and making his 75th birthday special for him. He enjoyed hearing from all of you. Last night we had 20 people here for his party. I cooked a turkey and made several different salads, people brought salads, appetizers and fruit plates to help out. Lots of food and fun.
The doctors are still controlling our lives right now. Last week we had 4 appointments; this coming week we have 6. ARG! Still no idea when the doctors will release Al to travel. We hope to head north the middle of May, but it all depends on when he can travel. Last Sunday we were both suffering from a bad case of cabin fever; so we hopped in the car and did some local exploring. We drove to Green Valley and then out to Madera Canyon...very pretty drive with GREEN TREES! Then we took a dirt road (I am getting used to these scary dirt roads)

over to Sonita and went to Patagonia Lake. Very pretty there as well. Then we came back to Tucson and had dinner with Al's cousin Gary. It was a nice outing for us and we didn't have to see a doctor once! Unusual for us lately as all of our outings have somehow involved a doctor or two!!!
It has been nice here, but a bit windy. I don't mind a nice, gentle breeze, however, sometimes it does get a bit "gusty" here...we had gusts to 60 MPH last week...that is not fun. I commented to Al the other day that I couldn't remember it being this windy last April. THEN, I remembered WHY I couldn't remember it ... we were floating around the Panama Canal this time last year! Now it makes sense!
That's about all from the neck of the woods for now. Later..............
Things have certainly been calm for the last few days as far as health issues go...kinda' scary! Al is doing very well. His arm has cleared up nicely and he is doing well on his oral antibiotics. It's about time things returned to somewhat normal around here.
Last week we enjoyed an overnight visit from friends from San Diego. Pete and Diane Reilly were here for a quick visit. Al and Pete have known each other for many, many years and we were with Pete in Saudi. We enjoyed their visit -- they are wonderful people.
Dick and Lano arrived from Yuma on Wednesday and will go home tomorrow :-( We really enjoy having them here. However, they wind up helping do so many things around the house one wonders why they keep coming back!!!! We certainly don't complain! Dick helped me repair a light fixture in the 5th wheel and wire back up some outside lights that had been disconnected.
Speaking of the house, for the last 2 weeks we have been in the middle of having the outside painted. It is finished now and boy what a difference. We went about 10 shades darker (the paint color is called "light mocha"..coffee anyone?) The painters did an excellent job on the house. Gary and Mike...thank you so much.
Last night we had Al's 75th birthday party here. I had thrown him a birthday card party and he recieved over 50 cards...thank you all for sending them and making his 75th birthday special for him. He enjoyed hearing from all of you. Last night we had 20 people here for his party. I cooked a turkey and made several different salads, people brought salads, appetizers and fruit plates to help out. Lots of food and fun.
The doctors are still controlling our lives right now. Last week we had 4 appointments; this coming week we have 6. ARG! Still no idea when the doctors will release Al to travel. We hope to head north the middle of May, but it all depends on when he can travel. Last Sunday we were both suffering from a bad case of cabin fever; so we hopped in the car and did some local exploring. We drove to Green Valley and then out to Madera Canyon...very pretty drive with GREEN TREES! Then we took a dirt road (I am getting used to these scary dirt roads)
over to Sonita and went to Patagonia Lake. Very pretty there as well. Then we came back to Tucson and had dinner with Al's cousin Gary. It was a nice outing for us and we didn't have to see a doctor once! Unusual for us lately as all of our outings have somehow involved a doctor or two!!!
It has been nice here, but a bit windy. I don't mind a nice, gentle breeze, however, sometimes it does get a bit "gusty" here...we had gusts to 60 MPH last week...that is not fun. I commented to Al the other day that I couldn't remember it being this windy last April. THEN, I remembered WHY I couldn't remember it ... we were floating around the Panama Canal this time last year! Now it makes sense!
That's about all from the neck of the woods for now. Later..............
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
As it turns out....
April 15, 3:30 p.m.
