Well, it is not quite New Years here, it's 10:15 p.m. and I am not sure I will be awake at midnight...I am fading fast. But it is New Years in NYC, and that is the time zone I have chosen to celebrate!!!! So Happy New Year to all...welcome to 2009.
And, there aren't many places I can write this and have the doors open in the house and still enjoying 60 degrees! The last two days have been most pleasant...all it took was sending Jennifer back to Seattle for the nice weather to return!!! We did celebrate her 40th birthday on Monday...how did THAT happen??? I am to young to have a 40 year old, or a 43 year old for that matter!!!
I talked to Melanie yesterday and she said Portland was finally starting to thaw out...they had as much snow as Seattle. Very unusual!
My brother Dick finally came home from the hospital yesterday and I wish I could say he is doing well, but he is very frail and tired. Yes, I am very worried. Hospice has been called in and I must say they have been wonderful. So very helpful to him and his care giver Pat and to me, helping us understand what we need to do, and what is ahead for him and us. What a great organization! Casa de la Luz is the hospice we chose to use and so far they are fantastic! Of course we are all hoping and praying that he will get better and get back to where he was health wise, however, me being the realist that I am, I don't think we will get there. Hopefully he will be able to remain home and recieve treatment through hospice and not have to go back into the hospital. Put him in your prayers please.
Other than that, things are pretty quiet on the home front. As you can tell, we aren't very big party people...very low key tonight. However, there was a time...Randy and Judy, remember the mail box????
And on that note, Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
I'm Dreaming of a White Day after Christmas
This is what we woke up to this morning!!!!!

Can you believe this??? Jennifer arrived on Tuesday from a frozen Seattle looking for a little warm and sun; however, this is what she found!!! And if it had to snow, it could have done it yesterday!!!! Then we would have had a white Christmas!!!
However, our Christmas was just fine. Christmas eve is always spent with Bruce, Holly and Cortney here and we had a great evening. Yesterday was spent quietly here, friends Dick and Lano are here, and of course Jennifer and friend Bob Grabow was here. Notice anyone missing??? My brother Dick!! He decided to make life a little exciting for me last Monday night and was having some heart problems! EMT's were called and they hauled him to the hospital. We thought he would be home that night; however, his cardiologist had other idea's and wanted to keep him over night. Some Overnight...he is still in the hospital!!!! He went from ER, to regular hospital room to ICU and now back in just CCU. He is doing much better, thank you, but gave us some scary moments! Hopefully, he will be home tomorrow or Sunday.
We are enjoying our visit with youngest daughter, who, by the way, will turn 40 on Monday! How can I have a 40 year old == I am only 45...hmmm...at least that is how I feel some days; other days I feel 85!
Snow or not, today Lano, Jenn and I went shopping! Not much will keep us in today...the day of the great sale! However, I spent a whopping $18.95 on some rechargeable solar light batteries and I don't think Jenn spent much more! Nothing appealed to me. I don't need any xmas decorations, nor cards. I had bought xmas cards last year on sale; didn't remember I had them and bought more this year, THEN found the ones from last year. Oh well.
So to you in the frozen north land, don't bother coming down here... it is suppose to be 27 tomorrow night.
This is what we woke up to this morning!!!!!
Can you believe this??? Jennifer arrived on Tuesday from a frozen Seattle looking for a little warm and sun; however, this is what she found!!! And if it had to snow, it could have done it yesterday!!!! Then we would have had a white Christmas!!!
However, our Christmas was just fine. Christmas eve is always spent with Bruce, Holly and Cortney here and we had a great evening. Yesterday was spent quietly here, friends Dick and Lano are here, and of course Jennifer and friend Bob Grabow was here. Notice anyone missing??? My brother Dick!! He decided to make life a little exciting for me last Monday night and was having some heart problems! EMT's were called and they hauled him to the hospital. We thought he would be home that night; however, his cardiologist had other idea's and wanted to keep him over night. Some Overnight...he is still in the hospital!!!! He went from ER, to regular hospital room to ICU and now back in just CCU. He is doing much better, thank you, but gave us some scary moments! Hopefully, he will be home tomorrow or Sunday.
We are enjoying our visit with youngest daughter, who, by the way, will turn 40 on Monday! How can I have a 40 year old == I am only 45...hmmm...at least that is how I feel some days; other days I feel 85!
Snow or not, today Lano, Jenn and I went shopping! Not much will keep us in today...the day of the great sale! However, I spent a whopping $18.95 on some rechargeable solar light batteries and I don't think Jenn spent much more! Nothing appealed to me. I don't need any xmas decorations, nor cards. I had bought xmas cards last year on sale; didn't remember I had them and bought more this year, THEN found the ones from last year. Oh well.
So to you in the frozen north land, don't bother coming down here... it is suppose to be 27 tomorrow night.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
King Crab commits suicide at my table!!!!

At least that is what it looked like after dinner on Saturday night! Or a king crab suicide bomber commited suicide at my dinner table!!! Yes, we enjoyed a fine dinner of king crab legs, fresh frozen directly from Alaska, courtesy of our nephew Bruce! It was a Christmas present to us, his dad, and the Sandersons, Bruce, HOlly and Cortney. And we did a fine job of eating as many crab legs as we could possible stuff down our gullet! However, we were faced with 15 POUNDS of king crab legs! Yes, we had to finally give up and leave some behind. HOWEVER, after dinner, we had a party at same said dining room table, cracking and cleaning out all the crab meat, which was then divided up and vacuum sealed and frozen so we can do this again in the near future, just not as messy. BUT BOY WERE THEY GOOD! YUM! However, getting to the crab meat does work up an appetite...and you need iron hands and fingers, those darn crabs are pokey. Yes, we were crabby tonight, but a good crabby. This kind of crabby I could do all of the time.

In other news of the Wraspir world...IT IS DAMN WINDY TODAY! I think I saw a small house blow by earlier! Our house actually shakes sometimes when a gust of wind hits it. Winds up to 60 mph were forecast and I think, for once, the weather guesser was right! And it is cold, er, well, cold for us. Cold is relative here...we aren't cold like Washington State is right now (forcast for Odessa has it down in the - 9 area!) or cold like Wisconsin or North Dakota. But for here it is C-O-L-D! And snow forecast for tomorrow above 5,000 feet; we sit at 3200 feet so we will have nice, white mountains tomorrow.
Christmas cards are done, Christmas shopping almost done, and the house is beginning to look a little like Christmas. Next projects are to get the tree up (that is a project in itself) and get the house, inside and out decorated. I threaten every year not to do this anymore, but when Christmas rolls around there is just something in me that says I need to decorate the house. And every year I say I am not going to make cookies and candies, yup, on Thursday Cortney and I are making cookies and candy. Just can't break old traditions, nor, do I think I want to.

At least that is what it looked like after dinner on Saturday night! Or a king crab suicide bomber commited suicide at my dinner table!!! Yes, we enjoyed a fine dinner of king crab legs, fresh frozen directly from Alaska, courtesy of our nephew Bruce! It was a Christmas present to us, his dad, and the Sandersons, Bruce, HOlly and Cortney. And we did a fine job of eating as many crab legs as we could possible stuff down our gullet! However, we were faced with 15 POUNDS of king crab legs! Yes, we had to finally give up and leave some behind. HOWEVER, after dinner, we had a party at same said dining room table, cracking and cleaning out all the crab meat, which was then divided up and vacuum sealed and frozen so we can do this again in the near future, just not as messy. BUT BOY WERE THEY GOOD! YUM! However, getting to the crab meat does work up an appetite...and you need iron hands and fingers, those darn crabs are pokey. Yes, we were crabby tonight, but a good crabby. This kind of crabby I could do all of the time.

In other news of the Wraspir world...IT IS DAMN WINDY TODAY! I think I saw a small house blow by earlier! Our house actually shakes sometimes when a gust of wind hits it. Winds up to 60 mph were forecast and I think, for once, the weather guesser was right! And it is cold, er, well, cold for us. Cold is relative here...we aren't cold like Washington State is right now (forcast for Odessa has it down in the - 9 area!) or cold like Wisconsin or North Dakota. But for here it is C-O-L-D! And snow forecast for tomorrow above 5,000 feet; we sit at 3200 feet so we will have nice, white mountains tomorrow.
Christmas cards are done, Christmas shopping almost done, and the house is beginning to look a little like Christmas. Next projects are to get the tree up (that is a project in itself) and get the house, inside and out decorated. I threaten every year not to do this anymore, but when Christmas rolls around there is just something in me that says I need to decorate the house. And every year I say I am not going to make cookies and candies, yup, on Thursday Cortney and I are making cookies and candy. Just can't break old traditions, nor, do I think I want to.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
And so it's Christmas....almost
BRRRR....cold in the old pueblo tonight. Matter of fact, it has been cold all day! And our mountain tops have a nice dusting of snow...makes me want to break out the Christmas songs, and I guess it is time to do just that!!!!
As I sit here writing the blog, Christmas Card Address Labels are spitting out of the printer...yes, it is time once again. Only 183 cards this year..down from 198 last year and I am not sure why ... or maybe I am and I don't want to admit it!
Since my last posting we had a very nice Thanksgiving Day, thank you for asking. The crowd at the Wraspir household consisted of the Sandersons; Holly, Bruce and Cortney; some Wraspir's happened along; Gary and Jeannette and some Dashiells, Chuck and Jude were here from Texas (Chuck is Jeannette's brother) and then my brother Dick and care giver Pat were here. We had a nice gathering and lots of food. And Chuck and Judy and my traitor brother were delighted to watch the Seahawks get killed by the Cowboys! I finally turned the TV off...my house, my rules!
The last 4 days we have been in Austin, Texas where our God Daughter, Ashley Dionisio graduated from the University of Texas. Austin...what a place. We spent 99.9% of our time getting lost...even with the GPS! Our hotel wasn't the easiest to get to, even though it was right next to the freeway. Getting to it was a real challenge; especially when the freeway was I-35 and the frontage road was the same name!!!! Chuck did you do this???? Our poor Lucy (which we named our GPS) was soooo confused. She kept "recalculating" until she was about ready to explode. I thought surely the next words she would utter would be "I give up...you are lost!" However, faithful Lucy finally got us to the hotel...and that was just the first night! Needless to say, we spent a few hours going in circles, utterly lost all four days!
The graduation was great, we enjoyed seeing Willy and Nora (Ashley's parents who came in from Hawaii and were freezing the whole time...I say they need to leave Hawaii at least once a year and experience weather below 80!) We had a short but good visit with them. Ashley is engaged to a very nice young man, and his family was there as well and we enjoyed meeting them for the first time.
On Saturday Al's cousin, Dwight came in from Dallas for a short visit with us. He was on his way to Houston for a few days so we are glad he made time for us. We always enjoy seeing him and our visits seem to be few and too far in between. What a great guy!
We got home late last night...the dogs and cats were happy to see us. Cortney house sat for us and she did a great job. It seems a bit weird to me that she is old enough to stay by herself...but she is almost 18. Where has the time gone? And how did these kids grow up so fast????
Now I am in the Christmas frenzy mode. Still have gifts to buy and packages to send...arg. And the cards...ah yes, the printer is done, so it is time.
Until next post...hope all is well with you and yours..................
BRRRR....cold in the old pueblo tonight. Matter of fact, it has been cold all day! And our mountain tops have a nice dusting of snow...makes me want to break out the Christmas songs, and I guess it is time to do just that!!!!
As I sit here writing the blog, Christmas Card Address Labels are spitting out of the printer...yes, it is time once again. Only 183 cards this year..down from 198 last year and I am not sure why ... or maybe I am and I don't want to admit it!
Since my last posting we had a very nice Thanksgiving Day, thank you for asking. The crowd at the Wraspir household consisted of the Sandersons; Holly, Bruce and Cortney; some Wraspir's happened along; Gary and Jeannette and some Dashiells, Chuck and Jude were here from Texas (Chuck is Jeannette's brother) and then my brother Dick and care giver Pat were here. We had a nice gathering and lots of food. And Chuck and Judy and my traitor brother were delighted to watch the Seahawks get killed by the Cowboys! I finally turned the TV off...my house, my rules!
The last 4 days we have been in Austin, Texas where our God Daughter, Ashley Dionisio graduated from the University of Texas. Austin...what a place. We spent 99.9% of our time getting lost...even with the GPS! Our hotel wasn't the easiest to get to, even though it was right next to the freeway. Getting to it was a real challenge; especially when the freeway was I-35 and the frontage road was the same name!!!! Chuck did you do this???? Our poor Lucy (which we named our GPS) was soooo confused. She kept "recalculating" until she was about ready to explode. I thought surely the next words she would utter would be "I give up...you are lost!" However, faithful Lucy finally got us to the hotel...and that was just the first night! Needless to say, we spent a few hours going in circles, utterly lost all four days!
The graduation was great, we enjoyed seeing Willy and Nora (Ashley's parents who came in from Hawaii and were freezing the whole time...I say they need to leave Hawaii at least once a year and experience weather below 80!) We had a short but good visit with them. Ashley is engaged to a very nice young man, and his family was there as well and we enjoyed meeting them for the first time.
On Saturday Al's cousin, Dwight came in from Dallas for a short visit with us. He was on his way to Houston for a few days so we are glad he made time for us. We always enjoy seeing him and our visits seem to be few and too far in between. What a great guy!
We got home late last night...the dogs and cats were happy to see us. Cortney house sat for us and she did a great job. It seems a bit weird to me that she is old enough to stay by herself...but she is almost 18. Where has the time gone? And how did these kids grow up so fast????
Now I am in the Christmas frenzy mode. Still have gifts to buy and packages to send...arg. And the cards...ah yes, the printer is done, so it is time.
Until next post...hope all is well with you and yours..................
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
OH, that does feel good. You know how you feel when you scratch an itch and it feels so good? That is the way I feel right now. I just delivered to our local food bank 4 BIG boxes of food. It truly makes me thankful that we have so much and we can share with others who aren't as fortunate. AND while I was unloading my car, four other cars pulled up, one from a local real estate company who was LOADED with food and donated a large sum of money as well. Brought tears to my eyes to see people caring like that. By the timne I left, there was a line of cars about 10 deep....hopefully some families will have a wonderful holiday season now. And I plan on doing this every month...donating food to the local food bank. Maybe not as much, maybe more, who knows, but something every month.
SO that started me thinking....I am going to go pick up toys for the toy drive and donate them as well. AND I am going through my closets as we speak, getting ready to donate clothes that I don't need. Not necessarily clothes that I won't wear, but I don't need as many as I have. Al as well...all though he doesn't know it yet! :-)
So how about you? Can you donate to your local food bank? How about participating in Toys for Tots this year? Or clean out your closets and donate un-used items and clothing.
All I can say is I FEEL GOOD!
OH, that does feel good. You know how you feel when you scratch an itch and it feels so good? That is the way I feel right now. I just delivered to our local food bank 4 BIG boxes of food. It truly makes me thankful that we have so much and we can share with others who aren't as fortunate. AND while I was unloading my car, four other cars pulled up, one from a local real estate company who was LOADED with food and donated a large sum of money as well. Brought tears to my eyes to see people caring like that. By the timne I left, there was a line of cars about 10 deep....hopefully some families will have a wonderful holiday season now. And I plan on doing this every month...donating food to the local food bank. Maybe not as much, maybe more, who knows, but something every month.
SO that started me thinking....I am going to go pick up toys for the toy drive and donate them as well. AND I am going through my closets as we speak, getting ready to donate clothes that I don't need. Not necessarily clothes that I won't wear, but I don't need as many as I have. Al as well...all though he doesn't know it yet! :-)
So how about you? Can you donate to your local food bank? How about participating in Toys for Tots this year? Or clean out your closets and donate un-used items and clothing.
All I can say is I FEEL GOOD!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
News of the week....
Not too much going on around here this week. I took two quilting classes yesteray...must remember to only take one a day from now on! Brain isn't used to learning so much in one day! YIKES! I had a great time however, just hope I can remember at least 25% of what was taught! I have one more class scheduled for next Saturday.
GAS IS $1.94 a gallon...whoo hoo! Now, having said that, and I am glad, but WTH? I should be happy if it was back down where it belonged at $0.94 a gallon! Ouy Vey...will never see that again in my lifetime!
And speaking of life times, Mel and Jenn, who wrote on the refrigerator??? Something else I will never know in my lifetime. Guess we could blame it on the dog..if we had one then.
I have been busy scanning in a trillion (at least it seems like it) 35mm flim slides that are my oldest brother Dicks. A lifetime of history...unfortunately, I don't know who a lot of the people are or where some of the scenry is from. Oh well, he will hopefully enjoy the DVD I hope to make of these. And if I can get the DVD made, then I will tackle the gazillion slides of my mom and dads. I should (at least I hope to) know where most of those were taken and who are in the pictures....maybe. ITs been a fun project though.
Not much else going on here. The weather has been delightful...in the 70's most of the time. Last Friday Jeannette called me from her house in SE Tucson and was talking about how hard the wind was blowing...hmmm...I looked out side here and there wasn't a breath of wind. Tucson, for the most part, south of the mountains had a real wind/dust storm, but since we are NORTH of the mountains, we had nothing! Of course some days we have wind and they don't...
We are getting ready for Thanksgiving...a crowd of 12 here this year. We hope you and yours will have a wonderful Thanksgiving...
Not too much going on around here this week. I took two quilting classes yesteray...must remember to only take one a day from now on! Brain isn't used to learning so much in one day! YIKES! I had a great time however, just hope I can remember at least 25% of what was taught! I have one more class scheduled for next Saturday.
GAS IS $1.94 a gallon...whoo hoo! Now, having said that, and I am glad, but WTH? I should be happy if it was back down where it belonged at $0.94 a gallon! Ouy Vey...will never see that again in my lifetime!
And speaking of life times, Mel and Jenn, who wrote on the refrigerator??? Something else I will never know in my lifetime. Guess we could blame it on the dog..if we had one then.
I have been busy scanning in a trillion (at least it seems like it) 35mm flim slides that are my oldest brother Dicks. A lifetime of history...unfortunately, I don't know who a lot of the people are or where some of the scenry is from. Oh well, he will hopefully enjoy the DVD I hope to make of these. And if I can get the DVD made, then I will tackle the gazillion slides of my mom and dads. I should (at least I hope to) know where most of those were taken and who are in the pictures....maybe. ITs been a fun project though.
Not much else going on here. The weather has been delightful...in the 70's most of the time. Last Friday Jeannette called me from her house in SE Tucson and was talking about how hard the wind was blowing...hmmm...I looked out side here and there wasn't a breath of wind. Tucson, for the most part, south of the mountains had a real wind/dust storm, but since we are NORTH of the mountains, we had nothing! Of course some days we have wind and they don't...
We are getting ready for Thanksgiving...a crowd of 12 here this year. We hope you and yours will have a wonderful Thanksgiving...

