Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wow A month?

Here I am again...a month has flown by and I haven't blogged!  WHAT is wrong with me?  I ALWAYS  have something to say!  Sometimes it's not worth listening to, but I always have words ready to spout out of my mouth or mind!

Let's see...where did this last month go?  Well, for starters, Ric and Janet were here for Al's 78th birthday in April.  It was fun having them here and we always enjoy being with them...even if it is always too short of a time.

Then the first part of May our good friend Suzi had knee replacement surgery and they stayed here for a few days after surgery instead of going home to Rio Rico.  I don't know how they felt about it, but it made me feel better knowing she was closer to the doctor in case she needed him...however, she did wonderful.  As Jenn calls here "Miss Over achiever"  Suzi tends to amaze me in her ability to recover from anything in the shortest amount of time.  And no whining!  I WOULD be whining...I know I would.

The last four days Mike and Bev have been here.  We had a great time as usual; Bev and I out and about a couple of days at Quilt Shops, etc.  We all went to Mt. Lemmon one day.  The regrowth from the fire a few years ago is amazing.  And the new restaurant in Summerhaven was very good and very much needed.  It was a fun day.  Then last night we all went out to dinner at Michealanglo's.  We celebrated Suzi's birthday a bit early as well.  Had a fabulous dinner and good company.  Mike and Bev left today and the house seems very empty.  Mike had a few "honey do" chores he did for me as well...a few things I can't do anymore he did for me.  THANK YOU MIKE.

Al and I have been sitting here discussing how blessed we are to have such wonderful children; children who are happy, sucessful, and loving.  And not necessarily all of them are our biological children.  A few we have "adopted" along the way...and they are just as important to us.  You know who you are.  And then there are our grandchildren...what a delight they all are to us, and then, there are the greats....and they are just that!  We are so fortunate in our lives to have all these wonderful people.  THEN, we are also so rich in the friends we have.  Our lives are so blessed with the family and friends we have.  We love you all.

Al is doing well...his hospice nursing visits down to once a week for now.  He has managed to get out a bit more in the last month and enjoys that.  We might even try to do a longer ride (gulp) down to Rio Rico in the near future....maybe, if I get up my courage.  I just don't like to be very far from home with him. 

Weather is getting's that time of year.  We have already had several days of over 100....air conditioner running full time...I can see the $$$$ floating away.  I keep the ac set at 80, and when I get too hot inside, I go outside for a minute and then come back in...and's cool inside for a while.  Me and my mind games!

So until next time, live life like it is your last day on could be.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

So long good friends..until we meet again

Good friends of ours, Pat and Patti left this morning to return to their summer home.  No bid deal, right? year they will be spending their winter in FLORIDA!!  HEY!  What about me???  You are leaving me behind!  At least that's what I wanted to scream last night.  We will really, really miss them.  But a new chapter in life keeps opening up every time I turn around it seems. 

I just updated our profile on Blogger as was a little out of date.  Yes, I miss the traveling we feet start itching this time of year to get going...but it won't happen ... even if I think I can make it happen I know I can't.  Al is just too frail to try a trip anywhere.  Going out to dinner is a challenge and scary some times.  He, too, is asking me "when are we leaving" and it is so hard for me to try and explain to him that we aren't going anywhere and why.  In his mind he is still able to travel.  Heck, in my mind he is!  But then reality (damn it) sets in quickly.  So we will be here for the summer, fall, winter and spring.

Speaking of summer, I think it is here.  It was 95 yesterday, suppose to be 96 today and 97-98 all weekend.  We are breaking all kinds of records here with the heat.  I like the heat opposed to the cold, but this is just a little to early.  Another month or so, and I would expect it; but I haven't had any time to "ease" into it yet.  Last weekend it was so cold we had the heater on...go figure.

My youngest nephew, Michael was in town last weekend.  He and his band are on tour and were here for a couple of days.  We got to have dinner with him and it was fun getting caught up on what is going on in his life.  He sure is a nice young man....

Dick and Lano were here for a week and their whirlwind dog, Misty.  Misty is Beau's great niece and she is only 15 mos old....still a puppy.  I chuckled at my two old men dogs...they used to want to play ALL THE TIME with Dick and Lano's old dog Buddy and Buddy would snap at them to STOP.  NOW, the tide has turned and my two are snapping at Misty to stop! 