Al is home. Boy what a day this has been! I got to the hospital in time to see the first doctor of the day, he was the "hospitalist" and he said that it didn't look like the picc line was infected, however, the skin and area around the picc line was really inflamed (duh!!) and that Al had an allergic reaction to the plastic bandages and tape that was used (really??? That I could have told him!!) He said the plan was to pull the picc line from the right arm and insert it into the left arm. For this Al would have to be hospitalized for a couple of days. He had written orders to have him moved to a room (we were still in the ER at this time)and he would see us later.
Next, in comes Dr. Rumans, who is our Infectious Disease doctor. He looks at the area and the picc line and says, "Nope, picc line comes out and I am going to put him on oral antibiotics and let him go home!" Now we are talkin'! He said he would call lthe hospitalist and let him know. The Picc line team would be in about 1:00 to pull the line. Once that was done, we could go home. Whoppee.
Around noon I decided to go to the cafeteria for a bite to eat. They usually have such good food there...but not today unless you like Cheese filled manicotti and the manicotti so al dente it crunched! I get back to the room and the picc line has been pulled and after a bit of confusion with the nurses, one thinking he was to be admitted, the other thinking we were going to be discharged..she won....we are outta' there! Of course we have a fist full of prescriptions, but that's okay! The knee looks good, a bit red and warm to the touch, and of course we have an appointment to see the doc next week, but we escaped the hospital in good shape this time. Al feels good and is very glad to have escaped with less than a 24 hour stay...all in the ER!
The wind is really blowing...it has been for the past 2-3 weeks, but today seems to be the worst. Gusts up to 60 mph and we are hanging on to the top of this hill for dear life! Of course it is trash day today and our neighbor was so kind to rescue our trash can as it was blowing down the road!!! We were gone last April, but our neighbors said it was just as windy. This time last year we were sailing the Panama Canal. And Al was sick. Maybe we just skip the first 4 months of the year!!!
Hope this finds everyone happy and healthy.....
April 15, 3:30 p.m.
Al is home. Boy what a day this has been! I got to the hospital in time to see the first doctor of the day, he was the "hospitalist" and he said that it didn't look like the picc line was infected, however, the skin and area around the picc line was really inflamed (duh!!) and that Al had an allergic reaction to the plastic bandages and tape that was used (really??? That I could have told him!!) He said the plan was to pull the picc line from the right arm and insert it into the left arm. For this Al would have to be hospitalized for a couple of days. He had written orders to have him moved to a room (we were still in the ER at this time)and he would see us later.
Next, in comes Dr. Rumans, who is our Infectious Disease doctor. He looks at the area and the picc line and says, "Nope, picc line comes out and I am going to put him on oral antibiotics and let him go home!" Now we are talkin'! He said he would call lthe hospitalist and let him know. The Picc line team would be in about 1:00 to pull the line. Once that was done, we could go home. Whoppee.
Around noon I decided to go to the cafeteria for a bite to eat. They usually have such good food there...but not today unless you like Cheese filled manicotti and the manicotti so al dente it crunched! I get back to the room and the picc line has been pulled and after a bit of confusion with the nurses, one thinking he was to be admitted, the other thinking we were going to be discharged..she won....we are outta' there! Of course we have a fist full of prescriptions, but that's okay! The knee looks good, a bit red and warm to the touch, and of course we have an appointment to see the doc next week, but we escaped the hospital in good shape this time. Al feels good and is very glad to have escaped with less than a 24 hour stay...all in the ER!
The wind is really blowing...it has been for the past 2-3 weeks, but today seems to be the worst. Gusts up to 60 mph and we are hanging on to the top of this hill for dear life! Of course it is trash day today and our neighbor was so kind to rescue our trash can as it was blowing down the road!!! We were gone last April, but our neighbors said it was just as windy. This time last year we were sailing the Panama Canal. And Al was sick. Maybe we just skip the first 4 months of the year!!!
Hope this finds everyone happy and healthy.....