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Getting Old
I am learning to grow old. Well, maybe, but not gracefully. I noticed this morning my mother's hands at the end of my wrist...only they had my dad's fingers attached. WTH? How did this happen over night? I also looked in the mirror and saw my grandmother staring back at me! When did she invade my face? And my hair....my dad's fine hair (just lots of it) and my grandmother's hair color. WHAT HAPPENED??? I am turning into my ancestors! I realize the weight thing...it just happens to some of us who like to eat and don't like to excercise 12 hours a day. But how did I get my grandmothers shape? Why didn't I get my grandfathers (who was tall and skinny as I remember...however, he probably wasn't all that tall, it was just the angle that I was looking at him from!) And my memory....I can't seem to find it anymore when I need it. I say the data bank is getting full! I see more Spaid in me this year than last, and less Emery. However, the Emery surfaces every once in a while when I least expect it. You can draw your own conclusions to that one!
And wrinkles....oh my gosh! If I lost weight, I would be nothing but one big wrinkle! Laugh lines, okay, but laugh craters???? Crows feet, okay....but their whole body I don't need!!!! And what's with the chin hair? WHY??? I used to watch my mom "pluck" chin hair...now I am!
And the eye sight, or lack there of. Even glasses don't help at times...even bi-focals! I remember when my dad went to tri-focals and all the trouble he had...I know what is in store for me! And the teeth...I still have most of mine, but for how long??? I faithfully brush, floss, etc. and see my dentist on a regular schedule...but again, for how long?
The one thing I love about growing old is the memories I have. Those are precious to me. I just hope I don't start re-living them all of the time - I would like to make new ones as well.
But then, the alternative to growing old isn't favorable either...I would rather grow old than not. Think about it!
I am learning to grow old. Well, maybe, but not gracefully. I noticed this morning my mother's hands at the end of my wrist...only they had my dad's fingers attached. WTH? How did this happen over night? I also looked in the mirror and saw my grandmother staring back at me! When did she invade my face? And my hair....my dad's fine hair (just lots of it) and my grandmother's hair color. WHAT HAPPENED??? I am turning into my ancestors! I realize the weight thing...it just happens to some of us who like to eat and don't like to excercise 12 hours a day. But how did I get my grandmothers shape? Why didn't I get my grandfathers (who was tall and skinny as I remember...however, he probably wasn't all that tall, it was just the angle that I was looking at him from!) And my memory....I can't seem to find it anymore when I need it. I say the data bank is getting full! I see more Spaid in me this year than last, and less Emery. However, the Emery surfaces every once in a while when I least expect it. You can draw your own conclusions to that one!
And wrinkles....oh my gosh! If I lost weight, I would be nothing but one big wrinkle! Laugh lines, okay, but laugh craters???? Crows feet, okay....but their whole body I don't need!!!! And what's with the chin hair? WHY??? I used to watch my mom "pluck" chin hair...now I am!
And the eye sight, or lack there of. Even glasses don't help at times...even bi-focals! I remember when my dad went to tri-focals and all the trouble he had...I know what is in store for me! And the teeth...I still have most of mine, but for how long??? I faithfully brush, floss, etc. and see my dentist on a regular schedule...but again, for how long?
The one thing I love about growing old is the memories I have. Those are precious to me. I just hope I don't start re-living them all of the time - I would like to make new ones as well.
But then, the alternative to growing old isn't favorable either...I would rather grow old than not. Think about it!
Friday, November 07, 2008
It has been a bit of a whirlwind since we got back to Tucson...but it only took us a few short moments to remember why we love it here. The sun, warmth, clear sky, birds, wildlife (okay, I could do with out the coyotes and snakes) and the general feeling of well being. Go to this site to see what I mean...Arizona We are getting re-acquainted with our wildlife....including the coyotes; javalina's; the birds, the Catcus Wren, the Thrasher, Cardinal, Quail and my favorite, our roadrunner, Freddie.
We named him Fast Freddie a few years ago. I just love to watch them..they are so darn funny!
We are finally about settled. The trailer is unloaded, now all we have to do is get it parked in it's spot...not as easy as one would think. You see, we live on top of a hill and we have limited room to manuver the trailer around. We park it next to the house and it does take some time and patience to get it parked. It is a chore neither of us care for!
My brother, Dick, celebrated his 80th birthday last week. His son Bob and wife Kat were here from San Diego to help him celebrate. On Friday night we all went out to El Corral, a favorite Prime Rib place for dinner. Then on Saturday night we went to Sullivan's Steak House for dinner. All I can say is WOW! We enjoyed our visit with Bob and Kat and hope they come back soon.
Then, a few days ago, I managed to turn another year older as well. I recieved a lot of cards, thanks to all of you who remembered. Al and I met Gary and Jeannette at McMahon's Steakhouse for dinner that evening. It was good as well, but not as good as Sullivans. All in all, I had a good birthday and as long as they keep coming I won't complain!
That's about all from our wonderful end of the world...we hope all is well in your world!
It has been a bit of a whirlwind since we got back to Tucson...but it only took us a few short moments to remember why we love it here. The sun, warmth, clear sky, birds, wildlife (okay, I could do with out the coyotes and snakes) and the general feeling of well being. Go to this site to see what I mean...Arizona We are getting re-acquainted with our wildlife....including the coyotes; javalina's; the birds, the Catcus Wren, the Thrasher, Cardinal, Quail and my favorite, our roadrunner, Freddie.

