Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sailing, sailing.............
Tomorrow, at about this time, we will be sailing....yes! Our cruise leaves tomorrow night from Seward. Hmmm...Seward..poses a minor problem. Seward is flooded! They had 2.35 inches of rain in less than 24 hours and everything is flooded there. Hope we can get there tomorrow! Bruce is driving us down. Jack and Suzi got into Anchorage early on Tuesday..we had dinner with them last night. They were suppose to take the train (very scenic) to Seward today, however, the train was cancelled due to rockslides on the rails due to the they went by tour bus today.
We got back into Anchorage last afternoon. Rained on us most of the way until we got around Turnagain Arm. The news just came on and they are giving flood advisories for the Kenai Peninsula and Seward. I have to say that the river was very, very high when we left yesterday. And moving very swiftly. There has been a lot of rain up in the mountains, causing more snow melt and run off into the river.
We sent Jerry off today on a plane to Seattle and on to Spokane. We decided to ship all the fish instead of having him carry some...just too cumbersome for one person. We shipped about 80 lbs of fish...salmon. We also shipped about 40 lbs of halibut. Al and Jerry each limited out on halibut, but they were 20-30 lb fish. Once filleted they weigh about half.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Homer Alaska
We returned to the river from Anchorage on Tuesday of last week. I helped Bruce as much as I could with things that needed to be done in regards to Janice's death, then decided he probably needed some time alone to absorb all of it.
Son-in-law Dan and friend Tim got in from LA on Monday and were already fishing the river when we got back. They did pretty good, however, the fishing has really slowed down the last few days. Son Jerry got in last Friday and the fishing has been pretty slow since then. He has caught a few however.
I have packed all the items we are taking with us from our camp trailer at the river. We have sold it; and it is bitter sweet to say goodbye to it. We have really enjoyed in over the years, however, Al can't get down to the river to fish and I am tired of paying the lot lease on it and maintenance. We sold it to a good friend of Bruce's so we will still have the option to visit it if we desire to next year.
Right now I am sitting in Homer Alaska looking out at Kachemak Bay and the mountains and glaciers beyond it. The bay is as calm as I have ever seen it...usually the wind is blowing hard. It is very cloudy and rainy today, however, when we got here yesterday it was sunny and beautiful, albeit, windy and cold. We drove around and did some site seeing yesterday afternoon. Jerry is with us and we found a great place up on the hills overlooking town for some picture taking opportunities. I am also watching a pair of bald eagles circle right now...too beautiful for words. I kept trying to get a picture of them, but all I got was a blur. Al and Jerry are out on a halibut fishing charter as I write this. I usually go along, but decided to save my back this year. This is the first time I have had a day to myself in a long time and I plan on doing some laundry first; then hit the local quilt shop and bum around Homer until the boys get back late this afternoon.
I am still at the motel we stayed at last night and I am going to take a long, HOT, shower before I check out. I may try and drain all the hot water from their tanks....if you have ever had to shower in an RV you know what I mean. When you take as shower in an RV you have to get wet, turn the water off, lather up, turn water on and rinse quickly before you run out of hot water. At least its been that way in any RV we have ever been in. Needless to say, a long, hot shower is very appealing to me right now. It has been so darn cold up here that I need something to warm these old bones up.
One thing I mentioned to AL yesterday and he agreed, we haven't seen a cat since we have been up here. NOT ONE! I am really having cat withdrawals. Plus, I miss our kitties and puppies. And I am sure that Jennifer who has the dogs and Denise who has the cats are ready for us to come claim the spoiled brats.
We will go back to Anchorage tomorrow evening. Jerry leaves on Thursday afternoon. We will leave for our cruise out of Seward on Friday, so Bruce will take us to Seward on Friday to catch the ship. Friends Jack and Suzi Waddick will be cruising with us again....I don't think we could take a cruise without them...they are too fun to have around.
So until next time, hope this finds everyone living their life to the is to short to do otherwise.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Will this year ever end?