And on a final note, RIP Dick Clark, you were one of my idols.  My youth is gone.

And yes, we are in the winter of our lives now....just don't want to see a blizzard anytime soon.  Friends and acquaintances are dying off at an alarming rate....I remember when this was happening to my parents and I thought it was so horrible...well, here we are and I still think it is horrible.

ON that note, live life to the fullest every may not have a tomorrow.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

It's Spring....ACHOO!!

So, yes, my allergies have decided to kick in overtime.  Every time the wind even thinks about blowing my eyes water, my nose stops up (or drips--depending on it's mood) and I start to sneeze.  And not just one sneeze...I sneeze in series...4-5 first, then a break; then 4-5 more.  I may, or may not, be done then.  I may or may not repeat cycle for 2-3 more times.  Then I am worn out!  ACHOO

Yes, it is spring in Tucson.  One day it is 90 and the next it is 60.  We have had the a/c and heat on in the same day.  And EVERYTHING is in bloom; even things that don't bloom are in bloom I think!  And the is suppose to be "breezy", what ever that means...right now it is blowing hard.  So much for "breezy".  And when the wind blows here where we live, it usually doesn't blow where our cousins live in S.E. Tucson.  Go figure!

Company is a comin'.  Dick and Lano will be here this weekend with Misty (Beau's great niece) who is still a puppy (even tho she is 17 mos old)...both dogs just groan when I say she is coming.  They so quickly forget they were like this not too long ago!   Then son Ric and wife Janet will be here on the 20th for a few days.  Can't wait!  Then it looks like we will have a very, long, dry season...summer will be here and NO ONE wants to come then.  And I understand.  However, my favorite part of the summer are the long as they don't take out my road.  I love the lightning and long as it is in the mountains and not near me.  See, I seem to have a caveat for everything today!

Al is doing well, or as well as can be expected.  Some days better than others.  He went out to dinner twice last weekend and survived it (so did I) and did well.  He rode with me to Costco and other errands this week, just stayed in the car, but he got out of the house.  Blood sugar is a little on the high side, but we are dealing with it.   Blood pressure is good; weight is good; appetite is good; kidney's are still questionable, but they always will be.  Parkinson's shows it's ugly head at the weirdest times; but we deal with it.  So all-in-all, things are going good.  Lets just hope he stays on this plateau for a while. Hospice is wonderful and ever so helpful.  The nurse comes twice a week and the CNA comes 3 times a week.  Volunteer to stay with him while I get out comes once a week and our paid care giver comes once a we have it pretty well long as he stays this way.

Not much else new or exciting going on in our lives.  Snow birds have started their migration north so traffic is lighter, we can get in to restaurants, grocery shopping is pleasant again,  and things are quieter.  Seems like the snowbirds migrated earlier this year...probably due to the nicer weather in the north, except the Pacific NW....

Hope all is well with everyone....have a wonderful, joyous Easter and may the Easter Bunny be good to you and lay plenty of eggs.....that is still a question unanswered in my mind...but that is for a later blog.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Goodbye to another wonderful lady...

This is getting to be a regular "thing" for us lately, and I, for one, would appreciate it if it would stop.  But then again, we are at the age where our friends and relatives of our generation are dying. 

Last night we said goodbye to another wonderful lady.  Shirley in peace.  Shirley was my cousin Ted's wife.  Shirley, Ted, Al and I have been close in the past 20+ years, traveling together; visiting each other (they live in Colorado) and keeping in touch.  They traveled with us to Alaska in 2003, with the long, long trailer in tow.  Six weeks of "togetherness" in the 5th wheel...and yet we remained close!  Shirley and I had a special bond I felt.  She was so wonderfully talented with her knitting, crocheting, and sewing.   She liked to try new recipes; was fun loving and and so much fun to be with.  Ted said that sometimes you had to "speak Shirley" to understand her, I must have succeeded,. because I never had a problem understanding her. :-)  She was a wonderful mother, sister, grandmother and friend. 