Back in the hospital AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 15, 1:20 a.m.
Back in the hospital again! Al's picc line insertion site is infected and the picc line is pulling loose. This all started on Sunday when he complained that the area around his picc line itched. I looked at it and it was red, so I had Bruce and Holly look at it when they were here. They thought that maybe the clear plastic dressing that was over the picc line was irritating the skin, so they changed the dressing after washing the area with an antibiotic wash. Yesterday the home health care nurse looked at it and said the same thing, however, I called and got a doctor appointment for him for today. After seeing the cardiologist we went to the GP. He took one look at the picc line and said "You are on your way to the hospital"...ARRRGGG! For whatever reason, he can't admit people to the hospital, so we had to go through the ER again. After waiting in the lobby of the ER for 4 hours, we finally got to a room. A nurse came in and said, "Yup, that picc line will probably have to come out." Oh goodie! The same nurse tried to get an IV started through the picc line, but it wouldn't hold it. So he started a separate IV with a saline drip. Finally the doctor came in and said the picc line is working it's way loose, (after an xray showed this) and that it was infected. We all are praying that the knee isn't infected again, however, it is hot to the touch and red...but not swollen. More tests were taken; blood drawn for cultures, etc. Doc said, "you will be admitted and we will have to feed the antibiotics thru an IV until we can see if we can run another picc line." Oh goodie again. So the plan is for them to remove the current picc line tomorrow and keep Al a couple of days; then insert a new picc line. Of course, this all depends on the results of the cultures, blood tests, etc. and IF the knee isn't infected. If the knee is infected again, all bets are off when he will get to come home, but I don't want to go down that road right now.
I am way too tired, but can't sleep. Things were going so well and he was really beginning to feel good. He had asked the cardiologist today about possibility of getting into a cardiac exercise class. He doesn't feel bad now, however, I thought something might be going on as he said today at lunch that he wasn't hungry and didn't feel "right". That rings alarm bells in my head. And we both had just talked about going up to Showlow, Pinetop, Alpine to look at areas up there for possible summer living if we couldn't go north; and that is all it took! WE JUST MENTIONED GOING ON A TRIP and he gets sick. YYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE.
More tomorrow when I know more.
April 15, 1:20 a.m.
Back in the hospital again! Al's picc line insertion site is infected and the picc line is pulling loose. This all started on Sunday when he complained that the area around his picc line itched. I looked at it and it was red, so I had Bruce and Holly look at it when they were here. They thought that maybe the clear plastic dressing that was over the picc line was irritating the skin, so they changed the dressing after washing the area with an antibiotic wash. Yesterday the home health care nurse looked at it and said the same thing, however, I called and got a doctor appointment for him for today. After seeing the cardiologist we went to the GP. He took one look at the picc line and said "You are on your way to the hospital"...ARRRGGG! For whatever reason, he can't admit people to the hospital, so we had to go through the ER again. After waiting in the lobby of the ER for 4 hours, we finally got to a room. A nurse came in and said, "Yup, that picc line will probably have to come out." Oh goodie! The same nurse tried to get an IV started through the picc line, but it wouldn't hold it. So he started a separate IV with a saline drip. Finally the doctor came in and said the picc line is working it's way loose, (after an xray showed this) and that it was infected. We all are praying that the knee isn't infected again, however, it is hot to the touch and red...but not swollen. More tests were taken; blood drawn for cultures, etc. Doc said, "you will be admitted and we will have to feed the antibiotics thru an IV until we can see if we can run another picc line." Oh goodie again. So the plan is for them to remove the current picc line tomorrow and keep Al a couple of days; then insert a new picc line. Of course, this all depends on the results of the cultures, blood tests, etc. and IF the knee isn't infected. If the knee is infected again, all bets are off when he will get to come home, but I don't want to go down that road right now.