Ever had one of those years that things just continue to go wrong? This is my year.
Sad day niece, Janice Jo, who is Bruce's sister and Dicks daughter; died. She lived here in Anchorage and the police found her dead in her bed early this morning. still don't know the cause of death, there are plenty of speculations; however, I don't feel like going over them here. What matters is that she is finally at peace; she has had a troubled life, a lot of mental issues. Poor girl was a tortured soul. Bruce is, naturally, upset and both of us are trying to cope with all there is to do. I am just glad we are here to help him with what ever we can. Tomorrow I will go over to Janice's and start the great clean up and clean out. It is a mess, but someone has to do it and while I am here I will do what I can. Poor Bruce has really had an awful year. He is such a great person, and I am so sorry he has to go through all this.
Dan and his buddy are due in tomorrow and we will have him drive the motorhome to the river. I don't know if Al will go back with them or not. Jerry will be here late Thursday; so I may wait around for him and get some things done here. Then I will really have to get busy packing up our stuff so we can get it packed and shipped. ARG!
More tomorrow or the next day when I have my head together.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The River
July 15, 2009
We arrived at our camp trailer here on Saturday. All my sibs came with us; so we brought Bruce’s motor home down for them to sleep in. Bruce drove his car down and I drove the motor home…I really like driving it, even though part of the highway is very narrow and winding. The drive from Anchorage to here is absolutely beautiful….mountains and streams and just the way you would expect Alaska to look!
We saw no critters on the way down with the exception of a dead squirrel! Our critter count is way low this year so far, unless you count mosquito’s….then there are too many to count.
After we got set up here at the Fish on Inn, my sister Jean, sister-in-law Mary and I took off for Soldotna to do some shopping. As Jennifer said, “Soldotna will never be the same!” Actually all we did was go to Fred Meyers for groceries and to the hardware store for electronic bug swatters! I am bringing a couple home with me and they took a couple home with them…they are great little gadgets and work well.
We have pretty much just lazed around since being here. I am getting some much needed down time. The fish (sockeye salmon) aren’t running strong yet; probably in a day or two they will be running good. The last escapement count was at 7,000 a day and we really don’t start fishing for them until the count is up in the 16,000 plus.
There are over 60 wildfires burning in Alaska right now and it has been very smoky at times. One fire, burning near Tustusmena Lake is about 25 miles from us and we can see the smoke clearly from it. As of last night it had consumed 15,000 acres and it is one of the smaller fires in the state.
My younger sib, John, left on Sunday to go home; yesterday my brother Bob and wife Mary and my sister Jean all left here for Anchorage and they are all on their way home today. It is really, really quiet here now and we miss all of them. It was great to be with them all again and even though it was a sad occasion, I really enjoyed being with them. We just don’t get together enough! We are spread from Colorado, Oregon, California and where ever I am, so logistically we can’t get together very often.
My cousin, Patty and her husband and two other couples have been traveling in Alaska for the last month and we had a near miss the other day. WE ALMOST SAW EACH OTHER! Sorry we had to miss them, however, they were on the Kenai when I was in Anchorage; and then they went through Anchorage and didn’t call me, so we missed each other. What they didn’t know was I was just a quarter of a mile off the main highway when they went through Anchorage…so it was a near miss. Oh well, maybe next time
July 16, 2009
I am sitting doing what I do best up here….laundry. And you will notice the dog, GAGE in the back of the truck that I made friends with!
It is cool and cloudy today and VERY smoky. This is a picture of the smoke from the fire that I took last night. Really burning good.
The fish are starting to come in…80,000+ in the river now, so it is time to wander down (all 133 steps) to the river this afternoon. Al wants to fish and I don’t want him down there alone, so I will put a hook in the water as well. Our neighbors here limited out last night, so maybe we will get some fish today.
It is so pretty up here…it is hard to describe and pictures just don’t do it justice. You just have to see it with your own eyes to appreciate how beautiful Alaska really is. Yesterday was clear and warm, with white, puffy clouds floating by, that is, until the smoke took over!
