Monday, October 18, 2010

Where has the time gone?

Really?  It's been how long since I posted a blog?  5 weeks!  Let's see...what has happened in the past 5 weeks?  Apparently not much. 

It is still warm in the old pueblo; however, it isn't scorching hot!  We have actually had the windows and doors open for a while.  It is so nice to get some fresh air into the house!

Al has been doing fairly well.  He still has so many issues it is hard to keep up with them.  Between the diabetes, kidneys failing, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, congestive heart failure, etc......  Every week there is at least 1 if not more doctor appointments and at least 2 physical therapy appointments, so needless to say, it keeps me busy.

We had planned a trip to Missouri to see grand and great grand kids, however two days before we were to leave, Al got sick and we had to postpone.  I was amazed how accommodating SW airlines was!  We are hoping to go next month.

I will be taking a weekend off this coming weekend.for my rest weekend.  I am going to Seattle for the weekend.  A very needed break.

Well, since nothing much is happening around here, I will post this blog and hope that the coming weeks will be as uneventful as the past have been.