I am way too tired, but can't sleep. Things were going so well and he was really beginning to feel good. He had asked the cardiologist today about possibility of getting into a cardiac exercise class. He doesn't feel bad now, however, I thought something might be going on as he said today at lunch that he wasn't hungry and didn't feel "right". That rings alarm bells in my head. And we both had just talked about going up to Showlow, Pinetop, Alpine to look at areas up there for possible summer living if we couldn't go north; and that is all it took! WE JUST MENTIONED GOING ON A TRIP and he gets sick. YYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE.
More tomorrow when I know more.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Easter 2009

I bet a lot of Easter Egg Hunts in Tucson were ruined today....it has been raining since early morning. Around 2:00 a.m. we had a big clap of thunder, which sent both dogs leaping into our bed, and it started to rain hard. More thunder, lightning and rain! Wheee...we need it and glad to have it. Right now it is partly sunny, but we have big, black, mean looking clouds rolling in from the west, so we will have more rain yet today.
This has been another busy week....I wonder what a slow, lazy week would be like? We are having the out side of our house painted and the painters started Monday with the prep work and washing the house. Tuesday the painting began and since we are having it rollered and not sprayed, it will take a bit longer. IT really needed it and we are glad to get it done and over with.
Tuesday was doctor appointment day. AL saw the infectious disease doctor first and he was pleased with Al's progress and doesn't want to see him for 3 weeks. Then on to our new GP, who was pleased as well and doesn't want to see him for 2 weeks. YEAH! There isn't a single doctor appointment on the books for next week! Hooray!
Wednesday was Physical Theraphy day for Al, while I did some more cleaning out of "Stuff"....I keep thinking I will find an end to all this soon, however, I keep finding more stuff to get rid of.
Thursday we shopped all day! We left here at 10:30 a.m. and got home at 5:30 p.m. We have to buy a new refrigerator, so we spent the day looking for one that we liked and we could afford. We didn't have much trouble finding one we liked, it was the afford part we had a bit of trouble with. I can't believe that you could pay up to $3500 for a refrigerator (we didn't)! We finally settled on one from Sears and it will be delivered on Monday. And not a bit too soon as the ice maker in our old one is quiting now....and here we use a lot of ice. We went to Costco and Al walked all over Costco, and also Sears and a few other appliance stores we hit. He was tired when he got home, but his knee didn't hurt!
Yesterday was spent with taking Al to have his hair cut and a pedicure for him. Too bad I can't find time to have a pedicure for me! Soon...very soon. I did some grocery shopping as well.
Today I am trying to get ready for Easter. Bruce, Holly, Cortney, Gary and Bob Grabow will be here for dinner. Jeannette is in Hawaii for two weeks (poor Jeannette, having to suffer in Hawaii---wah!) Menu is ham, sweet potatoes, salad, deviled eggs, hot cross buns and "asparagus in the round" a new recipe I am trying. For dessert is lemon coconut cake...annual tradition in this house.
I had bought chocolate Easter eggs for everyone from See's Candy -- I woke up to having NONE of them this morning. Apparently , Schuster didn't want to wait for Easter and found them on the buffet and ate every one of them! I called the vet and she said if he wasn't sick, not to worry. He LOVES candy of any kind and I usually hide it well from him, but not last night! He had his own, personal, Easter Egg Hunt!
Next Wednesday I am taking the dogs to a snake awareness class. Hope they don't use real snakes or I will have a problem!!!! Stay tuned to find out.
Happy Easter to all.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Doctors, Vets, Docs, Vets
My week in a nut shell...doctors and veterinarians...repeat.
AL is doing very well. He had two doctor appointments this week. The first one was to our new Primary Care Physician, Dr. Dunevant, who is in the same office that Dr. Doner was. It was a little hard to walk into that office and know that Dr. Doner was no longer there. Dr.Dunevant was so kind to take us on as he is taking no new patients, but out of the kindness of his heart he took us. He is a nice man and I think we will be happy with him. He can't replace Dr. Doner, however, I think we have found a good doctor who will do what is right for us. He wanted to see AL to meet him and to get a short history of what had happened in the last month. He said he was going to read the tome that is AL's medical records and we are to see him again next week. That was on Tuesday.
