Ahhhh, it feels a bit like Fall around here! Finally!!! Yes, Fall is in the air, albeit, it is still in the 90's during the day; it is cooling down into the 60's at night. AHHHH. Cool nights are returning. The air feels "crisp" in the morning and evening. The sun's position in the sky is different, casting different shadows on our mountains in the evening. The air just feels different, it just feels better. Gone is the humidity of the monsoons and the strange bugs that comes with the monsoons. Don't get me wrong, I prefer heat over cold, but I wasn't bargaining for the HOTTEST summer on record!!!! But we have survived it....and even enjoyed parts of it. The storms were amazing. Even the heat was bearable; until the humidity set in. Now, we can sit out on our deck in the morning and evening and enjoy our mountains. Yes, summer is over, no more triple digit temperature days...I hope.
We celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary this week. We both agreed it didn't seem like 29 years...each year has brought us the ups and downs that a marriage brings; but for the most part they have been good years. Looking at 30 next year.
Now that the heat has cooled off, I am starting my walking plan back up. It was just to darn hot to walk in the heat and unless I wanted to get up at 4:00 a.m. (NOT) to walk, I wasn't walking. Denise and I are going to try and walk at least 3 times a week at the school track. Since she is recovering from hip replacement surgery and I am just, plain, out of shape, we will take it slow and build up our stamina (I am not sure that word is in my vocabulary!)
So until next time.....we are getting comfortable in Tucson again.