We named him Fast Freddie a few years ago. I just love to watch them..they are so darn funny!
We are finally about settled. The trailer is unloaded, now all we have to do is get it parked in it's spot...not as easy as one would think. You see, we live on top of a hill and we have limited room to manuver the trailer around. We park it next to the house and it does take some time and patience to get it parked. It is a chore neither of us care for!
My brother, Dick, celebrated his 80th birthday last week. His son Bob and wife Kat were here from San Diego to help him celebrate. On Friday night we all went out to El Corral, a favorite Prime Rib place for dinner. Then on Saturday night we went to Sullivan's Steak House for dinner. All I can say is WOW! We enjoyed our visit with Bob and Kat and hope they come back soon.
Then, a few days ago, I managed to turn another year older as well. I recieved a lot of cards, thanks to all of you who remembered. Al and I met Gary and Jeannette at McMahon's Steakhouse for dinner that evening. It was good as well, but not as good as Sullivans. All in all, I had a good birthday and as long as they keep coming I won't complain!
That's about all from our wonderful end of the world...we hope all is well in your world!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The world keeps getting smaller and smaller......
We arrived home today around 2:30 p.m. and believe you, me, home never looked so good. We pulled the trailer up in front of the front door and the unloading will begin tomorrow. We are glad to be home after an uneventful, fast trip home. I don't think we have ever made it from Odessa to here as fast as we did this trip. I looked back in our logs and we have always taken at least 7 days...this time we know we can do it in four if we have to, but I sure don't want to do it again.
We had a little surprise as we were leaving Fillmore, Utah. We were wrapping things up and getting ready to roll when this gentleman walks over and says, "Are you from Odessa?" Of course we replied we were and he says "So am I!" HUH? I said, "Odessa, WASHINGTON" and he said "yes". Then I looked at his shirt and he had on a Deutschesfest 2008 shirt on...and only one place you get those and that is ODessolet! I sure didn't recognize him, but that didn't mean anything. He starts telling us that he retired as the principal of the school last year...hmmm...this is beginning to ring some bells (and not school bells, either)...I seem to remember reading about him retiring. We continue to talk and finally Al tells him that he was raised in Irby (a very small town near Odessa) and the guy says "Do you know the Wraspir's?" To which we reply "We are the Wraspir's!" This is getting a bit creepy for me at this point. Turns out he was the band teacher and then the Principal and two of our nieces and our nephew knew him; as well as several of our other relatives and our sister-in-law worked for him. Now, is this a small world?????? Gordon Neal, aka, Flash Gordon and us wind up in the same small RV park in the middle of nowhere Utah! Small world just got smaller!
Our day yesterday after that was fairly quiet. The foliage was beautiful in around Bryce Canyon and Zion. We drove 438 miles yesterday and finally stopped in Munds Park, AZ, just south of Flagstaff. There is a KOA in Flagstaff, but we stayed there once and decided we wouldn't do that again as it is an old park and very narrow roads with tree's lining the roads. So we went to Munds Park, which the RV Park closes tomorrow for the season. It was downright cold last night again. Since Flagstaff is 6200 feet in elevation it gets cold there.
This morning we rolled out about 9:30 and stopped once for fuel and once to grab a bite to eat on the road. We just wanted to be home. The minute we turned off the main highway onto Golder Ranch Rd, Beau knew where he was and began to sing. He was home! The dogs flew out of the truck when we got home and began to explore their territory to make sure no invaders were here. The cats did the same thing. I opened the front door and had a little gecko right inside the front door, so I shooed him out before the cats had a snack. The house survived the summer nicely and both of us are glad to be here and perhaps rest a little. We at least one of us will.
My brother took me to pick up my car where it was stored and so now things are getting back to normal. Tomorrow we will start the unload process...I still haven't figured out a way to make this easier.
So until next time, we are home safe and sound and happy to stay in one place for a while.
Happy Halloween to you all....
We arrived home today around 2:30 p.m. and believe you, me, home never looked so good. We pulled the trailer up in front of the front door and the unloading will begin tomorrow. We are glad to be home after an uneventful, fast trip home. I don't think we have ever made it from Odessa to here as fast as we did this trip. I looked back in our logs and we have always taken at least 7 days...this time we know we can do it in four if we have to, but I sure don't want to do it again.
We had a little surprise as we were leaving Fillmore, Utah. We were wrapping things up and getting ready to roll when this gentleman walks over and says, "Are you from Odessa?" Of course we replied we were and he says "So am I!" HUH? I said, "Odessa, WASHINGTON" and he said "yes". Then I looked at his shirt and he had on a Deutschesfest 2008 shirt on...and only one place you get those and that is ODessolet! I sure didn't recognize him, but that didn't mean anything. He starts telling us that he retired as the principal of the school last year...hmmm...this is beginning to ring some bells (and not school bells, either)...I seem to remember reading about him retiring. We continue to talk and finally Al tells him that he was raised in Irby (a very small town near Odessa) and the guy says "Do you know the Wraspir's?" To which we reply "We are the Wraspir's!" This is getting a bit creepy for me at this point. Turns out he was the band teacher and then the Principal and two of our nieces and our nephew knew him; as well as several of our other relatives and our sister-in-law worked for him. Now, is this a small world?????? Gordon Neal, aka, Flash Gordon and us wind up in the same small RV park in the middle of nowhere Utah! Small world just got smaller!
Our day yesterday after that was fairly quiet. The foliage was beautiful in around Bryce Canyon and Zion. We drove 438 miles yesterday and finally stopped in Munds Park, AZ, just south of Flagstaff. There is a KOA in Flagstaff, but we stayed there once and decided we wouldn't do that again as it is an old park and very narrow roads with tree's lining the roads. So we went to Munds Park, which the RV Park closes tomorrow for the season. It was downright cold last night again. Since Flagstaff is 6200 feet in elevation it gets cold there.
This morning we rolled out about 9:30 and stopped once for fuel and once to grab a bite to eat on the road. We just wanted to be home. The minute we turned off the main highway onto Golder Ranch Rd, Beau knew where he was and began to sing. He was home! The dogs flew out of the truck when we got home and began to explore their territory to make sure no invaders were here. The cats did the same thing. I opened the front door and had a little gecko right inside the front door, so I shooed him out before the cats had a snack. The house survived the summer nicely and both of us are glad to be here and perhaps rest a little. We at least one of us will.
My brother took me to pick up my car where it was stored and so now things are getting back to normal. Tomorrow we will start the unload process...I still haven't figured out a way to make this easier.
So until next time, we are home safe and sound and happy to stay in one place for a while.
Happy Halloween to you all....
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Where in the heck is Fillmore?
Fillmore, UT
Yup...thats where we are. We are on the way south.
We got out of Odessolet around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. We had a little more to do than I had planned on. On Saturday instead of packing as I had planned, Al had other idea's. We seemed to have too many tomatoes, so we wound up canning 14 quarts of tomatoes on Saturday morning! THEN, I started to pack the trailer. Needless to say, having lost the morning, I was behind. I think I did pretty good by getting us out of there by Sunday. Al was all for waiting until Monday moring to leave, but I vetoed that right away because he would find something more to do and we wouldn't get gone until late in the day...I know him! We stopped in Hermiston, Oregon for the night. That was after discovering we didn't have headlights on the truck, nor running lights! WTH?
After leaving the RV park we headed for Pendleton, OR and hoped for a Ford dealership...no such luck. So we stopped at a Walmart so I could do some light shopping for groceries; Al checked the fuses and all seemed to be okay. So we decided to keep going (what else could we do?) as we had brake lights and turn signals and for some reason, we now had headlights on the truck. We stopped in Mountain Home, ID for the night as we were running out of daylight. Nice RV park, fairly new and easy access to the freeway.
We about froze last night! BRRRR. The furnace kept coming on all night and niether of us got much sleep. Al had cramps all night and was up and down all night. Needless to say I was awake. This morning I took the dogs for a long walk and found an area to let them off the leash and let them run. And run they did! We left around 9:00 a.m., and both of us ocmmented on the traffic on the freeway...lots of people heading south. The weather has been absolutely beautiful. Crisp, cold mornings, bright, brillant afternoons. And the tree's; the leaves are beautiful gold, red and orange. So far it has been a very pretty drive, well, with the exception of parts of southern Idaho and northern Utah, which are very treeless and desolet.
We are staying at our favorite KOA in Fillmore tonight. The owners are from Stanwood, WA and we try to stay here at least once a year as they really keep the park in excellent condition. Plus, it is at least a half mile from the freeway!
We are 659 miles from home...so tomorrow night we will be in Camp Verde, Az and home by early afternoon on Thursday...that is if we don't have any unforeseen trouble. Our truck and trailer are getting old and have a lot of trips on them, so we never know what will happen. I think it is time to get something new, however, Al disagree's with me. He is of the mind that we will keep these until they die...a thought I don't like.
So, until we get home, hope all is well with everyone.
We are...
THE WROAMIN' WRASPIRS, for the moment.
Yup...thats where we are. We are on the way south.
We got out of Odessolet around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. We had a little more to do than I had planned on. On Saturday instead of packing as I had planned, Al had other idea's. We seemed to have too many tomatoes, so we wound up canning 14 quarts of tomatoes on Saturday morning! THEN, I started to pack the trailer. Needless to say, having lost the morning, I was behind. I think I did pretty good by getting us out of there by Sunday. Al was all for waiting until Monday moring to leave, but I vetoed that right away because he would find something more to do and we wouldn't get gone until late in the day...I know him! We stopped in Hermiston, Oregon for the night. That was after discovering we didn't have headlights on the truck, nor running lights! WTH?
After leaving the RV park we headed for Pendleton, OR and hoped for a Ford dealership...no such luck. So we stopped at a Walmart so I could do some light shopping for groceries; Al checked the fuses and all seemed to be okay. So we decided to keep going (what else could we do?) as we had brake lights and turn signals and for some reason, we now had headlights on the truck. We stopped in Mountain Home, ID for the night as we were running out of daylight. Nice RV park, fairly new and easy access to the freeway.
We about froze last night! BRRRR. The furnace kept coming on all night and niether of us got much sleep. Al had cramps all night and was up and down all night. Needless to say I was awake. This morning I took the dogs for a long walk and found an area to let them off the leash and let them run. And run they did! We left around 9:00 a.m., and both of us ocmmented on the traffic on the freeway...lots of people heading south. The weather has been absolutely beautiful. Crisp, cold mornings, bright, brillant afternoons. And the tree's; the leaves are beautiful gold, red and orange. So far it has been a very pretty drive, well, with the exception of parts of southern Idaho and northern Utah, which are very treeless and desolet.
We are staying at our favorite KOA in Fillmore tonight. The owners are from Stanwood, WA and we try to stay here at least once a year as they really keep the park in excellent condition. Plus, it is at least a half mile from the freeway!
We are 659 miles from home...so tomorrow night we will be in Camp Verde, Az and home by early afternoon on Thursday...that is if we don't have any unforeseen trouble. Our truck and trailer are getting old and have a lot of trips on them, so we never know what will happen. I think it is time to get something new, however, Al disagree's with me. He is of the mind that we will keep these until they die...a thought I don't like.
So, until we get home, hope all is well with everyone.
We are...
THE WROAMIN' WRASPIRS, for the moment.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Last Two Days in San Francisco
San Francisco
Let's see, where did I leave off? Oh yeah...now I remember.
After having our In N Out burgers at Fisherman's Wharf we meandered down through Chinatown again and then to Grace Cathedral. What a beautiful cathedral, very impressive architecture.

From there we walked past what we thought was the Flood Mansion; turned out it wasn't the Flood Mansion at all and I still don't know what this big, brown, mansion is. We stopped at The Fairmont Hotel for a coffee/drink for a rest. Our feet/back were beginning to hurt. WE then took a cab from there to Telegraph Hill and Coit Tower. Legend has it that this monument is shaped like a fire-hose nozzle. It is not, at least not by design. The tower is the gift of Lilly Hitchcock Coit, an eccentric heiress who managed to stand out in a city full of them. Lilly's particular passion was for the San Francisco Fire Department. So when the money she left in her will for the city's beautification was used to construct the art deco tower on Telegraph Hill in 1932, people made assumptions. The view from here is amazing! I felt like I could see forever. And it was a perfectly clear day as well.

After the tower we headed to North Beach area for dinner. After checking out several restaurants, including Joe DiMaggio's, (which we couldn't afford) we settled on Caffe Delucchi -- an excellent Italian Restaurant. I finally realized that we have ate at an Italian Restaurant every night but one since we have been here. And all of them have been excellent.
Jennifer left for home early this morning. After we had breakfast, Kathy and Janet headed out for a walking tour of Victorian homes. I elected to not aggravate my back any more. I headed for Chinatown and then walked back to the hotel...which I discovered was a 2 mile walk. However, it was down hill and since the weather has been so nice I really enjoyed it. I took my time and rested and walked at a slower pace than the girls do. I know I probably hold them up when we are going somewhere together...I just can't walk as fast as they can anymore. Guess age is really starting to creep up on me...at least I feel it this week as I can't keep up with the young crustaceans anymore--and yes, I am the old crab!
This evening we ventured out to a Brazilian Steakhouse! OH MY GOODNESS! I repeat, OH MY GOODNESS! If you have never been to one; GO! They are bit on the expensive side, but when you realize what all you get, the expense evens out. You start out at the salad bar; which is huge! All kinds of different salads, coucous, my favorite taboleh, and much more. Also there is hot dishes of beans, rice, paella, potatoes, etc. Back at your table you have a round disk that on one side is red and says STOP and the other side is Green and says GO. GO! Then the feast begins. First of all, most of the meat is served by waiters handling a huge skewer of meat and a very sharp knife! First one to our table had sausages, very tasty. Next came top sirloin, then chicken hearts (yes, you read that right), then beef chunks marinated in red wine (delicious), then pork roast, chicken legs, shrimp, and finally filet mignon. All were excellent, but the filet was the best I have ever had. We litterally waddled out of the place and waddled back to our hotel! We were stuffed but happy. Very different dining experience and I thought it was excellent!
Good bye San Francisco, back to the real world. We hit the airport early and Kathy and Janet caught an early flight back to Seattle. I was on a different airline so I didn't leave until 1:00 p.m. and into Seattle by 3:00 p.m. Had to change airlines, so I got my luggage and drug the whole mess to Alaska Airlines for my flight to Spokane. I got up to the gate and had over an hour to wait, so I was chatting with the lady next to me when I looked up and there stood Al's niece Penny! We were sure surprised to see each other. She had been to Seattle for a conference and was on her way home to Spokane and we were on the same, very packed flight back to Spokane.
Jerry and AL picked me up and we stopped for dinner which was no comparison to the night before! Got home to some very happy to see me dogs and cats! Now the real work starts...getting the 5th wheel ready to leave for Tucson hopefully on Sunday. More from the road.
Let's see, where did I leave off? Oh yeah...now I remember.
After having our In N Out burgers at Fisherman's Wharf we meandered down through Chinatown again and then to Grace Cathedral. What a beautiful cathedral, very impressive architecture.
From there we walked past what we thought was the Flood Mansion; turned out it wasn't the Flood Mansion at all and I still don't know what this big, brown, mansion is. We stopped at The Fairmont Hotel for a coffee/drink for a rest. Our feet/back were beginning to hurt. WE then took a cab from there to Telegraph Hill and Coit Tower. Legend has it that this monument is shaped like a fire-hose nozzle. It is not, at least not by design. The tower is the gift of Lilly Hitchcock Coit, an eccentric heiress who managed to stand out in a city full of them. Lilly's particular passion was for the San Francisco Fire Department. So when the money she left in her will for the city's beautification was used to construct the art deco tower on Telegraph Hill in 1932, people made assumptions. The view from here is amazing! I felt like I could see forever. And it was a perfectly clear day as well.
After the tower we headed to North Beach area for dinner. After checking out several restaurants, including Joe DiMaggio's, (which we couldn't afford) we settled on Caffe Delucchi -- an excellent Italian Restaurant. I finally realized that we have ate at an Italian Restaurant every night but one since we have been here. And all of them have been excellent.
Jennifer left for home early this morning. After we had breakfast, Kathy and Janet headed out for a walking tour of Victorian homes. I elected to not aggravate my back any more. I headed for Chinatown and then walked back to the hotel...which I discovered was a 2 mile walk. However, it was down hill and since the weather has been so nice I really enjoyed it. I took my time and rested and walked at a slower pace than the girls do. I know I probably hold them up when we are going somewhere together...I just can't walk as fast as they can anymore. Guess age is really starting to creep up on me...at least I feel it this week as I can't keep up with the young crustaceans anymore--and yes, I am the old crab!
This evening we ventured out to a Brazilian Steakhouse! OH MY GOODNESS! I repeat, OH MY GOODNESS! If you have never been to one; GO! They are bit on the expensive side, but when you realize what all you get, the expense evens out. You start out at the salad bar; which is huge! All kinds of different salads, coucous, my favorite taboleh, and much more. Also there is hot dishes of beans, rice, paella, potatoes, etc. Back at your table you have a round disk that on one side is red and says STOP and the other side is Green and says GO. GO! Then the feast begins. First of all, most of the meat is served by waiters handling a huge skewer of meat and a very sharp knife! First one to our table had sausages, very tasty. Next came top sirloin, then chicken hearts (yes, you read that right), then beef chunks marinated in red wine (delicious), then pork roast, chicken legs, shrimp, and finally filet mignon. All were excellent, but the filet was the best I have ever had. We litterally waddled out of the place and waddled back to our hotel! We were stuffed but happy. Very different dining experience and I thought it was excellent!
Good bye San Francisco, back to the real world. We hit the airport early and Kathy and Janet caught an early flight back to Seattle. I was on a different airline so I didn't leave until 1:00 p.m. and into Seattle by 3:00 p.m. Had to change airlines, so I got my luggage and drug the whole mess to Alaska Airlines for my flight to Spokane. I got up to the gate and had over an hour to wait, so I was chatting with the lady next to me when I looked up and there stood Al's niece Penny! We were sure surprised to see each other. She had been to Seattle for a conference and was on her way home to Spokane and we were on the same, very packed flight back to Spokane.
Jerry and AL picked me up and we stopped for dinner which was no comparison to the night before! Got home to some very happy to see me dogs and cats! Now the real work starts...getting the 5th wheel ready to leave for Tucson hopefully on Sunday. More from the road.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
What do Crabhats, Golden Gate, Chinatown, and Alcatraz have in common?
San Francisco
What do Crabhats, Golden Gate, Chinatown, and Alcatraz have in common? The answer my friends is not blowin' in the wind as the song goes (or maybe it is!) - the answer is three crustaceans and an old crab have landed in San Francisco. Daughter Jennifer, daughter-in-law Janet and good friend Kathy and I are terrorizing the town. And what fun we are having doing the terrorizing!
Lets start at the beginning....if I can remember it. We arrived Saturday at noon and immediately took a shuttle ride to our hotel for the first night. The ride from the airport was nothing less than absolute fear...the driver was crazy and several times I thought we weren't going to be alive to tell the story or even see the city! However, we survived the ride, dumped our bags at the hotel and started off for Fisherman's Wharf, which was a few short blocks away. But first things first, we were all starved. We found a great pub for lunch....Fiddler's Green. We couldn't make up our minds what we wanted to eat so we shared...Banger's and Mash; and Irish hamburger and Irish stew. YUM!
Now we were ready to go see what kind of trouble we could cook up at Fisherman's Wharf. We walked down the street until we got to Pier 39 which is really a tourist trap, but we are tourists, so we strolled through it. We kept loosing each other in the crowd. It was getting frustrating and we needed a way to spot each other...so we came up with an idea. We bought and wore crab hats! Yes, sober and all, the four of us wore crab hats.

