WHat to write about David? I first met him when he was 2 days old...he was in the hospital still, under a yellow light due to jaundice. So tiny and small! And I fell in love...hard! He was my first true grandson. He was born in Bilioxi Mississippi...I was there for 5 days and it just about broke my heart to leave him with his Mom and Dad. They were so young...but regardless, he grew.
Next thing I know the family has moved to Wichita Kansas...ah, got to see him a lot more often. He was the sweetest baby...so mellow.

I made several trips to Kansas/Missouri over the years to see him and his brother Danny. David was always so sweet and kind to me. Over the years when the boys were older, Al would fly them to Seattle for the summer, to "surprise" me. Of course the first time he did this in 1988 it was a total surprise to me. What a fun summer we had. Then the next year he did it again, but this time I knew about it, but we kept it a secret from the boys because they wanted to surprise me again.
We also took them on vacations with us and to the Lake of the Ozarks when we would be there visiting friends.

Then the next thing I know, David is graduating from high school. Once again, time slips up on me.
Now, David is a father of three of the cutest, sweetest great granddaughters a grandma could ever want. I am so proud of you and love you David....Happy Birthday.