Dan and one of his friends are due to arrive on Monday, so the fishing will be good for them. Jerry arrives on the 23rd and there should be plenty of fish in the river by then.
Our good friend in Florida, Judy Rahbar is in the hospital and that has kept me worried. She went in with terrible stomach cramps and found out she had a perforated colin! They did surgery on Monday (I think) and as of last night when I talked to her husband Randy, she was resting comfortably. Our prayers and thoughts are with her and her family as she recovers.
I miss my doggies and kitties so much. Even AL is saying he wishes the animals were here. I talked to Denise and Gordon last night and the cats are being spoiled rottener. I also talked to Jenn and the dogs are okay, Schuster is being a little pill….I figured this would happen as he is such a momma’s dog. He just won’t listen to her. Beau is Beau, if there is a ball in the area he is happy…he is happy anyway, but with a ball around he is really, happy!
Until next time we are a fishin'!!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Saying Goodbye to my Brother
Niece Janice, Nephew Bruce, Brother Bob and wife Mary, Sister Jean, my, Brother John and Al at graveside, Ft. Richardson.
On Wednesday, we headed to Whittier Alaska for the day. Al and I haven't been there, and Bob, Mary and Jean hadn't either. We had to drive through the longest tunnel in North America (2.6 miles) to get there. Until 2000 you had to take the train to Whittier, or load your car on the train. They have actually built the road on the train track. It is a single lane tunnel, one way at a time, and on a schedule. Whittier is a nice, little town, on Prince William Sound, lots of boats in the marina.
Tunnel Entrance/Exit
After returning to Anchorage, we had dinner at one of the many good restaurants, Henry's Alaskan Restaurant.
We have spent a lot of time visiting, just enjoying each other. Tomorrow we all will go to the river. Johnny will be leaving on Sunday; Jean, Bob and Mary leave on the 15th. We will stay at the river until the end of the month.
Rest in peace, my dear brother. I miss you.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
HAPPY 4th OF JULY! Remember the reason for the holiday!
Greetings from the land of the midnight sun. And yes, it is still light out at midnight. Matter of fact, I haven't seen darkness yet. And last night I couldn't sleep (stupid cough) and was up most of the night and it was still light out.
We are staying at my nephew's house until the 11th when we will go to the river. Bruce has a very quaint, cute little house on the south end of Anchorage. I just love his house. Very rustic; he has lived here for 20 years and very much a bachelor place. It will be interesting when the rest of the sibs get here as this is a very small place. We have secured the downstairs bedroom as ours. Two of the other sibs and sib in law will stay in the motorhome; baby sib will sleep up stairs in the house. Very cozy. I don't think we have all been this close, ever!
We arrived on Thursday; layed low most of the day. Yesterday I did some grocery shopping and stocked up on mosquito spray. Thursday night a mosquito slept with us (we are used to cats sleeping with us and occasionally a dog, but NOT a mosquito) and the little devil must be very full as I have several bites. GRRRR As one friend put it he must be fat enough to put on the barby!!!
Bruce went down to the river last night after dinner for the weekend. Janice (niece) came over for dinner last night and we bbq'd some chicken...yum.
Today we have layed pretty low...I could get used to this. I fixed breakfast for us of Spam and eggs (quit gagging) and it was very tasty. Then after a while we decided to go out for a drive and some lunch. We were driving down a very busy, main road here in Anchorage when I noticed something to my right....a MOOSE! He was a young bull; and very calmly stepped out into traffic, bringing all traffic to a screeching halt as he meandered across the street. And me with out my camera and my phone buried in my purse! Damn! But that may mean it will be a good moose spotting season for long as they don't chase me!
The cottonwood trees are shedding like crazy and I am -- achoo, achoo---reacting to them. It looks like it is snowing at times.....NOT! The weather is absolutely wonderful, in the high 60's, low 70's. A great summer so far. This time last year we had had nothing but rain.