Yes, we were sober! And yes, we were able to spot each other in a crowd! And yes, we did attract a little bit of attention. Strangers asked where we got the hats; took our pictures and made comment on "how cute" it was. They were probably thinking we were real idiots, but we didn't care and we were having fun. And we laughed...oh how hard can we laugh!
We had dinner at Aliotto's that night...I insisted! And boy was it ever good! WOW! And we are such party animals that we were crashed at 9:00 p.m. -- done for the day!
We were up and off for our first tour. We purchased a two day tour from the "hop off-hop on" bus. Our first tour was the city loop. SF is such an interesting, diverse city. We started in Fisherman's Wharf, then through the Embarcadaro, Financial District, the Tenderloin (where we were advised to not walk alone), Union Square and Chinatown, North Beach and finally back to where we started. However, Kathy and I hopped off at Chinatown and had Dim Sum for lunch and wandered the streets there for a while; the other two went on to take the tour of the Golden Gate.

We all met up later in the afternoon as we had to change hotels. But before we did that, we had to go to Ghiradelli Square which was just down the street from our hotel for some chocolate. We had hot fudge sundaes and did a little Chocolate shopping.

I had booked our timeshare for Sun-Fri; then all of us decided we wanted to come in a day earlier, so I just booked a day at another timeshare. At any rate, we loaded our luggage up into a town car (no more shuttles for us and the cost was the same) and we took off for Inn at the Opera which is located right next to the Opera house and Civic Center. However, our driver did take us down Lombard street...the crookedest street in SF. What a street....I have always wanted to drive down it! After getting settled in the hotel we walked a few blocks to an Italian Restaurant where locals go and boy it was good. YUM again.
Up early on Monday (I thought we were on vacation?) and off to pickup our tickets for our Alcatraz tour later that day. Kathy and I took the Golden Gate tour and Jennifer and Janet took the Chinatown trip. The day before when they took the Golden Gate tour they were so cold (we are on the top of double decker open air buses) so Kathy and I prepared and wore several layers of clothing. However, we had a beautiful, sunny, warm, clear day and we were shedding layers of clothing before too long. This tour took us over the bridge; through the Presidio; Pacific Heights, Cow Hollow and Russian Hill. The Presidio is now owned by the National Parks and they are converting many of the dwellings into houses...albeit, very expensive houses. We ended our tour and met the other two for lunch at Fog City Diner. Then it was off to Alcatraz.

Very interesting tour. Having never been in a jail before (any of us) it was all very interesting and we all decided we didn't ever want to reside in one of these. Many prisoners tried to escape "the rock" and only 3 ever succeeded...however, it isn't known if they actually succeeded, or drown trying to swim the icy waters of SF Bay. Alcatraz was a prison for 29 years before it just became to expensive to use. Since everything, including water had to be transported over, the government closed it down in an attempt to cut costs. (and we all know how the government can cut costs!!) After it closed as a prison, Native Indians took it over as their own for a while before they were forced off the island. Now it is owned by the US Parks service.
After our tour there, we were back to catch a "city lights" night tour of SF. It basically took us over most of what the city tour did, except we did go by the "Painted Ladies". The Painted Ladies are a set of seven Victorian Houses in the Victorian and Edwardian styles were built in San Francisco between 1849 and 1915 and many were painted in bright colors. This is also known as "Post Card Row" as many postcards are pictures of these houses. Also the TV Show "Full House" was set here. Very pretty.

By the time we were done with this busy day we crashed. We are certainly doing a lot of walking and trying to see everything we can in the few days we are here.
Our day to ride cable cars! You can't come to SF and not ride cable cars! We started on the Powell Mason and rode it from end to end, then walked a few blocks to the Powell Hyde car, which takes you up "Rice-a-Roni" hill (made famous by the commercial for Rice a Roni). We stopped at the cable car museum, then on to the California Cable Car line, from end to end. Cable cars are so fascinating. Then we hopped on the street car (different from Cable car) and went out to Castro district and then on to the bus back to the Painted Ladies and Victorian House area. Finally back to the hotel....I was done for! My back was hurting, so I begged off dinner and just layed low last night. It was a fun day tho!
Today we are heading for an In N Out Burger (what? you didn't think I would let that slip by) and then to the North Beach area. The girls are out right now touring the city hall/library area. I opted to stay home and blog! More later.
What do Crabhats, Golden Gate, Chinatown, and Alcatraz have in common? The answer my friends is not blowin' in the wind as the song goes (or maybe it is!) - the answer is three crustaceans and an old crab have landed in San Francisco. Daughter Jennifer, daughter-in-law Janet and good friend Kathy and I are terrorizing the town. And what fun we are having doing the terrorizing!
Lets start at the beginning....if I can remember it. We arrived Saturday at noon and immediately took a shuttle ride to our hotel for the first night. The ride from the airport was nothing less than absolute fear...the driver was crazy and several times I thought we weren't going to be alive to tell the story or even see the city! However, we survived the ride, dumped our bags at the hotel and started off for Fisherman's Wharf, which was a few short blocks away. But first things first, we were all starved. We found a great pub for lunch....Fiddler's Green. We couldn't make up our minds what we wanted to eat so we shared...Banger's and Mash; and Irish hamburger and Irish stew. YUM!
Now we were ready to go see what kind of trouble we could cook up at Fisherman's Wharf. We walked down the street until we got to Pier 39 which is really a tourist trap, but we are tourists, so we strolled through it. We kept loosing each other in the crowd. It was getting frustrating and we needed a way to spot each other...so we came up with an idea. We bought and wore crab hats! Yes, sober and all, the four of us wore crab hats.
Yes, we were sober! And yes, we were able to spot each other in a crowd! And yes, we did attract a little bit of attention. Strangers asked where we got the hats; took our pictures and made comment on "how cute" it was. They were probably thinking we were real idiots, but we didn't care and we were having fun. And we laughed...oh how hard can we laugh!
We had dinner at Aliotto's that night...I insisted! And boy was it ever good! WOW! And we are such party animals that we were crashed at 9:00 p.m. -- done for the day!
We were up and off for our first tour. We purchased a two day tour from the "hop off-hop on" bus. Our first tour was the city loop. SF is such an interesting, diverse city. We started in Fisherman's Wharf, then through the Embarcadaro, Financial District, the Tenderloin (where we were advised to not walk alone), Union Square and Chinatown, North Beach and finally back to where we started. However, Kathy and I hopped off at Chinatown and had Dim Sum for lunch and wandered the streets there for a while; the other two went on to take the tour of the Golden Gate.
We all met up later in the afternoon as we had to change hotels. But before we did that, we had to go to Ghiradelli Square which was just down the street from our hotel for some chocolate. We had hot fudge sundaes and did a little Chocolate shopping.
I had booked our timeshare for Sun-Fri; then all of us decided we wanted to come in a day earlier, so I just booked a day at another timeshare. At any rate, we loaded our luggage up into a town car (no more shuttles for us and the cost was the same) and we took off for Inn at the Opera which is located right next to the Opera house and Civic Center. However, our driver did take us down Lombard street...the crookedest street in SF. What a street....I have always wanted to drive down it! After getting settled in the hotel we walked a few blocks to an Italian Restaurant where locals go and boy it was good. YUM again.
Up early on Monday (I thought we were on vacation?) and off to pickup our tickets for our Alcatraz tour later that day. Kathy and I took the Golden Gate tour and Jennifer and Janet took the Chinatown trip. The day before when they took the Golden Gate tour they were so cold (we are on the top of double decker open air buses) so Kathy and I prepared and wore several layers of clothing. However, we had a beautiful, sunny, warm, clear day and we were shedding layers of clothing before too long. This tour took us over the bridge; through the Presidio; Pacific Heights, Cow Hollow and Russian Hill. The Presidio is now owned by the National Parks and they are converting many of the dwellings into houses...albeit, very expensive houses. We ended our tour and met the other two for lunch at Fog City Diner. Then it was off to Alcatraz.
Very interesting tour. Having never been in a jail before (any of us) it was all very interesting and we all decided we didn't ever want to reside in one of these. Many prisoners tried to escape "the rock" and only 3 ever succeeded...however, it isn't known if they actually succeeded, or drown trying to swim the icy waters of SF Bay. Alcatraz was a prison for 29 years before it just became to expensive to use. Since everything, including water had to be transported over, the government closed it down in an attempt to cut costs. (and we all know how the government can cut costs!!) After it closed as a prison, Native Indians took it over as their own for a while before they were forced off the island. Now it is owned by the US Parks service.
After our tour there, we were back to catch a "city lights" night tour of SF. It basically took us over most of what the city tour did, except we did go by the "Painted Ladies". The Painted Ladies are a set of seven Victorian Houses in the Victorian and Edwardian styles were built in San Francisco between 1849 and 1915 and many were painted in bright colors. This is also known as "Post Card Row" as many postcards are pictures of these houses. Also the TV Show "Full House" was set here. Very pretty.
By the time we were done with this busy day we crashed. We are certainly doing a lot of walking and trying to see everything we can in the few days we are here.
Our day to ride cable cars! You can't come to SF and not ride cable cars! We started on the Powell Mason and rode it from end to end, then walked a few blocks to the Powell Hyde car, which takes you up "Rice-a-Roni" hill (made famous by the commercial for Rice a Roni). We stopped at the cable car museum, then on to the California Cable Car line, from end to end. Cable cars are so fascinating. Then we hopped on the street car (different from Cable car) and went out to Castro district and then on to the bus back to the Painted Ladies and Victorian House area. Finally back to the hotel....I was done for! My back was hurting, so I begged off dinner and just layed low last night. It was a fun day tho!
Today we are heading for an In N Out Burger (what? you didn't think I would let that slip by) and then to the North Beach area. The girls are out right now touring the city hall/library area. I opted to stay home and blog! More later.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Lake Chelan and Back
What a fun weekend I had. I met up with Daughter in law Janet and granddaughter Cammie at Lake Chelan for a "girls" weekend while my house in Odessa turned into deer hunting central for the guys!
I got to Lake Chelan Friday afternoon after a trip over some back roads in Eastern Washington. I saw a lot of country I hadn't seen before! After getting settled in to the timeshare at Wapato Point we decided to go exploring. All of us have been to Lake Chelan many times, but there is always something more to see and do. AL and I had at one point in time, owned a piece of property in the little town of Manson on Lake Chelan. It was in a community that only allowed manufactured homes; they had to be new when the went on the lot and there were/are very strict guidelines on what you could put on your lot. We purchased the lot for around $15,000 and sold it in 2001 (against my better judgement) for double what we paid for it. Well, the lot with the house on it now is for sale. So I had to inquire. $499,000! OUCH! THere is still one empty lot in the development, so today I called to inquire on the price of the lot....$125,000! ARE THEY CRAZY? And it isn't even a view lot! Damn, another one lost! Oh well! SOme you lose and some you win and some are rained out!
Anyway, we went to dinner at a very nice pub in Chelan and had a great meal. Then it was back to the condo to pretty much give in for the evening.
Up Saturday and off to breakfast at a place called Blueberry Hills. WOW, is all I can say. This place started out as a fruit stand, and as they say, accidently turned into a restaurant. They only serve breakfast and lunch, but boy is it ever good. I had the best Eggs Benidict I have ever put in my mouth! After stuffing ourselves we headed for Winthrop, WA. Winthrop is a little town in the Methow Valley. It has a "western" theme to it and it just a cool little town to go poking around in. It was a beautiful drive through the Methow Valley. I stopped several times to take some pictures.

Methow River
We wandered (yes, Jennifer, wandered) through Winthrop poking our noses into some of the shops. Had to buy some candy at one...I was craving a carmel apple. Had lunch at a pizza place that was very good. Then we drove to Pearrygin Lake where Janets parents were camped. What a beautiful place that is. I will have to remember that spot to come back to next year with the 5th wheel and stay a while. We visited with her parents for a bit, then headed back to Chelan. It was getting a little cool outside by the time we got back. We decided to play Chicken Foot (a dominos game--it's addicting) and wound up grilling burgers and playing until late in the night. What a fun night tho.
Sunday dawned just as beautiful as the day before. We lazed around the condo for most of the morning and then decided to go back to Blueberry Hills for lunch. I had a cheeseburger (of course) with blueberry mayo...and it was good. After lunch we headed back into Chelan for some retail therapy. I needed some socks for my cold feet! While in town we kept hearing and seeing all these rescue vehicles going out of town on our side of the lake. Hmm...first we thought accident (the road to Manson is somewhat treacherous) but then we saw the fire trucks heading out, then the water trucks...FIRE! We headed back towards Manson looking for smoke and didn't see a bit. We drove to the very end of Manson and when we turned around we were amazed to see the big black plume of smoke from just over the hill. Hmmm...so off we went to see if we could find where the fire was. After a few attempts we gave up and decided to take a ride up to the ski resort. It was a very pretty ride, fall colors and all. And to our surprise, when we got to the ski resort, we found the fire! The ski hill was burning.

On our way back down into town, we saw this on the lake....