Shirley had a massive stroke on Saturday, March 10.  She went to sleep Friday night and just never woke up.  No suffering, no pain, just went to sleep.  She did it the right way.  They removed life support on Wednesday and she took her final breath last night.  We grieve her death, but rejoice in the fact that she is at peace.  We grieve with her family, but rejoice in the knowledge that they will go on to a new and different life without her, but hold her in their hearts forever and have wonderful memories.  She has left them behind, but new children will come and hear the stories of their great grandmother and what a wonderful woman she was.  Yes, she will be missed greatly, but she lives on in our hearts and memories.  It is sad that she will never get to hold her first great grandchild, which is due in June. 

On another note, our weather has been wonderful the last it is suppose to be 85!  Wait, this is March, right?  Well tomorrow it is suppose to be only 58....I think the got the numbers transposed!  We are going to have a "cool down" as the weather guesser calls it.  I think so...from 85 to 58...I would call that a cool down!  However, I am not complaining, before to long the only "cool down" we will get will be sitting under our air conditioners!

Al continues to do the same.  He has good days and awful days, nothing in-between.  Today we are going on an outing.  He has  been wanting sushi, and has asked several times to go to the "sushi garden" which advertises a lot on TV.  It also has been our favorite sushi place for many years, however, he has forgotten that.  So today we are going to attempt an "outing". 

Until next time, enjoy life, it is the only one you get.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Grands and Greats


March 8, 2012
I have just returned from a week vacation in Missouri. See, Missouri is where all my great grand children live. I haven't seen them in over two years, so I had a great desire to go to Missouri. It wouldn't be my normal choice of a winter vacation spot, but, with them there I had no doubt where I wanted to go on my break. Needless to say I had a great time.  My daughter-in-law Beverly carted me from St. Louis where two of my greats live to Kansas City where 3 of them live. And as an added bonus I was able to visit with two of my grand children.  I needed a break.

Granddaughter Sarah and her two girls, Natasha (12)  and Nadia (4) live in the St Louis area; so I got to have a longer visit with them.  Natasha has had some serious health problems the last couple of years, so I really wanted to see her for myself and make sure she was doing well.  Nadia is a hoot!  She is a very lively 4 yr old and I enjoyed every minute with her and her sister.

In Kansas City I visited with grandson David and his 3 girls; Sophie (4) Ada (3)  and Molly (2), and yes, he definitely has his hands full with three little active girls.  I enjoyed just watching them interact with each other as siblings.  They really are good and play well with each other.  I can't wait until he has 3 teenage girls to deal with!  What fun that is going to be...all those hormones....ugh! 

The weather in Missouri was pretty decent...we had some wind, and a couple of cool days, but not bad at all.  We did get to experience a fierce thunder and lightning storm early one morning...the same storm that turned into tornados in Indiana later that day.  No thanks!  I did see the area of the tornado on Good Friday last year in St Louis...too close to the kids for my comfort.  Even after a year you could see the damage.  Give me an earth quake any time over a tornado.  I would prefer neither, but since I am a California girl earthquakes don't scare me like tornados do....just sayin'.

I came back to a cold Tucson last was 42 when I drove up to our house!  What the heck?  It was 80 when I left.  However, weather is to warm up again this weekend....and pretty soon I will be howling about the heat again!

While I was gone Al's caregiver Pat was with him for two days; then he went to La Canada Care Center (where he was while in skilled nursing) for 5 days. Hospice gives me 5 days of respite every 90 days. He is doing amazingly well. He has lost another 6 pounds; which I am sure I have found. He is getting a bit weaker I noticed today or maybe I just noticed it after being gone for a week. But he is eating well and still is able to walk with the assistance of the walker.

He was glad to get home today and the dogs, cat and I were happy to see him home. He is stable and that is all I can ask for at this point in time. Every day is a blessing.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Goodbye to a wonderful lady

Last night the world lost a very special lady.  At least my world did.  Or I should say our world...but let me start at the beginning.

