Next morning bright and early we got a call that her luggage was on the way to our house...and it arrived around 10:00 a.m.---crisis averted! We did a bit of shopping that day and good friends from Yuma showed up as well. That evening Al barbequed his famous ribs and Bruce, Holly and Cortney joined us as well as my brother.
Today dawned bright and sunny (it's hard for us to imagine that it is anything but that anywhere!) and Santa arrived on time. We had a big breakfast and opened our gifts. Even the animals got in on the fun as you can see with Beau and his "antlers".

Dec 25, 2007
Merry Christmas everyone. And yes, it is Merry Christmas...NOT, PC, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, etc. I am an American and a Christian and I am celebrating MY holiday! I have many friends who are not Christian and I do not deny them their holidays, nor their traditional way of celebrating, so I am celebrating in my tradition. Off the soap box Jo.
We have had a busy 10 days or so. Like I said, we have my brother moved in to his house, however, there are a few more details we have had to take care of for him. Still waiting on one mini blind to be installed, etc. We got his washer and dryer installed and they are working fine....and I finally got the rest of the bedrooms put together, so now, maybe I can do somethings I have been putting off!
We finally got the xmas lights up on the house last weekend! However, the tree did not go up! Too much still on my plate. Jennifer and her friend Margo arrived last Thursday. We picked them up at the Phoenix Airport and as per usual, stopped at Pancho's Mexican Buffet for dinner. Jennifer never lets us pass up this place! It dates back to her childhood days in Albuquerque where we first discovered Pancho's. We used to take her and Melanie there on paydays and they both loved the sopapillas (or soapy pillows as they called them). Oh, and we picked up Jennifer minus her luggage. Yes, she was a bit worried.
Next morning bright and early we got a call that her luggage was on the way to our house...and it arrived around 10:00 a.m.---crisis averted! We did a bit of shopping that day and good friends from Yuma showed up as well. That evening Al barbequed his famous ribs and Bruce, Holly and Cortney joined us as well as my brother.
Saturday morning Lano, Jennifer, Margo and I took off for the Mesa Swapmeet. This has became a tradition with Jennifer and I and now Lano. The girls had a great time shopping and we covered most of the swap meet before we got so tired we could hardly move. Of course, another tradition was In n Out Burger. Jennifer needed her fix! And come to find out, so did Margo! And since I grew up on In n Out Burgers I always need a fix!
Jenn and Mom
Sunday Jennifer and Margo took my car and took off to explore Tucson. From the amount of pictures Jennifer took they had a great time. Lano and I baked Christmas goodies most of the day...as if we all needed them.
Christmas Eve day Al and Jennifer have another tradition...they go shopping for my gift and they go out to lunch. They have been doing this every year since 1981 and have only missed one or two years when we were in Saudi. This year was a bit different since Al was having a bad day on Saturday, but they managed. Also, another tradition in our house is Frito-lollies on Christmas eve. Frito-lollies you say? WTH? This is nothing more than chili beans on top of Fritos with lettuce, onion, tomato and cheese. We have done this since both of my girls were little and I dare not change it. Matter-of-fact, Melanie carries on this tradition with her family! After dinner the girls (Jennifer, Margo, Cortney, Lano, Holly and I) decide to go look at Christmas Lights....very fun.
Today dawned bright and sunny (it's hard for us to imagine that it is anything but that anywhere!) and Santa arrived on time. We had a big breakfast and opened our gifts. Even the animals got in on the fun as you can see with Beau and his "antlers".
Afternoon found some napping, some reading and Jenn and Margo out for a walk with the dogs to Catalina State Park. This evening we had our Christmas dinner of prime rib, twice baked potatoes, green beans and salads. Yum. Then the pumpkin pie and all the treats that seemed to be everywhere! There is way too much food in this house! ugh!
The Christmas at Wraspirs:
Front Row: Holly Sanderson, Cortney Sanderson, Jo, Lano Gale, Dick Spaid, Jennifer Wraspir
So now the Christmas 2007 is drawing to a close. I am the only one left up, everyone else has gone to bed. I sit here reflecting on Christmas' past and of those who are no longer with us, but are celebrating in heaven. I also sit here, a little pensive, that not our entire family is together, but I take what I can get! Our prayer is still for Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward man.
Here's hoping your Christmas was happy and bright...Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
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