We still have no idea what it was. It looked like a low hanging cloud, however, when we drove about 100 yards further down the hill it completely disappeared. Very weird! And there wasn't a cloud in the sky!
We played cards last night after having our dinner. We all finally gave up and went to bed late.
This morning I was leaving for home and Cammie was headed back to Seattle. Janet will stay at the condo and wait for Ric to arrive from Odessa where he was hunting this weekend. BTW, no deer were hurt this weekend, and only a few ducks lost their lives.
The drive home was uneventful....pretty county on a very pretty Autumn day. The weather has warmed up some, it is only suppose to get into the low 50's tonight! This week I will be busy finishing packing the 5th wheel and getting it ready to go when I get home from San Francisco. I leave on Friday for Seattle and fly to SF from there on Saturday. So until the next post, most likely from San Francisco...have a great week!
What a fun weekend I had. I met up with Daughter in law Janet and granddaughter Cammie at Lake Chelan for a "girls" weekend while my house in Odessa turned into deer hunting central for the guys!
I got to Lake Chelan Friday afternoon after a trip over some back roads in Eastern Washington. I saw a lot of country I hadn't seen before! After getting settled in to the timeshare at Wapato Point we decided to go exploring. All of us have been to Lake Chelan many times, but there is always something more to see and do. AL and I had at one point in time, owned a piece of property in the little town of Manson on Lake Chelan. It was in a community that only allowed manufactured homes; they had to be new when the went on the lot and there were/are very strict guidelines on what you could put on your lot. We purchased the lot for around $15,000 and sold it in 2001 (against my better judgement) for double what we paid for it. Well, the lot with the house on it now is for sale. So I had to inquire. $499,000! OUCH! THere is still one empty lot in the development, so today I called to inquire on the price of the lot....$125,000! ARE THEY CRAZY? And it isn't even a view lot! Damn, another one lost! Oh well! SOme you lose and some you win and some are rained out!
Anyway, we went to dinner at a very nice pub in Chelan and had a great meal. Then it was back to the condo to pretty much give in for the evening.
Up Saturday and off to breakfast at a place called Blueberry Hills. WOW, is all I can say. This place started out as a fruit stand, and as they say, accidently turned into a restaurant. They only serve breakfast and lunch, but boy is it ever good. I had the best Eggs Benidict I have ever put in my mouth! After stuffing ourselves we headed for Winthrop, WA. Winthrop is a little town in the Methow Valley. It has a "western" theme to it and it just a cool little town to go poking around in. It was a beautiful drive through the Methow Valley. I stopped several times to take some pictures.
Methow River
We wandered (yes, Jennifer, wandered) through Winthrop poking our noses into some of the shops. Had to buy some candy at one...I was craving a carmel apple. Had lunch at a pizza place that was very good. Then we drove to Pearrygin Lake where Janets parents were camped. What a beautiful place that is. I will have to remember that spot to come back to next year with the 5th wheel and stay a while. We visited with her parents for a bit, then headed back to Chelan. It was getting a little cool outside by the time we got back. We decided to play Chicken Foot (a dominos game--it's addicting) and wound up grilling burgers and playing until late in the night. What a fun night tho.
Sunday dawned just as beautiful as the day before. We lazed around the condo for most of the morning and then decided to go back to Blueberry Hills for lunch. I had a cheeseburger (of course) with blueberry mayo...and it was good. After lunch we headed back into Chelan for some retail therapy. I needed some socks for my cold feet! While in town we kept hearing and seeing all these rescue vehicles going out of town on our side of the lake. Hmm...first we thought accident (the road to Manson is somewhat treacherous) but then we saw the fire trucks heading out, then the water trucks...FIRE! We headed back towards Manson looking for smoke and didn't see a bit. We drove to the very end of Manson and when we turned around we were amazed to see the big black plume of smoke from just over the hill. Hmmm...so off we went to see if we could find where the fire was. After a few attempts we gave up and decided to take a ride up to the ski resort. It was a very pretty ride, fall colors and all. And to our surprise, when we got to the ski resort, we found the fire! The ski hill was burning.
On our way back down into town, we saw this on the lake....
We still have no idea what it was. It looked like a low hanging cloud, however, when we drove about 100 yards further down the hill it completely disappeared. Very weird! And there wasn't a cloud in the sky!
We played cards last night after having our dinner. We all finally gave up and went to bed late.
This morning I was leaving for home and Cammie was headed back to Seattle. Janet will stay at the condo and wait for Ric to arrive from Odessa where he was hunting this weekend. BTW, no deer were hurt this weekend, and only a few ducks lost their lives.
The drive home was uneventful....pretty county on a very pretty Autumn day. The weather has warmed up some, it is only suppose to get into the low 50's tonight! This week I will be busy finishing packing the 5th wheel and getting it ready to go when I get home from San Francisco. I leave on Friday for Seattle and fly to SF from there on Saturday. So until the next post, most likely from San Francisco...have a great week!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
A Stitch in Time...
Wow...what a week! Remind me again why we are still here? Oh ya, that's right, AL wanted to deer hunt and I wanted to stay and enjoy some Fall weather. Okay, enough! We woke up to 25 degrees this morning. Had me whining about Tucson! All the animals and myself DID NOT want to get out of bed...too cold! BRRRR...time to go!
This last week has kinda' been a blur. I have been busy trying to organize and start to load the trailer...only I feel like I am in slow motion or I am slogging through water! I just can't do as much and as fast as I used to! Darn...getting old is starting to catch up with me and I don't like it one bit. Oh, I don't care about the number, I just hate this feeling of weakness I get and the sore body. My mind is still in it's 40's, however, my body says it definitely isn't!
Monday we had to take Schuster to the vet to have minor surgery. He had to have a cyst removed from his upper chest. Nothing to worry about, just a fatty tumor. I said that was the only fat on him and the vet agreed. He is in very good health otherwise. While they had him "under" they cleaned his teeth as well. While he was in the vet, (which is in Reardan, about 50 miles from here)we decided to go on in to Spokane and see our sister-in-law Gloria and take her to lunch and meet up with Gary and Jeannette as well. We had a good lunch and visit. I had to hit a couple fabric stores as I am looking for a pattern. WOW...guess it has been a while since I have bought a pattern...darn things are expensive and so is fabric. OUCH! Any way, we got back to the vet around 3:30 and picked up one very groggy dog. The vet said everything went fine, just to watch him that he didn't pull the stitches out, which none of us thought he would since they aren't in the easiest place to reach for him.
He did fine yesterday... a little loopy from the pain meds, but other wise he was fine. Then, this morning I got up and checked his stitches and couldn't find a one! All I could see was an incision, wide open and bleeding! WTH? How, he got those stitches out is beyond me! At any rate, I bandaged him up as well as I could and off to Reardan we go to get him stitched up AGAIN! When I called the vet she said I could try and super glue the incision together...HUH? Anyone that knows me knows that won't happen! The vet has super glued his incision and put a "sweater" type thing over it. She said he couldn't get that off...HA! We weren't even home and he had figured out a way to get it loose...and didn't even scratch or bite at it! So once we got home I once again took my medical tape and taped up the sweater thing so hopefully he won't get it off. He is once again a little on the loopy side and they had to give him some meds to calm him down. Now I am watching him like a hawk!
Speaking of hawks, well, not really, on the way to Reardan today I saw two wild turkeys (and not the kind in a bottle either!!) And, what I think was an Eagle. However, I don't ever remember seeing eagles over here, but it sure looked big enough to be one.
We have had cold, rainy and very windy weather the past few days. 17 more days and we will be outta' here. I heard on the weather forecast they were predicting "flurries" -- I sure hope those were leaf flurries and not that S stuff!
I am off this weekend to Lake Chelan to spend the weekend with daughter in law Janet and granddaughter Cammie while my house turns into deer hunting central. Then next week (18th) I am going to San Francisco for 6 days with the girls....can't wait for that trip.
So until next time.....we are still here.
Wow...what a week! Remind me again why we are still here? Oh ya, that's right, AL wanted to deer hunt and I wanted to stay and enjoy some Fall weather. Okay, enough! We woke up to 25 degrees this morning. Had me whining about Tucson! All the animals and myself DID NOT want to get out of bed...too cold! BRRRR...time to go!
This last week has kinda' been a blur. I have been busy trying to organize and start to load the trailer...only I feel like I am in slow motion or I am slogging through water! I just can't do as much and as fast as I used to! Darn...getting old is starting to catch up with me and I don't like it one bit. Oh, I don't care about the number, I just hate this feeling of weakness I get and the sore body. My mind is still in it's 40's, however, my body says it definitely isn't!
Monday we had to take Schuster to the vet to have minor surgery. He had to have a cyst removed from his upper chest. Nothing to worry about, just a fatty tumor. I said that was the only fat on him and the vet agreed. He is in very good health otherwise. While they had him "under" they cleaned his teeth as well. While he was in the vet, (which is in Reardan, about 50 miles from here)we decided to go on in to Spokane and see our sister-in-law Gloria and take her to lunch and meet up with Gary and Jeannette as well. We had a good lunch and visit. I had to hit a couple fabric stores as I am looking for a pattern. WOW...guess it has been a while since I have bought a pattern...darn things are expensive and so is fabric. OUCH! Any way, we got back to the vet around 3:30 and picked up one very groggy dog. The vet said everything went fine, just to watch him that he didn't pull the stitches out, which none of us thought he would since they aren't in the easiest place to reach for him.
He did fine yesterday... a little loopy from the pain meds, but other wise he was fine. Then, this morning I got up and checked his stitches and couldn't find a one! All I could see was an incision, wide open and bleeding! WTH? How, he got those stitches out is beyond me! At any rate, I bandaged him up as well as I could and off to Reardan we go to get him stitched up AGAIN! When I called the vet she said I could try and super glue the incision together...HUH? Anyone that knows me knows that won't happen! The vet has super glued his incision and put a "sweater" type thing over it. She said he couldn't get that off...HA! We weren't even home and he had figured out a way to get it loose...and didn't even scratch or bite at it! So once we got home I once again took my medical tape and taped up the sweater thing so hopefully he won't get it off. He is once again a little on the loopy side and they had to give him some meds to calm him down. Now I am watching him like a hawk!
Speaking of hawks, well, not really, on the way to Reardan today I saw two wild turkeys (and not the kind in a bottle either!!) And, what I think was an Eagle. However, I don't ever remember seeing eagles over here, but it sure looked big enough to be one.
We have had cold, rainy and very windy weather the past few days. 17 more days and we will be outta' here. I heard on the weather forecast they were predicting "flurries" -- I sure hope those were leaf flurries and not that S stuff!
I am off this weekend to Lake Chelan to spend the weekend with daughter in law Janet and granddaughter Cammie while my house turns into deer hunting central. Then next week (18th) I am going to San Francisco for 6 days with the girls....can't wait for that trip.
So until next time.....we are still here.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Betty Crocker has invaded my body!
Oh boy...I have been in this little burg too long! The Suzi Homemaker or Betty Crocker has invaded my body. All of a sudden I want to bake and cook and clean (am I nesting??) repeat! Today I baked 200 cookies...don't ask why, I just did. It started with me wanting a really good peanut butter cookie and the only way I knew how to do that was to bake some. And so it began. I used my grandmother's recipe, which always makes me laugh when I read it. Such things as "bake until done" and "a smidgen of soda" appear in the recipe. What is a smidgen of soda???? Guessing, as I always do, I use a teaspoon. Any way, when I was done with those apparently my mind wasn't done wanting to bake (I tell you, it has got to be that $%^# CPAP doing things to my brain!)I decided it is fall and every fall I bake Pumpkin cookies. SO I dug out my trusty recipe and away I went. I have gone through 5 pounds of flour today!!! Those pumpkin cookies are so good, but the recipe makes about 120 cookies! WHEW! I have a note on the recipe that says "DO NOT DOUBLE" -- apparently I did that at one time and wound up with way too many pumpkin cookies!
Now, one would think I would be doing this on a cool day, but no, it was 85 here today! The a/c is working overtime! Especially with the oven on! :-) But it was fun.
Yesterday I finished a quilt top and I am not happy with the way it turned out so I am debating tearing it apart and trying to fix it. I have put it away for a while...too frustrated with it.
The trailer is cleaned and I am starting to load it. Most of my clothes are in it (Can you tell who is ready to go??); my sewing machine stays in it as that is where I sew; and any thing else I can do with out that needs to go south with us is in the trailer. I am bugging Al to get his clothes out that he wants to take, but he is dragging his feet and I will wind up doing it. I want to have as much loaded as I can before I leave for San Francisco later this month. Oh, did I tell you? The "girls" Janet, Kathy and Jennifer and I are spending 6 days in San Francisco. I can hardly wait. I have wanted to explore San Francisco for a long time and it has been a long time since I have spent any amount of time there. The Panama Canal cruise that we took last spring stopped in San Francisco for a day and that started me wanting to go back. AL isn't crazy about big cities and prefers not to have to deal with them, so this is perfect. He will have his hunting to do and I will get to play for a few days. Just wish Bev could be with us.
Oops -- time to go, my cats are circling telling me it is a little after 5:00p.m. and their feeding time, so until next time.....
Oh boy...I have been in this little burg too long! The Suzi Homemaker or Betty Crocker has invaded my body. All of a sudden I want to bake and cook and clean (am I nesting??) repeat! Today I baked 200 cookies...don't ask why, I just did. It started with me wanting a really good peanut butter cookie and the only way I knew how to do that was to bake some. And so it began. I used my grandmother's recipe, which always makes me laugh when I read it. Such things as "bake until done" and "a smidgen of soda" appear in the recipe. What is a smidgen of soda???? Guessing, as I always do, I use a teaspoon. Any way, when I was done with those apparently my mind wasn't done wanting to bake (I tell you, it has got to be that $%^# CPAP doing things to my brain!)I decided it is fall and every fall I bake Pumpkin cookies. SO I dug out my trusty recipe and away I went. I have gone through 5 pounds of flour today!!! Those pumpkin cookies are so good, but the recipe makes about 120 cookies! WHEW! I have a note on the recipe that says "DO NOT DOUBLE" -- apparently I did that at one time and wound up with way too many pumpkin cookies!
Now, one would think I would be doing this on a cool day, but no, it was 85 here today! The a/c is working overtime! Especially with the oven on! :-) But it was fun.
Yesterday I finished a quilt top and I am not happy with the way it turned out so I am debating tearing it apart and trying to fix it. I have put it away for a while...too frustrated with it.
The trailer is cleaned and I am starting to load it. Most of my clothes are in it (Can you tell who is ready to go??); my sewing machine stays in it as that is where I sew; and any thing else I can do with out that needs to go south with us is in the trailer. I am bugging Al to get his clothes out that he wants to take, but he is dragging his feet and I will wind up doing it. I want to have as much loaded as I can before I leave for San Francisco later this month. Oh, did I tell you? The "girls" Janet, Kathy and Jennifer and I are spending 6 days in San Francisco. I can hardly wait. I have wanted to explore San Francisco for a long time and it has been a long time since I have spent any amount of time there. The Panama Canal cruise that we took last spring stopped in San Francisco for a day and that started me wanting to go back. AL isn't crazy about big cities and prefers not to have to deal with them, so this is perfect. He will have his hunting to do and I will get to play for a few days. Just wish Bev could be with us.
Oops -- time to go, my cats are circling telling me it is a little after 5:00p.m. and their feeding time, so until next time.....
Monday, September 29, 2008
Okay, I AM NOT a financial wizard! But WTH? a 700 BILLION dollar bail out to failed lending institutions? Because THEY were financially irresponsible? Hmmm...I would like to see a dollar for dollar accounting of where every bit of the 700 Billion goes. If I am forced to help pay for this fiasco, I want to know where in the hell my money is going.
I don't know about you, but when I get behind in a bill or forget to pay a bill, I don't have someone there to bail me out, do you? When I am financially irresponsible I have to either a.) pay the consequences or b.) get myself out of it. So why in the hell are we bailing out these lending institutions? Could it be mis-management in the very largest scale? Giving loans to those who don't really qualify? Creative financing that the banks had to know would not get repaid? I mean really...back in 1999 Fannie Mae and other lending institutions relaxed their lending criteria so more Americans could own homes. I am betting 95% of those people have defaulted on their mortgages. And just who in the hell thought that by giving away loans (that is basically what I feel they did) that the recipients would pay it back? Come on folks...
Again, I ask the question, why in the hell are we having to pay for this? I am ready to join what ever grass roots movement there is to stop this...only it was sprung on the American people and our damn government says there is NO TIME to fix it unless they get the 700 billion NOW! Sounds pretty fishy to me. How could they NOT know? They definitely know if you don't pay your taxes, so how in the hell could they miss this big mistake?
I know a lot of you know more about high finances than I do...can you explain this to me???? I have a call into my broker, however, he hasn't returned my call in 4 days...hmmm, should I worry? And my bank, WAMU is gone...I guess I now bank at JP Morgan Chase. And Wachovia is falling to Citigroup...how much of the 700 billion will they get?
Any replies, rebuttals? Again I say WTH? And don't get me started on people who bought houses at an inflated rate, then defaulted on their mortgage and are now crying in their beer...............
Okay, I AM NOT a financial wizard! But WTH? a 700 BILLION dollar bail out to failed lending institutions? Because THEY were financially irresponsible? Hmmm...I would like to see a dollar for dollar accounting of where every bit of the 700 Billion goes. If I am forced to help pay for this fiasco, I want to know where in the hell my money is going.
I don't know about you, but when I get behind in a bill or forget to pay a bill, I don't have someone there to bail me out, do you? When I am financially irresponsible I have to either a.) pay the consequences or b.) get myself out of it. So why in the hell are we bailing out these lending institutions? Could it be mis-management in the very largest scale? Giving loans to those who don't really qualify? Creative financing that the banks had to know would not get repaid? I mean really...back in 1999 Fannie Mae and other lending institutions relaxed their lending criteria so more Americans could own homes. I am betting 95% of those people have defaulted on their mortgages. And just who in the hell thought that by giving away loans (that is basically what I feel they did) that the recipients would pay it back? Come on folks...
Again, I ask the question, why in the hell are we having to pay for this? I am ready to join what ever grass roots movement there is to stop this...only it was sprung on the American people and our damn government says there is NO TIME to fix it unless they get the 700 billion NOW! Sounds pretty fishy to me. How could they NOT know? They definitely know if you don't pay your taxes, so how in the hell could they miss this big mistake?
I know a lot of you know more about high finances than I do...can you explain this to me???? I have a call into my broker, however, he hasn't returned my call in 4 days...hmmm, should I worry? And my bank, WAMU is gone...I guess I now bank at JP Morgan Chase. And Wachovia is falling to Citigroup...how much of the 700 billion will they get?
Any replies, rebuttals? Again I say WTH? And don't get me started on people who bought houses at an inflated rate, then defaulted on their mortgage and are now crying in their beer...............
Sunday, September 28, 2008
CPAP battle is over
I think I have finally mastered the CPAP, or BiPAP as mine is called. The new face mask is working and I have had 4 nights of un-interrupted, glorious sleep and rest. The first night I wore the mask it was a little strange getting used to this "thing" on my face, but I was so tired I fell asleep and woke up refreshed the next morning. Wow, what a feeling. And after four nights of sleep I feel GREAT! Matter-of-fact I have more energy than I know what to do with. If only my poor body could keep up with the energy level I have all of a sudden! The cats on the other hand wonder what has happened to my face at night. Juanito will "pat" the mask at night to see if I am really under it! Funny! And when the mask leaks air it makes a funny noise and the dogs will growl at it...and yet I am getting sleep.
Yesterday I did more work around the house in one stretch than I have done in a long time and I was looking for more to do, only my body said "ENOUGH--I AM SORE ENOUGH!" Yes folks, I feel good. FINALLY! Now I just have to get my body to agree to this new feeling of energy and I will be rockin'! Somehow I don't think my old body is gonna' willingly agree to this new energy level...I will have to break it in slowly!
We have had some beautiful Fall days here in Odessolet. Crisp mornings and nights and beautiful days. The leaves are beginning to turn and fall, and there is a certain smell in the air that says its Fall. I am enjoying these days here, especially since I don't have a lot planned to do until deer hunting weekend. I have cut out a new quilt and will begin sewing it today....hope to finish it before I leave.
On another note, our son Jerry and wife Ardis have decided to separate. It makes me sad to see this, however, if they both are happier apart, then it is the right thing to do. We support their decision and love them both.
On to happier things....we are going to be great grandparents again...David and Tiffany are expecting a new bundle of wet diapers in March. Congrats to them.
Until next time...enjoy life, it's the only one you have got!
I think I have finally mastered the CPAP, or BiPAP as mine is called. The new face mask is working and I have had 4 nights of un-interrupted, glorious sleep and rest. The first night I wore the mask it was a little strange getting used to this "thing" on my face, but I was so tired I fell asleep and woke up refreshed the next morning. Wow, what a feeling. And after four nights of sleep I feel GREAT! Matter-of-fact I have more energy than I know what to do with. If only my poor body could keep up with the energy level I have all of a sudden! The cats on the other hand wonder what has happened to my face at night. Juanito will "pat" the mask at night to see if I am really under it! Funny! And when the mask leaks air it makes a funny noise and the dogs will growl at it...and yet I am getting sleep.
Yesterday I did more work around the house in one stretch than I have done in a long time and I was looking for more to do, only my body said "ENOUGH--I AM SORE ENOUGH!" Yes folks, I feel good. FINALLY! Now I just have to get my body to agree to this new feeling of energy and I will be rockin'! Somehow I don't think my old body is gonna' willingly agree to this new energy level...I will have to break it in slowly!
We have had some beautiful Fall days here in Odessolet. Crisp mornings and nights and beautiful days. The leaves are beginning to turn and fall, and there is a certain smell in the air that says its Fall. I am enjoying these days here, especially since I don't have a lot planned to do until deer hunting weekend. I have cut out a new quilt and will begin sewing it today....hope to finish it before I leave.
On another note, our son Jerry and wife Ardis have decided to separate. It makes me sad to see this, however, if they both are happier apart, then it is the right thing to do. We support their decision and love them both.
On to happier things....we are going to be great grandparents again...David and Tiffany are expecting a new bundle of wet diapers in March. Congrats to them.
Until next time...enjoy life, it's the only one you have got!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
CPAP 8 - Jo 0
GRRR...the CPAP and I have really a hate, hate relationship. It hates me and I hate it. So why do I keep trying to use it? Well, for one thing, the doctor scared the pants off me when he said that my oxygen level was down to 50% sometimes and that could cause a sroke or heart attack. And he said that I would feel much better if I got some decent rest (and he went to medical school for that???)
At any rate, I have been trying every night to use the %^&*() thing. I did get one full night in with it...then the trouble started. For what ever reason my brain says I am suffocating when I put the mask on. No sh..!!! Just because I can't breathe out means I am suffocating? So what do I do? I yank the mask off and throw it across the room...detaching it from the CPAP in the process. I turn off the CPAP, get up in search of the mask...in the dark. Then I either have to turn on the light and wake AL and the dogs up or try and put this thing back together in the dark. Instead I give up and go back to sleep without it. This has taken place every night but one. That damn machine is winning. Now, anyone that knows me, knows that I won't stand for that.
Today I loaded up said CPAP (actually, I was corrected today and told it was a BiPAP) and drove to Moses Lake to see what they could to to help me get used to this monster. After trying several masks on, I finally settled on a full face mask. I know, I know, you CPAP users are cringing at the thought, but I actually found it more comfortable..at least while I was in the office. We shall see what transpires tonight. I look like the alien from outer space with this "thing" on my face. But if it works, I will live with it..after all this isn't a damn beauty contest..right? It's all about me being able to breathe and as long as I don't look in a mirror and scare the daylights out of myself I should be fine.
Stay tuned..............
GRRR...the CPAP and I have really a hate, hate relationship. It hates me and I hate it. So why do I keep trying to use it? Well, for one thing, the doctor scared the pants off me when he said that my oxygen level was down to 50% sometimes and that could cause a sroke or heart attack. And he said that I would feel much better if I got some decent rest (and he went to medical school for that???)
At any rate, I have been trying every night to use the %^&*() thing. I did get one full night in with it...then the trouble started. For what ever reason my brain says I am suffocating when I put the mask on. No sh..!!! Just because I can't breathe out means I am suffocating? So what do I do? I yank the mask off and throw it across the room...detaching it from the CPAP in the process. I turn off the CPAP, get up in search of the mask...in the dark. Then I either have to turn on the light and wake AL and the dogs up or try and put this thing back together in the dark. Instead I give up and go back to sleep without it. This has taken place every night but one. That damn machine is winning. Now, anyone that knows me, knows that I won't stand for that.
Today I loaded up said CPAP (actually, I was corrected today and told it was a BiPAP) and drove to Moses Lake to see what they could to to help me get used to this monster. After trying several masks on, I finally settled on a full face mask. I know, I know, you CPAP users are cringing at the thought, but I actually found it more comfortable..at least while I was in the office. We shall see what transpires tonight. I look like the alien from outer space with this "thing" on my face. But if it works, I will live with it..after all this isn't a damn beauty contest..right? It's all about me being able to breathe and as long as I don't look in a mirror and scare the daylights out of myself I should be fine.
Stay tuned..............
Sunday, September 21, 2008
3 Day Cancer walk; CPAP; Deutschesfest, all rolled into one!
Odessa, WA
Whew, these last few weeks have been a blur for me! Seems like we have been constantly on the go. Oh! Wait! WE HAVE! Let me start at the beginning.
Two weeks ago we headed to Spokane for the day to see our little great (grand?) nephew Joshua. He belongs to Kali, which is Gary and Jeannette's daughter. Kali and Scott were relocating from Louisiana to Olympia, WA and Gary and Jeannette kept Josh for two weeks. He is just a little over a year old and a real cutie. He sure has captured our hearts.