Jude Hubbell and her husband Roger met Al over 50 years ago and they have all been good friends since.  I entered the picture over 30 years ago and I must say I was a nervous wreck to meet her.  I had been warned by Al that Jude could be "difficult" and if she didn't like you, she didn't like you..period!  I must have been okay, or a keeper as they say these days, because Jude and I hit it off right away.  I will admit there were times I wanted to throttle her; argue with her (which wasn't possible I learned), or just stand up to her.  She was one stubborn gal.  And I loved her.  She had the biggest heart of gold I have ever seen.  Very opinionated---very.  Some times it was her way .. only.  Yet our friendship grew and deepened. 

Roger and Jude moved from Seattle to Tucson in 2000.  We hadn't really given Tucson, or any place a thought to retire since we were still in our RV travel mode.  However, we wound up buying  a house about 3 miles from them.  It is always so comforting to know they were just "up the road" from us. 

In the last few months Jude's health has taken a sharp decline.  She has been in and out of the hospital several times.  Two weeks ago she came home under Hospice.  Her children, siblings and several friends have made their way to Tucson to see her and say their goodbyes.  Those who couldn't make it have called.  She was well loved.

Last night Jude gave up her fight and died peacefully.  I thought I was prepared for this.  Wrong....I wasn't.  No matter how prepared you think you are, you aren't.  With heavy heart, I pray for eternal life for her.  We who are left behind are sad, because she is no longer here; however, we are also happy celebrating her wonderful life and the impact she had on others.
Our world is a little more empty today, a little more sad, and once again, our lives have changed.  We will go on, remembering the good times with Jude and our memories we have.

Rest in Peace our wonderful friend, Jude.  We love and miss you. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's a New Year...

Six days into 2012, so far so good.  I peeked out from under my covers on Jan 1 just to make sure 2011 was gone for good.  BAD year!

Al is feeling okay.  He is weak, can't walk very far, but at this point in time I will take anything he can do as a plus.  His appetite is very small, which for him is very unusual.  He usually eats good at breakfast, but by dinner he really doesn't want anything to do with it.  But then again, that can vary day by day.  Hospice is caring, and not just for him, but for me as well.  For the first time I feel like I really have help anytime I need it.  Al took a fall one day last week that necessitated a call to my friends at the fire dept.  Also called Hospice and my wonderful neighbor barb.

Jan 19
Apparently, I got side tracked and never got back to the blog I started earlier this month.  Oh well, story of my life lately.  I start something, get distracted, and sometimes never get back to what I started.

It has been a busy month.  Our good friend Jude is very ill and as a result we have had some company.  Good friends Frank and Garrett came from Seattle to see Jude...however, Jude's house was full, so they stayed with us.  We had a great visit with them and Al really enjoyed it.

Last weekend son Mike and granddaughter Sarah were here from St. Louis.  They only stayed for 2 nights, but we really were happy to see them.  It does Al good when company comes.  Now, we are waiting for granddaughter Cammie to arrive.  Actually, she was suppose to come in from Seattle yesterday, but due to the snow flights and life was cancelled in Seattle.  She is now due in tomorrow...but from the sounds of the news Seattle may still be frozen tomorrow.  We are anxiously waiting to see her.

Nieces Sherrie and Denice from Seattle and Ephrata respectively are scheduled in at the end of the month.  And yes, I have been busy washing sheets and towels.  As long as I don't have to fold said sheets I am fine.  I HATE FOLDING SHEETS!  Always have, always will!  Especially the fitted sheet, which usually winds up wadded up!  And don't try to tell me to fit one corner into the other, etc.  Doesn't work for me.

Weather here has been absolutely wonderful, except when we have company!  Then the weather usually tries to be cold, windy, rainy.  This week has been so pretty and the forecast runs 68, 70, 69, 71, etc.  NICE

Al is about the same.  I can see him slide downhill more everyday.  His appetite is good some days and not so good others.  He sleeps a lot and is always tired.  At least he is home and comfortable.  Hospice is wonderful.  I also hired the caregiver we had from my brother to come in once a week and sit with Al while I get away for a few hours.  And Hospice provides a volunteer 2 hours a week to sit with him as well, so I do get a break.  And Barb also gives me a break on the weekend.  Don't know how I would do this without her.  She is definitely my rock.

So that is all that is happening around here for the time being.  Hope this finds you all doing well and living life the way you want.
