It's RAINING!!! Finally, some moisture! Now, granted, it isn't a lot of rain like Seattle gets, but more than 10 drops all together here is worth celebrating! Our deck is wet, wet stuff is running down the windows, and the road is wet and best of all, IT SMELLS LIKE RAIN! Of course, the weather guessers (now, wouldn't I love that job! Where else could you be wrong 99% of the time and keep your job???) said the rain would miss us. HAHAHA...they were wrong. Given, it isn't much rain, but when you have been as parched as we have been for 136 days, we will take what we can get! And wonders of all wonders, it is a nice, gentle rain. Unlike when we have the monsoons and we get all the rain for a year in an hour! And this rain won't wash out our private road!
We attended Tucson's Rodeo last week. What fun! We like to go to the Rodeo's where ever we are and this one was a great rodeo. One bull wasn't quite ready to leave the arena, so he just layed down in the middle and refused to budge! It was very funny watching the cowboys try to get him to move. They would get him up and head him towards the gate and at the last minute, the bull would turn around, go back out to the middle of the arena and lay down again!
Question of the day for me. Why, would the U.S. even consider letting Arab's run some of our ports???? Didn't we learn from 9/11? Are we trying to set ourselves up for letting terrorist into the country??? What about terrorism doesn't Bush understand? Now, I have been a Bush supporter, and I haven't hidden that fact. But I seriously disagree with his thinking on this port deal.
Until next time.................
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