Joshua and Grandma Jeannette
Then on Sept 11 we headed back to Seattle for another round of doctor appointments and to support Ric, Jennifer and Sherrie in the 3Day Breast Cancer 60 mile walk! First, just let me say how proud we are of these three....they have been training for this walk since January and logged hundreds of training miles. Their dedication to this cause is wonderful.
Friday morning up at o'dark thirty for the Opening Ceremonies. Sherrie is a 5 year survivor of breast cancer and she was in the survivor circle. There were over 3200 walkers and six were chosen for the survivor circle. It was very emotional to see her up there. And my thoughts had to stray to Cindy, our niece who lost her battle with cancer three years ago. Anyway, back to the Opening...it was sure moving to see all those people, men and women, who were walking to support the breast cancer research cause.

THen while they were walking their first day, 22 miles in all, I had an appointment for an endoscopy in downtown Seattle. Daughter-in-law Janet took me to this appointment and good thing she did...I was wiped out for the rest of the day.
Saturday we were up early again. Denice, Sherrie's sister and our niece and I took off to meet Janet and "cheer" on our walkers. We were at the cheering station in Kirkland for over 3 hours, cheering on not only our walkers, but the other 3200 as well. What a experience....I can't really describe how you feel seeing all of these people walking for this cause and the thousands of people who turned out to cheer them along the route. It still really amazes me!

Part of the crowd at a cheering station
Then we headed over to the lunch spot for the walkers and met up with the kids. Jennifer was suffering from bone bruises on the bottom of her feet and gave up walking for the rest of the day. I took her with us to the next cheering station and then to camp and the medical tent.
Sunday Denice and I headed over to Green Lake for the first cheer station and was there at 7:30 a.m. UGH! Janet met us there and we set up our little cheering station along with some other early morning people. I must add that the weather in Seattle that weekend was amazing. Warm, sunny and beautiful. A LOT of people were out walking around Green Lake and they turned into cheer supporters as well...unintentionally. Jennifer was doing much better today after Ric "doctored" her foot.
Denice and I spent the day following the walkers in my car and finally wound up at Memorial Stadium to cheer them in to the finish line. TO see the thousands of people there to cheer in the walkers was amazing.

Ric, Jennifer and Sherrie crossing the finish line and the victory tunnel.
We were joined at the closing ceremony by several of the kids friends, plus granddaughter Cammie and our good friends Rowland and Kathy Brasch. Closing ceremony was very emotional...just looking down on the stadium field and seeing the 3200 plus walkers and survivors! WOW! And most importantly, over 8.6 million dollars was raised for breast cancer research...our kids raised over $20,000 themselves. So I say thank you to all of you who donated to them!
Monday was full day doctors for Al. He got good reports from all the doctors. Then it was my turn. I had an appointment to do a sleep study for sleep apnea. Oh goodie. I got to sleep overnight at the hospital, hooked up to all these machines. I had enough wires on me that I could get all TV and radio channels in the world! My goodness, how was I suppose to sleep with all these wires attached to me? I don't know how I did it, but I did sleep and the next morning I saw the doc and yes, I have sleep apnea. Oh goody! Of course I can't have the normal sleep apnea where your throat muscles relax and collapse when you sleep causing you to quit breathing...no, when I get into the REM sleep I just quit breathing...throat muscles have nothing to do with it! So, the next night I get to go back and do another sleep study and this time I get to wear the CPAP as well. Let me tell you, THAT did not go well. At any rate, to make a long story longer, I came home with a CPAP and I am not happy about it. I am having a horrible time adjusting to it...it still makes me feel like I am suffocating. Hopefully I will get used to it...maybe.
We had doctor appointments again on Tuesday and Wednesday we headed home. We decided to come over Stephens Pass through Wenatchee. The weather was still beautiful and the fall colors were just starting to appear. There was a feeling of "fall" in the air. We got home just in time to see our friend from Arizona Bob Grabow pull in with his motor home. He will be here for the weekend and possibly longer if we can convince him to stay a while. Bob and Al went to high school together here and have been life long friends.
Thursday was spent getting ready for our annual yard sale. What a job! The weather was hot, hot and hot. This is not unusual for this time of year here.
Friday Deutschesfest began in Odessa. This fall festival is always fun and this little town of 1,000 grows into 20,000 or more. Friday is the official start of "fest" and the campers and tourist were already rolling in. Our house was holding Denice, Jennifer, Sherrie, their friends Margo and Bob, and our good friends Kathy and Rowland. Denice and Sherrie went to high school in Odessa and lived here while growing up so it was like a mini reunion for them. Friday was in the 90's and we were all thinking it was going to be a warm weekend. Boy, were we fooled. Saturday turned out cold and windy. OF course, I had the yard sale going on, trying to keep things from blowing all over. The weather held down the people coming to the yard sale and we didn't have many purchaser's.
Saturday brought more of our family to visit. It was good to see them all. Niece Penny was here with her little granddaughter Riley, who is 10 months old and really cute. Nephew Jeremy was here with his family from California, including 3 year old Peyton; niece Michelle and grand (great?) niece Cameron were here as well. Gloria, our sister-in-law was here from Spokane, so our house was full yesterday. Last night we hosted our "rib fest" for 11 people...Al did his great bbq ribs..yum.

