Thursday, May 24, 2007


Odessa, WA
Home again, home least our summer home. We arrived home on Tuesday night, about 11:00 p.m. We were going to stay in Richland, tri-city area that night, but like the old horse, going to the barn, once we got to Richland, we stopped and loaded up on supplies at Costco, and came on home! While we were unloading needed supplies for the night, it started to rain on us and the wind was blowing....Washington, welcoming us home!

Our trip was good. We stopped in Salt Lake at Cabela's...a HUGE store and Al got his fishing reel and a few other goodies. We spent the night in Salt Lake, and it got cold again that night! A cold front moved through and we were scrambling for blankets once again.

From Salt Lake to Boise was pretty uneventful. I might add that Al drove the entire trip, with the exception of a few hours and he did a great job and his ankle wasn't bothering him that much. As long as he could get the ankle elevated at night, he was okay. We noticed along the way that diesel fuel was less costly than unleaded. The highest we paid until we got into Washington State was $2.91 a gallon! Once we reached Washington however, the price jumped and it is well over $3.00 a gallon....and here in Odessa it is $3.49 a gallon. OUCH!

Yesterday we spent most of the day getting things done in the house and reading 3 weeks worth of mail. Today I am starting the laborous job of unloading the trailer. The weather has been great, in the mid 70's and sunny. We had Directv installed today, so we finally have some television to keep us up on what is happening in the world. HOwever, the last two days being kept in the dark have been nice! :-)

Jennifer and Cammie are coming over for the Memorial weekend and we are looking forward to seeing them. Jerry and Ardis were over last night for dinner and we had a good visit. Jerry is helping Al get the garden in and someone has left us one tomato plant that is thriving. We don't know who did this, but we are thankful for it.

I guess I have to admit, Odessa feels like home to me now, along with Tucson. Everyone here has gone out of their way to stop and say hello to us. Neil and Bobbi Wraspir stopped yesterday...they are currently in Pasco, but will be back here in a couple of weeks.

Speaking of Tucson...hmmm...uh, the day before we left Tucson we bought another house! HUH? Yup. We bought the house right below ours for investment purposes. It was in foreclosure and we got an excellent price on it; however, it needs some work, which we will have done this summer. So now we own 2/3'rds of our "hill"...a little over 5 acres. WE plan on renting the new house out as soon as we get it cleaned (and it really needs cleaning...ick!) and repairs done on it. The previous owners took everything out of the house, including the a/c and heater!! However, they left one, very, very, dirty, greasy, grimy stove! I have already decided to just haul it out and put a new one in. I don't think you could get that stove clean! Bleechk! We close on June 5...just one more place for me to keep track of!

The cats and dogs are glad to be out of the trailer and home. The dogs are loving the grass....much easier on their feet. And yes, the cats have explored and re-marked their territory and have laid claim to all!

So, until next time, if you are in the area, stop by! Call first, as you never know where we will be wroamin' next!

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