Tuesday, October 17, 2006

News that really isn't news and other nonsense!

I ask you, why are gas prices so friggin' high in Washington State? Headlines in the Spokane newspaper a few days ago was "Spokane gas prices highest in state"....and it goes on to say that gas is higher in Washington than in any other state. Friday gas was $2.71 here in Odessa. Now, you might say, "well, you are in a small town." Not relevant. In Davenport (another small town) it was $2.59 same day. In Spokane it was $2.66. Today it was $2.59 in Odessa. I don't understand. I see in todays news that gas prices are actually under $2 in some areas of the country. St Louis being one of them...and Kansas City and Springfield, Missouri. Why can Missouri lower prices and we can't? Can we say gauge? And just why is gas so high in the first place? I know, some of you will say it is because of foreign oil...but what about the oil we have stored? Is that to be used for an emergency? Again, why? I remember my mom and dad complaining when gas went up over $.30 a gallon! Okay, I just really age dated myself! It doesn't seem to long ago whey we were complaining when it went up over $1. We would drive around and look to see if we could find gas under a dollar...that made sense--NOT! Okay...off the soap box!

It is getting cold here....it was 30 last night. We had both cats in bed with us last night, cuddled up so close we couldn't move. Of course, neither of us made them move. They are like little, portable, furry, heaters. The high tomorrow is suppose to be 48---me thinks it is time to get out of here and head to Tucson. Of course, I thought that 2 month ago. I still don't know if Al is going elk hunting, so our departure date for Tucson is still up in the air. The 5th wheel is in for maintenance and as soon as we get it home I will finish getting it packed and be ready to go just in case he decides not to hunt. We do have a doctor's appointment in Seattle on the 25th, and any time after that is time to leave as far as I am concerned. Not that I have ran out of things that need to be done around here, I just don't want anything to do with them right now...I want to go get warm.

Last weekend was opening of deer hunting season here. All the hunting gang from Seattle, minus one, came over. Frank has been down with pneumonia, so he had to miss deer hunting...which, I am sure, upset him. I left town as I do every year so the boys can have the house. I went to Spokane and spent the weekend with Al's cousin and my best friend. We had a great time...Jeannette and I went into Couer d'Alene and poked around the shops there. She and Gary spoiled me this weekend...and I loved it. And, just for the info, 3 deer were taken this weekend. Jesse & Rowland Brasch and Jim Jardine each got deer. And I almost got one on the way home...a nice big buck jumped out and ran across the road right in front of me!

I talked with my 81 year old aunt tonight. Oh boy, that was fun. All I heard from her is that she is dying (well, aren't we all?) that she hates where she is living (she is the one I moved to Colorado last year...it's taken me a year to get up enough gumption to call her!) She hates Colorado, it's cold (they had snow today), she hates her nursing home, blah, blah, blah. If I get that way will someone shoot me? She has always been a complainer, but she has it down to a fine science now! I think it will another year before I call again. Oh, and of course, it is my fault she is where she is. Makes no difference she asked to move there and my cousins and I made it happen. ARRGG.

Well, until I find something else to complain about....er....talk about, (do I sound like my aunt??) I will close this for now.


Jenn from WA said...

"why is gas so high in the first place?", You ask? Well, I'm sure an economist can tell you. But from my point of view its all political. I'm not saying one person or one party, but politics are driving the cost. The industry found out how much we stupid ass people would pay for gas. So why lower it? When there is millions of dollars to be made. Supply and demand at its finest.

Al & Jo said...

It's all really crap...it's called "lets screw the american people!"