In some way, they are all Wraspir's!!!
Today dawned cold and rainy! What the heck? So I closed up the yard sale and went to breakfast with the crowd. Our church hosts a "farmers breakfast" at the high school every year for Fest so we enjoyed a good breakfast. Then it was time for all to leave....boy was this house quiet all of a sudden!!! Both dogs looked so forlorn...only two people to pet them! Too bad.
So, we have had a busy two weeks. Loved seeing all the family and friends. Now it is time to settle down a bit and start seriously thinking about packing and heading south. We plan on leaving for Tucson around the end of October, after Al goes deer hunting and I go on the "girls" week to San Francisco with Jennifer, Janet and Kathy. I do have my work cut out for me in the next few weeks getting the 5th wheel packed and ready to go. If this weather stays this way, I will be more than ready to head south -- probably before the end of October!
Hope everyone is happy and healthy and enjoying life...until next time we are the
Whew, these last few weeks have been a blur for me! Seems like we have been constantly on the go. Oh! Wait! WE HAVE! Let me start at the beginning.
Two weeks ago we headed to Spokane for the day to see our little great (grand?) nephew Joshua. He belongs to Kali, which is Gary and Jeannette's daughter. Kali and Scott were relocating from Louisiana to Olympia, WA and Gary and Jeannette kept Josh for two weeks. He is just a little over a year old and a real cutie. He sure has captured our hearts.
Joshua and Grandma Jeannette
Then on Sept 11 we headed back to Seattle for another round of doctor appointments and to support Ric, Jennifer and Sherrie in the 3Day Breast Cancer 60 mile walk! First, just let me say how proud we are of these three....they have been training for this walk since January and logged hundreds of training miles. Their dedication to this cause is wonderful.
Friday morning up at o'dark thirty for the Opening Ceremonies. Sherrie is a 5 year survivor of breast cancer and she was in the survivor circle. There were over 3200 walkers and six were chosen for the survivor circle. It was very emotional to see her up there. And my thoughts had to stray to Cindy, our niece who lost her battle with cancer three years ago. Anyway, back to the Opening...it was sure moving to see all those people, men and women, who were walking to support the breast cancer research cause.
THen while they were walking their first day, 22 miles in all, I had an appointment for an endoscopy in downtown Seattle. Daughter-in-law Janet took me to this appointment and good thing she did...I was wiped out for the rest of the day.
Saturday we were up early again. Denice, Sherrie's sister and our niece and I took off to meet Janet and "cheer" on our walkers. We were at the cheering station in Kirkland for over 3 hours, cheering on not only our walkers, but the other 3200 as well. What a experience....I can't really describe how you feel seeing all of these people walking for this cause and the thousands of people who turned out to cheer them along the route. It still really amazes me!
Part of the crowd at a cheering station
Then we headed over to the lunch spot for the walkers and met up with the kids. Jennifer was suffering from bone bruises on the bottom of her feet and gave up walking for the rest of the day. I took her with us to the next cheering station and then to camp and the medical tent.
Sunday Denice and I headed over to Green Lake for the first cheer station and was there at 7:30 a.m. UGH! Janet met us there and we set up our little cheering station along with some other early morning people. I must add that the weather in Seattle that weekend was amazing. Warm, sunny and beautiful. A LOT of people were out walking around Green Lake and they turned into cheer supporters as well...unintentionally. Jennifer was doing much better today after Ric "doctored" her foot.
Denice and I spent the day following the walkers in my car and finally wound up at Memorial Stadium to cheer them in to the finish line. TO see the thousands of people there to cheer in the walkers was amazing.
Ric, Jennifer and Sherrie crossing the finish line and the victory tunnel.
We were joined at the closing ceremony by several of the kids friends, plus granddaughter Cammie and our good friends Rowland and Kathy Brasch. Closing ceremony was very emotional...just looking down on the stadium field and seeing the 3200 plus walkers and survivors! WOW! And most importantly, over 8.6 million dollars was raised for breast cancer research...our kids raised over $20,000 themselves. So I say thank you to all of you who donated to them!
Monday was full day doctors for Al. He got good reports from all the doctors. Then it was my turn. I had an appointment to do a sleep study for sleep apnea. Oh goodie. I got to sleep overnight at the hospital, hooked up to all these machines. I had enough wires on me that I could get all TV and radio channels in the world! My goodness, how was I suppose to sleep with all these wires attached to me? I don't know how I did it, but I did sleep and the next morning I saw the doc and yes, I have sleep apnea. Oh goody! Of course I can't have the normal sleep apnea where your throat muscles relax and collapse when you sleep causing you to quit breathing...no, when I get into the REM sleep I just quit breathing...throat muscles have nothing to do with it! So, the next night I get to go back and do another sleep study and this time I get to wear the CPAP as well. Let me tell you, THAT did not go well. At any rate, to make a long story longer, I came home with a CPAP and I am not happy about it. I am having a horrible time adjusting to it...it still makes me feel like I am suffocating. Hopefully I will get used to it...maybe.
We had doctor appointments again on Tuesday and Wednesday we headed home. We decided to come over Stephens Pass through Wenatchee. The weather was still beautiful and the fall colors were just starting to appear. There was a feeling of "fall" in the air. We got home just in time to see our friend from Arizona Bob Grabow pull in with his motor home. He will be here for the weekend and possibly longer if we can convince him to stay a while. Bob and Al went to high school together here and have been life long friends.
Thursday was spent getting ready for our annual yard sale. What a job! The weather was hot, hot and hot. This is not unusual for this time of year here.
Friday Deutschesfest began in Odessa. This fall festival is always fun and this little town of 1,000 grows into 20,000 or more. Friday is the official start of "fest" and the campers and tourist were already rolling in. Our house was holding Denice, Jennifer, Sherrie, their friends Margo and Bob, and our good friends Kathy and Rowland. Denice and Sherrie went to high school in Odessa and lived here while growing up so it was like a mini reunion for them. Friday was in the 90's and we were all thinking it was going to be a warm weekend. Boy, were we fooled. Saturday turned out cold and windy. OF course, I had the yard sale going on, trying to keep things from blowing all over. The weather held down the people coming to the yard sale and we didn't have many purchaser's.
Saturday brought more of our family to visit. It was good to see them all. Niece Penny was here with her little granddaughter Riley, who is 10 months old and really cute. Nephew Jeremy was here with his family from California, including 3 year old Peyton; niece Michelle and grand (great?) niece Cameron were here as well. Gloria, our sister-in-law was here from Spokane, so our house was full yesterday. Last night we hosted our "rib fest" for 11 people...Al did his great bbq ribs..yum.
In some way, they are all Wraspir's!!!
Today dawned cold and rainy! What the heck? So I closed up the yard sale and went to breakfast with the crowd. Our church hosts a "farmers breakfast" at the high school every year for Fest so we enjoyed a good breakfast. Then it was time for all to leave....boy was this house quiet all of a sudden!!! Both dogs looked so forlorn...only two people to pet them! Too bad.
So, we have had a busy two weeks. Loved seeing all the family and friends. Now it is time to settle down a bit and start seriously thinking about packing and heading south. We plan on leaving for Tucson around the end of October, after Al goes deer hunting and I go on the "girls" week to San Francisco with Jennifer, Janet and Kathy. I do have my work cut out for me in the next few weeks getting the 5th wheel packed and ready to go. If this weather stays this way, I will be more than ready to head south -- probably before the end of October!
Hope everyone is happy and healthy and enjoying life...until next time we are the
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Hurricane Summer Cold
I have been hit by a hurricane! Hurricane summer cold has laid me flat! High winds (blowing my sore nose); rain (running nose); wind gusts (sneezes); flooding (see rain)and general devastation has hit. In other words I have a rotten summer cold and I feel like crap! I have been down and out for 3 days now...no energy, can't concentrate, ache all over, etc. ARRGG...I hate being sick and I am not good a being sick. I fight it with every ounce of me (and that's a lot of ounces folks!) and sometimes sick wins, as it did this time.
Actually I have been fighting what I thought was allergies for the last couple of weeks. The wind has blowing every day here and who knows what it has stirred up..so I thought that was what was causing my nose to run like a greyhound at the race track! I shoulda' bought stock in Kleenex the way I am going through it. Any way, I kept resisting this plague. I sanded the front deck and painted it last weekend. I told Al I was going to have to be on my death bed NOT to paint as it has been on my "TO DO" list way too long. I also sorted through some more "stuff" and added to our garage sale pile (hiding all of this from AL, who usually buys more from our garage sale than anyone else!!). Then on Monday night, I was officially DONE IN. NO MORE. I was down for the count.
Okay, now I have been sick, I am ready to start on something today...however, my mind and body are not in agreement...and the body wins. I will stay down another day and try and get rid of this menace.
In other news, ah, can't remember any other news at this point...so I will say adios for now.
I have been hit by a hurricane! Hurricane summer cold has laid me flat! High winds (blowing my sore nose); rain (running nose); wind gusts (sneezes); flooding (see rain)and general devastation has hit. In other words I have a rotten summer cold and I feel like crap! I have been down and out for 3 days now...no energy, can't concentrate, ache all over, etc. ARRGG...I hate being sick and I am not good a being sick. I fight it with every ounce of me (and that's a lot of ounces folks!) and sometimes sick wins, as it did this time.
Actually I have been fighting what I thought was allergies for the last couple of weeks. The wind has blowing every day here and who knows what it has stirred up..so I thought that was what was causing my nose to run like a greyhound at the race track! I shoulda' bought stock in Kleenex the way I am going through it. Any way, I kept resisting this plague. I sanded the front deck and painted it last weekend. I told Al I was going to have to be on my death bed NOT to paint as it has been on my "TO DO" list way too long. I also sorted through some more "stuff" and added to our garage sale pile (hiding all of this from AL, who usually buys more from our garage sale than anyone else!!). Then on Monday night, I was officially DONE IN. NO MORE. I was down for the count.
Okay, now I have been sick, I am ready to start on something today...however, my mind and body are not in agreement...and the body wins. I will stay down another day and try and get rid of this menace.
In other news, ah, can't remember any other news at this point...so I will say adios for now.
Monday, August 25, 2008
New pictures of Sophie
I couldn't resist. These are pictures of Sophie, my great (YES, great) grand daughter who lives in Kansas City. She is almost 4 months old and already has stolen my heart...along with the rest of my greats and grandchildren. I haven't seen her in person yet and it's killin' me! She belongs to David and Tiffany.