We found Kincaid Park today as well....a very nice, large park in the middle of Anchorage. We drove around it...lots of people out. At one of the small lakes in the park a lady had 2 dogs, one being a white Schuster!!! However, this dog was a Beau in the respect that all he wanted to do was chase the ball. I MISS MY OODLES OF POODLES and my KITTIES!
Tonight we are going to meet my niece for dinner and then come home and do what we have been doing best for the last few days...relax. Fireworks here won't start until midnight or later, so we will just pretend we saw them....with our eyes closed.
Hope everyone is having a great 4th of July!
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
SWARMA...almost as good as the ones in Saudi
We are staying at the Holiday Inn at Sea Tac airport tonight....we fly to Anchorage in the morning.
We have had a great time in Seattle for the few days we have been here. And the weather has been absolutely glorious! We got to Seattle (actually Redmond) to Jenn's late on Saturday. We left Noxon, MT around 9:00 a.m.; did a quick stop in Odessa to trade cars with Todd and then on in to Seattle. Of course, we had to make a stop in Cle Elum for pepperoni from the sausage store and a few cookies from the wonderful bakery across the street! YUM.
Up Sunday and off to meet friends of Jenn's and ours, Mike and Nancy Tangen and their brand new baby Jack. Jack is 3 weeks old...birth weight was over 9 lbs...poor Nancy! However, he is a cute as can be and I got my "holding a newborn" fix. Then it was off to Ric and Janet's for dinner and to see Ashley and Cammie. Had a good, albeit, quick visit with them.
Monday was lab day...Al and I both had lab tests at 0'dark thirty Monday morning. Our doctors office had moved, so I had the added stress of finding the new office. After that it was a trip to Costco for ribs for dinner that night. Then we met friends Frank and Lynn Conger for lunch and had another good, but short visit. I spent the rest of the afternoon looking for those "Off" mosquito fan's that have been advertised. NO ONE carries them. I looked in 10 stores and yes, they had heard of them, but didn't carry them. GRRR! Dinner that night was BBQ ribs at Jenns wonderful new condo. Speaking of her condo, it is so nice and she really is happy there. It is a tri-level and we were all worried how Al would negotiate the stairs, however, he did just fine. He just took it slow. Her condo overlooks a pond, which has a %$^&* bull frog that doesn't know how to be quiet. ALL NIGHT LONG he "croaks", if that is what you want to call it. I can't quite describe the noise he/she makes!
Tuesday was "free day" doctor appointments! We lazed around in the morning and met Jenn and her friend Heather for lunch. Then the great mosquito fan search was on again...and still can't find any. I give up...I will just resort to deet being my body lotion again while we are in Alaska...and everyone up there is telling me it is the worst year for mosquito's. GREAT!
Dinner last night was at good friends Row and Kathy Brasch. They have a lovely home on Lake Joy and we always enjoy being out there with them. We had a good visit, never long enough, but it was good to see them.
Up this morning and to the doctors for our appointments. The doctor here was very satisfied with Al's care he had received in Tucson and was only concerned about how high his blood sugar is. So new meds for that. His blood pressure was excellent and the doc was very pleased with that.
After the appointments we headed off to a restaurant we were told had excellent swarma's. Now, those of you that were in Saudi know what a good swarma is...and we haven't had one since Saudi days. We have tried several, but nothing to compare to the taste of the street vendors in Saudi. So off to the Mediterranean Kitchen in Kirkland. OMG...real swarma's. Or as close as we have had since Saudi. The only thing missing was the cold french fry in them! And the hummus was excellent as well. YUM...we will go back to this place when we get back from Alaska. For those of you in the Seattle area that are yearning for a good swarma, this place is on 124th NE in Totem Lake, right off I-405 and directly across from the Olive Garden.
Well, that brings you up to what is going on in our lives.....hope all is well with you. Next blog from the wonderful state of Alaska. Watch out we come!