Wednesday I decided to play ball with Beau and Schuster in the afternoon. Beau chased one ball and ran right into a cactus. He came back full of cactus quills...in his mouth, nose, face, paws etc. I spent about an hour trying to get them all out, but after pulling about 100 of them, I gave up and took him to the emergency vet. (Let me tell you, I am quite tired of Emergency Rooms.) They pulled out over 150 more quills. Poor dog, and he didn't utter a word of protest or whine about being hurt. All he wanted to do was play more ball!!!!
Thursday AL had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Martin. He is such a good doctor and we feel very fortunate to have him. He said Al was doing great, better than he expected and he doesn't want to see him for a month!!! YEAH. After we got done there we had lunch with Jude and Roger and Pat and Patti Voss to celebrate Pat's 62nd birthday. I always like to give him grief about being "older" than I am!!!
Friday I took both dogs to the vet for rabies shots. By now I am sick and tired of any doctors office, human or animal. As usual, when we arrived at the vet we had a greeting committee...they all love Schuster and Beau and treat them like kings!
Today we decided to go for a ride and get out of the house for a bit (and not to a doctor's office) so we went across town to a craft show where Suzi Waddick had her booth set up. It has been so windy the last few days I wasn't sure she was going to set up, but today was a bit calmer. We had a great lunch at a Greek Restaurant and we both had Shwarma's....a sandwich we used to enjoy when we were in Saudi. YUM! And the best part is that these were just like the ones we had in Saudi...finally, someone knows how to make them. WE will go back to this place!
That is pretty much what our week has been like...hope yours has been good as well.
My week in a nut shell...doctors and veterinarians...repeat.
AL is doing very well. He had two doctor appointments this week. The first one was to our new Primary Care Physician, Dr. Dunevant, who is in the same office that Dr. Doner was. It was a little hard to walk into that office and know that Dr. Doner was no longer there. Dr.Dunevant was so kind to take us on as he is taking no new patients, but out of the kindness of his heart he took us. He is a nice man and I think we will be happy with him. He can't replace Dr. Doner, however, I think we have found a good doctor who will do what is right for us. He wanted to see AL to meet him and to get a short history of what had happened in the last month. He said he was going to read the tome that is AL's medical records and we are to see him again next week. That was on Tuesday.
Wednesday I decided to play ball with Beau and Schuster in the afternoon. Beau chased one ball and ran right into a cactus. He came back full of cactus quills...in his mouth, nose, face, paws etc. I spent about an hour trying to get them all out, but after pulling about 100 of them, I gave up and took him to the emergency vet. (Let me tell you, I am quite tired of Emergency Rooms.) They pulled out over 150 more quills. Poor dog, and he didn't utter a word of protest or whine about being hurt. All he wanted to do was play more ball!!!!
Thursday AL had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Martin. He is such a good doctor and we feel very fortunate to have him. He said Al was doing great, better than he expected and he doesn't want to see him for a month!!! YEAH. After we got done there we had lunch with Jude and Roger and Pat and Patti Voss to celebrate Pat's 62nd birthday. I always like to give him grief about being "older" than I am!!!
Friday I took both dogs to the vet for rabies shots. By now I am sick and tired of any doctors office, human or animal. As usual, when we arrived at the vet we had a greeting committee...they all love Schuster and Beau and treat them like kings!
Today we decided to go for a ride and get out of the house for a bit (and not to a doctor's office) so we went across town to a craft show where Suzi Waddick had her booth set up. It has been so windy the last few days I wasn't sure she was going to set up, but today was a bit calmer. We had a great lunch at a Greek Restaurant and we both had Shwarma's....a sandwich we used to enjoy when we were in Saudi. YUM! And the best part is that these were just like the ones we had in Saudi...finally, someone knows how to make them. WE will go back to this place!
That is pretty much what our week has been like...hope yours has been good as well.
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