Yesiree......we have a new car. Too bad I don't have a picture to share with you! I am remiss in not taking a picture of our 2006 Toyota Sienna Mini-van! Last week I decided, after much debate with Al, to buy another car. I didn't want a 2007 model and take the deprecation hit, so I started looking for 2006 model We looked at Ford, in fact at a Ford Explorer equal to my 1994 Explorer, only the 06 version. TOO MUCH MONEY! And the dealer wouldn't we walked away (only to have the salesperson call us the next day and offer a "better" deal!) We walked away from a Ford Freestyle as well. On our way to the Honda dealer we passed the Toyota dealership and Al spotted several vans in their used lot. So in we went, and out we came with a van 3 hours later. However, this is what I really wanted....and had been comparing everything else to. I LOVE IT. Yes, I sometimes feel like a soccer mom....however, it rides so nice and is so nice to drive and the dogs LOVE IT. They each have their own seat! And still room to spare. The Camry was getting to the point of needed some major work done and I didn't want to have to spend that kind of money and still have an older car. AL is adjusting to having a van...still isn't sure he likes it tho!
On another note, last Monday, Feb. 12, was the Yuma County Red Hat Convention put on by the Bodacious Red Hatters. It was a great convention, attended by over 500 Red Hatters from all over the country! My good friend Lano was co-chairwoman this year and she really put a lot of work into the convention. I know she was absolutely worn out after the convention and she should have been. The entertainment was good, Joe Bauer, a comedian from San Diego was great and Melba Lynn, playing the keyboard and singing was super! There were lots of vendors there as well selling all things Red Hat...and I didn't buy a thing! I have so much Red Hat stuff I could open up my own shop! I had a great time and I am looking forward to going again next year. We also had a great visit with our friends in Yuma...always nice to be around them.
We are looking forward to company arriving late tomorrow night. Ric, Al's youngest son and part of his family are going to be here for a week. Janet (wife) and youngest daughter (Cammie) are coming; Ashley (oldest daughter) is in college this year and her mid-winter break isn't the same time as Cammie's; so she will be home. We have lots planned for while they are here, including taking in UofA women's softball games, Karchner Caverns, and the Tucson Rodeo, which AL and I love to attend. WAH HOO!
The weather is as strange as it can possibly be! One day it will be warm and sunny and nice (and I am dressed for winter), the next day it will be cold, windy and nasty (and I am dressed for spring)....I just can't seem to catch up! OH well, soon it will settle down and be nice.
We had lunch today with a good friend, Ann, from Bellingham. She is Schuster and Simon's "aunt" to speak. We got the two poodles from her mom; so of course I took Beau and Schuster with us today so Ann could see the mutts. Schuster is such a nut anyway! He NEVER makes up to people right away, however, he did to Ann. Wonder if he remembers her? Also, in his hurry to beat Beau in the door this morning, Schuster hurt his back leg and has been limping around all day. He doesn't seem to yelp or show any pain when we rub his leg, but we can tell it must hurt him and he just isn't himself, so tomorrow if he isn't better it will be off to the vet. As Ann says about her dog, she has a frequent visitor punch card to the vet, I am beginning to feel that way as well. Haven't been to the vet with sickness or injury in over a year and now I will have been twice in as many weeks. I had to take Juanito (cat) in last week for sneezing and runny eyes and a lump on his neck. Sneezing and runny eyes (he is allergic to people?) we got meds for and the lump will be removed next cost == too much. Now I will get to donate to the vet again tomorrow. WHEW! Pet insurance is beginning to look better and better!
SO until next time something exciting, partly exciting or not exciting happens in our lives, we hope this finds everyone doing well and happy! As my mom used to say...TA-TA for now.
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