HUH? SNOW??? In Tuscon? is snowing right now! And it's cold! BRRRR However, at our elevation (3,100 ft) the snow isn't sticking, but at 500 feet higher it is...which is the ridge across the valley from us. We have had snow off and on all last night and today, and it started with thunder, lightning, snow??!! Yesterday our high was 75 degrees, dew point at 9% and humidity at 6%....and today we have 43 degrees, rain and snow. Welcome to Tucson in the winter!! WE are really enjoying the rain/snow .. and we have stayed in most of the day -- didn't want to get in the snow plow's way! :-) haha....I bet there isn't a snow plow in this town!
We had a nice Christmas...Jennifer, Dick and Lano were here. The weather was perfect on Christmas day, 70 degrees and sunny. On the Saturday before Lano, Jennifer and I went to Mesa to the "Swap Meet"....> to do some last minute shopping. As we were heading towards Mesa from Tucson we saw what looked like smoke towards Mesa. But, no, not smoke but good old fashion FOG! HUH??? FOG??? In Phoenix??? Does NOT compute. And it was c-c-c-o-o-o-l-l-l-d-d-d! 43 degrees while walking around the swap meet...we made it through 2 aisles, then gave up, we were too cold! Whooses...yup...that's us!
Jennifer left for home on Tuesday; Dick and Lano left Wednesday. I now have two very pouty dogs. They had so much fun playing with Buddy (Dick and Lano's dog) and Dick spent most of his time while here throwing the B-a-l-l for them; and if he wasn't Jennifer was. So, needless to say, they are now looking at me to play with them ALL OF THE TIME! Right now Beau has his head on my lap and Schuster is next to me looking at me with his sad eyes...ob brother! There will be no B-a-l-l playing outside today!
Al is fighting pneumonia again. HE has been feeling rotten for about a week, but didn't want to go to the doctor. Finally I made an appointment and took him yesterday. Doctor said it is a very light case of pneumonia, we caught it in time, however, Al is to rest and do nothing for 10 days to two weeks. The doctor hasn't prescibed an antibiotic yet for him as he wants to see the results of the chest xray that was done yesterday and because Al is on so many medications, he wants to wait to prescribe the antibiotic. More fun to be had!
I didn't post this yesterday..I tried to get a photo of the snow on the mountains behind us....however, you see what I got!

There was no snow today, however, it was still cold. And the cloud layer hadn't changed much...still backed up against the mountains. We are suppose to be on a warming trend starting tomorrow...we will see.
As the year ends and I reflect on the year, all of the good times, bad times and times in between -- and decided it has been a good year for us. My health has been fairly good, AL's has been just okay. We have lost family members this year; Al's brother and two of my aunts; and we have gained no new babies this year. However, next year that will change...I know of one on the way right now but I have been sworn to keep quiet for a while (do you have any idea how hard that is for me???) Let's just say I won't be the true gramma, but darn if I won't spoil that baby anyway...if I can get the real gramma out of the way for 30 seconds or more! Congratulations to you-know-who-you are!
We pray for peace in 2007; happiness and good health for all; and for all of you to live life to the fullest....this isn't a dress rehearsal, this is the only shot you get at life, give it your all!
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