Retirement, the myth
Aug. 25
Yes, retirement, the myth is that you have lazy days and not much to do that you don't want to do. You don't have to WORK! Well, let me tell you, I know a few people that have flunked retirement (Yes, Gary W that means you) on a large scale basis and then there are the ones (like me) that have flunked on a minor basis. I have discovered I can't sit and do nothing. It is not in me! And I have tried, but after a few minutes I get figdety and can not sit still. I then either have to 1.) get up and do something, 2.) find something to do with my hands while sitting 3.)fall asleep (which doesn't come easily some times). WHY? Why can't I just relax? And I have enough projects going to keep me busy until, oh, 2121! And that is about the time I will finish them. Now, I am not saying that I WANT to do some of these projects (like paint the bathroom or the deck); but that until they get done I can't rest. I love some of my projects, quilting, scrapbooking, playing on the computer, reading, etc. However, I was brought up that you get your work done first and THEN play. DARN MOM! She instilled those values in me so deep I can't play until I get my work done. RATS! I may get my quilts done in 2010...maybe. I am hoping to get the baby quilts done before the babies I am making them for graduate from High School!
We got back to Odessa late Thursday. It was perfect traveling weather, not too hot, (except in Toppinish) and my car didn't explode or over heat...always a good thing. I really need to buy another car, but trying to make the Explorer last at least another year or so. Anyway, back home at the house, the cats had lots to tell us about how they were neglected (not) and other various cat tails, er tales. A friend called us and asked if we could dog sit her dog for the weekend as she and her kids were at the Lincoln County Fair with their horses, pigs, etc. SURE, I said. Well --here comes Brody, a rat terrier that isn't quite a year old! WOW, what a fun time we had with him. The dogs loved him and the cats hated him...situation normal.
On Sunday we had a luncheon for Al's cousin Christine and husband Denys from Australia; niece Claudia and husband Larry were here as well as Ardis and Jerry. WE had a short, but good visit.
Today is rainy and gloomy, which is nice for a change, as long as it doesn't stick around. AL isn't feeling well and I am trying to talk him in to going in to see the local doctor, but so far no luck. He has a bad cough and is congested and wheezing. I will keep after him until he goes to the doc just to shut me up!!!
I received this article from my cousin Ted in Colorado and I thought I would share it with you all. It made me laugh, and pretty much sums up the correct feeling!
Column from Rocky Mtn. News)
I'm aging very well; so well, in fact, that I can do it in my sleep. I can wake up in the morning and see a face in the mirror that's decades older than the one that I remember putting to bed.
Like most people, I fight back against getting older, using medicine's most potent anti- aging agent: denial. So when my birthday came around recently, I told everyone that I wanted the passage of another year to be marked with absolutely no acknowledgement at all except presents. And OK, a party. With cake.
As I ponder my accumulated years, which I'm willing to admit is more than 30 - oh, who am I kidding, I'm not that old. Let's say I'm in my mid- to late 20s. In other words, I'm the same age as my daughter.
So anyway, as I ponder these years, which I've added the same way I've put on weight around my waist - surreptitiously, like a burglar coming into the house in the middle of the night, only a burglar who leaves stuff instead of taking it - I realize I've had enough.
That's right, when it comes to age, I'm good. I don't need any more. Give the rest of my maturity to someone who needs it, like, say, Lindsay Lohan. There's nothing to be gained by having me get older than I am right now. Indeed, as far as I'm concerned, we could have ended this nonsense 20 years ago, back when I could stand up without grunting like an Olympic weight lifter going for the gold.
I realize that if I stop aging, I might not be able to retire as soon as I want, which is last week. But columnists don't ever retire anyway, they just cease to be relevant. (By that standard, you could argue that I retired before I ever got started.)
Scientifically speaking, aging is the process wherein your body's cells decide they're tired of regenerating and want to do something else, like sag to the floor. Our cells are programmed from birth to undergo this transformation. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to halt the aging process, like die. If that strikes you as extreme, try doing an Internet search on "prevent aging." You'll come up with 625,000 articles. Read them all and you won't have time to age.
What I don't like about getting older is that I don't think I've done anything to deserve it. I'm not ready: Not only have I not accomplished everything I set out to do, but most of the things I've done I didn't set out to accomplish. When the Grim Reaper knocks, I'm going to have to tell him he'll just have to come back when I've finished my task list.
Yet as much as I don't like aging, I certainly wouldn't pass up an opportunity to do it again. There are about 8.2 million articles on the Internet about reincarnation - but don't worry, if you can't read them all in time, you can finish them in your next life.
I took an online quiz on a reincarnation Web site that informs me that when I come back in my next life, I'll be a rhinoceros. Great. Rhinos look old when they're born. I'll be even less popular in high school than I was last time, and my columns will all be late because I won't be able to type.
There are also more than a million articles about premature aging, which is ironic. Doesn't all aging feel premature? I realize the AARP wants us all to be old, but how about you - are you ready for it?
I expect I'll hear from a lot of people who will tell me they're "growing old gracefully." Well, I'm growing old the way I acted when I was 2 years old and my parents wanted me to take a bath.
Anyway, yeah, I had another birthday recently, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it.
I did like the presents, though. And the cake.
And on that note, I will close this blog for now....stay tuned...I may discover how to retire some day!
Aug. 25
Yes, retirement, the myth is that you have lazy days and not much to do that you don't want to do. You don't have to WORK! Well, let me tell you, I know a few people that have flunked retirement (Yes, Gary W that means you) on a large scale basis and then there are the ones (like me) that have flunked on a minor basis. I have discovered I can't sit and do nothing. It is not in me! And I have tried, but after a few minutes I get figdety and can not sit still. I then either have to 1.) get up and do something, 2.) find something to do with my hands while sitting 3.)fall asleep (which doesn't come easily some times). WHY? Why can't I just relax? And I have enough projects going to keep me busy until, oh, 2121! And that is about the time I will finish them. Now, I am not saying that I WANT to do some of these projects (like paint the bathroom or the deck); but that until they get done I can't rest. I love some of my projects, quilting, scrapbooking, playing on the computer, reading, etc. However, I was brought up that you get your work done first and THEN play. DARN MOM! She instilled those values in me so deep I can't play until I get my work done. RATS! I may get my quilts done in 2010...maybe. I am hoping to get the baby quilts done before the babies I am making them for graduate from High School!
We got back to Odessa late Thursday. It was perfect traveling weather, not too hot, (except in Toppinish) and my car didn't explode or over heat...always a good thing. I really need to buy another car, but trying to make the Explorer last at least another year or so. Anyway, back home at the house, the cats had lots to tell us about how they were neglected (not) and other various cat tails, er tales. A friend called us and asked if we could dog sit her dog for the weekend as she and her kids were at the Lincoln County Fair with their horses, pigs, etc. SURE, I said. Well --here comes Brody, a rat terrier that isn't quite a year old! WOW, what a fun time we had with him. The dogs loved him and the cats hated him...situation normal.
On Sunday we had a luncheon for Al's cousin Christine and husband Denys from Australia; niece Claudia and husband Larry were here as well as Ardis and Jerry. WE had a short, but good visit.
Today is rainy and gloomy, which is nice for a change, as long as it doesn't stick around. AL isn't feeling well and I am trying to talk him in to going in to see the local doctor, but so far no luck. He has a bad cough and is congested and wheezing. I will keep after him until he goes to the doc just to shut me up!!!
I received this article from my cousin Ted in Colorado and I thought I would share it with you all. It made me laugh, and pretty much sums up the correct feeling!
Column from Rocky Mtn. News)
I'm aging very well; so well, in fact, that I can do it in my sleep. I can wake up in the morning and see a face in the mirror that's decades older than the one that I remember putting to bed.
Like most people, I fight back against getting older, using medicine's most potent anti- aging agent: denial. So when my birthday came around recently, I told everyone that I wanted the passage of another year to be marked with absolutely no acknowledgement at all except presents. And OK, a party. With cake.
As I ponder my accumulated years, which I'm willing to admit is more than 30 - oh, who am I kidding, I'm not that old. Let's say I'm in my mid- to late 20s. In other words, I'm the same age as my daughter.
So anyway, as I ponder these years, which I've added the same way I've put on weight around my waist - surreptitiously, like a burglar coming into the house in the middle of the night, only a burglar who leaves stuff instead of taking it - I realize I've had enough.
That's right, when it comes to age, I'm good. I don't need any more. Give the rest of my maturity to someone who needs it, like, say, Lindsay Lohan. There's nothing to be gained by having me get older than I am right now. Indeed, as far as I'm concerned, we could have ended this nonsense 20 years ago, back when I could stand up without grunting like an Olympic weight lifter going for the gold.
I realize that if I stop aging, I might not be able to retire as soon as I want, which is last week. But columnists don't ever retire anyway, they just cease to be relevant. (By that standard, you could argue that I retired before I ever got started.)
Scientifically speaking, aging is the process wherein your body's cells decide they're tired of regenerating and want to do something else, like sag to the floor. Our cells are programmed from birth to undergo this transformation. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to halt the aging process, like die. If that strikes you as extreme, try doing an Internet search on "prevent aging." You'll come up with 625,000 articles. Read them all and you won't have time to age.
What I don't like about getting older is that I don't think I've done anything to deserve it. I'm not ready: Not only have I not accomplished everything I set out to do, but most of the things I've done I didn't set out to accomplish. When the Grim Reaper knocks, I'm going to have to tell him he'll just have to come back when I've finished my task list.
Yet as much as I don't like aging, I certainly wouldn't pass up an opportunity to do it again. There are about 8.2 million articles on the Internet about reincarnation - but don't worry, if you can't read them all in time, you can finish them in your next life.
I took an online quiz on a reincarnation Web site that informs me that when I come back in my next life, I'll be a rhinoceros. Great. Rhinos look old when they're born. I'll be even less popular in high school than I was last time, and my columns will all be late because I won't be able to type.
There are also more than a million articles about premature aging, which is ironic. Doesn't all aging feel premature? I realize the AARP wants us all to be old, but how about you - are you ready for it?
I expect I'll hear from a lot of people who will tell me they're "growing old gracefully." Well, I'm growing old the way I acted when I was 2 years old and my parents wanted me to take a bath.
Anyway, yeah, I had another birthday recently, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it.
I did like the presents, though. And the cake.
And on that note, I will close this blog for now....stay tuned...I may discover how to retire some day!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Seattle, Portland and beyond
Portland, Or
Aug 19
Whee...it has been a wild few days for us. Before we drove to Seattle last Tuesday we had company from Australia. Al's cousin Christine and husband Denys were in Odessa for a short visit. Also Aunt Helen, Christine's mother were with them. It was good to visit with them and we are looking forward to seeing Chris and Denys later in the month as well.
We drove over to Seattle a week ago for doctor, dentist appointments. It was HOT in Seattle...in the 90's, which confuzzled us (a new word granddaughter Lori coined not to long ago...confused and puzzled), but I was lovin it. We stayed with Jenn, which she had ONE fan going when we got there and by the time we left she had THREE fans going.
First day was a scurry of doctors in downtown Seattle, dentist, and cardiologist in Kirkland. Al had good check ups every where....however, the cardiologist didn't like his weight (tee hee...it isn't just me nagging him now!) and has scheduled him for a stress test next month. I told Al he was going to have to study for this test..so I will help by stressing him daily (just kidding). Then that night we had dinner with good friends Row and Kathy...we always enjoy being with them and lots of laughs. We went to Goldbergs, a Jewish deli in Factoria and boy is it good.
Thursday saw us at the neurologist and Al has improved some on memory (can't prove it by me!) and the meds are doing a good job. Then to Diabetes doc, a new one since our last one retired. We really like the new doc...she is direct and to the point. Put Al back on his Byetta, which he had been taken off of earlier in the year.
After doctor appointments we went to the Boeing Human Resources Retiree's luncheon that is held annually in Tukwila. We didn't get to go last year and Al had a great time catching up with old work buddies. Also, sad to note, we have lost a few this past year...Russ HOlly who always headed up the reunion died and a Jackie Evans, who was a friends wife and we were with in Saudi died in January. Really begins to tell you how mortal you really are.
Then we scurried to Kirkland so Jo could order new glasses. I broke my glasses 10 days ago and have been "BLIND" since then. I have been wearing 10 year old glasses...which really didn't do much for me.
We had dinner at friends Frank and Lynn Congers tonight. Frank made his famous Taco's and they were excellent as usual.
Friday up and at 'em. Al had an appointment in Issaquah for a hearing test...ha, it wasn't just me, he really has a hearing problem as we knew! Ordered new hearing aids (donations are gladly accepted for the cost!!! YIKES!) and then to pick up Jo's glasses. YEAH...I can see again!
We then scrambled back to Lynnwood to have lunch with Granddaughter Ashley and get caught up with her life. She is working two jobs now and learning living on her own is expensive!
Tonight we had dinner at Jenn's, Ric, Janet and Sherrie joining us for home made barbequed burgers. YUM. And it is still HOT.
Saturday dawned and we just lazed around for a while. Jenn took off for her walk. I might add she, Ric and Sherrie are doing the 60 mile Breast Cancer Walk next month and they are really training hard for it. And thank you to those friends of ours who have donated to them....really a great cause.

Saving Second Base Team Ric, Jenn and Sherrie
Saturday afternoon I had lunch with Granddaughter Cammie and had a great visit with her. She is always so fun to be around and makes me feel good. She is working at Starbucks and will be going to Shoreline Community College this winter.
Sunday started with a brunch at Ivar's Acres of Clams to celebrate Sherrie's 5 YEARS OF CANCER FREE. WHOOPEE!!! We are so glad to able to celebrate this point with her and pray for 50 more years of cancer free. She has struggled so hard with the breast cancer and the side affects of all the treatments. She is such a strong woman and I admire her so much....I am amazed at all she has gone through and came out of so strong. YOU GO GIRL.

Jo, Sherrie and Al

Jenn and Sherrie
Of course I shed a tear for Cindy, our neice who died from cancer a few years ago. I prayed so hard for both of them to survive.
It was still warm in Seattle, but it was time for us leave and head south to Portland. We are in Portland visiting daughter Melanie and her family; husband Ron, grandson Vic and granddaughter Lori.
We arrived in a warm Portland and met them for dinner at our favorite Chinese place. When we left the restaurant it was RAINING! WHAT????
Monday we awoke to a loud boom and two dogs in bed with us. THUNDER! We had a great thunder and lightning storm and a downpour of rain, of course, the dogs had to go out potty just when it rained the hardest...so I got a refreshing au natural shower!
Monday Melanie, Lori and I spent the day playing. We went downtown Portland to Powell's Books to snoop around and to get Al some books and Lori a book she needs to read before school starts in two weeks...(nothing like having all summer to read it..) I love Powell's Books...it is so fun to roam from room to room and see all the different types of books. It is such a unique book store. After that we went to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes after picking up Al from the hotel. We barbequed ribs at Melanie's house for dinner...in the rain.
Lori is quite the horse person. She is competeing the the Jr. Rodeo's and also she has lettered at Oregon City Highschool in Rodeo. Vic also competes -- he is a bull rider (not my choice) or as I say he likes falling off the bulls!
Vic ---- Falling off the bull
Lori carrying American Flag at Rodeo
We will be leaving here on Thursday heading back to Odessa, where I hear it has been very hot...112 one day -- yup, that's hot! AHHHH...it feels so good!
So, until next time....we are busy and lovin' life..hope you are too!
Aug 19
Whee...it has been a wild few days for us. Before we drove to Seattle last Tuesday we had company from Australia. Al's cousin Christine and husband Denys were in Odessa for a short visit. Also Aunt Helen, Christine's mother were with them. It was good to visit with them and we are looking forward to seeing Chris and Denys later in the month as well.
We drove over to Seattle a week ago for doctor, dentist appointments. It was HOT in Seattle...in the 90's, which confuzzled us (a new word granddaughter Lori coined not to long ago...confused and puzzled), but I was lovin it. We stayed with Jenn, which she had ONE fan going when we got there and by the time we left she had THREE fans going.
First day was a scurry of doctors in downtown Seattle, dentist, and cardiologist in Kirkland. Al had good check ups every where....however, the cardiologist didn't like his weight (tee hee...it isn't just me nagging him now!) and has scheduled him for a stress test next month. I told Al he was going to have to study for this test..so I will help by stressing him daily (just kidding). Then that night we had dinner with good friends Row and Kathy...we always enjoy being with them and lots of laughs. We went to Goldbergs, a Jewish deli in Factoria and boy is it good.
Thursday saw us at the neurologist and Al has improved some on memory (can't prove it by me!) and the meds are doing a good job. Then to Diabetes doc, a new one since our last one retired. We really like the new doc...she is direct and to the point. Put Al back on his Byetta, which he had been taken off of earlier in the year.
After doctor appointments we went to the Boeing Human Resources Retiree's luncheon that is held annually in Tukwila. We didn't get to go last year and Al had a great time catching up with old work buddies. Also, sad to note, we have lost a few this past year...Russ HOlly who always headed up the reunion died and a Jackie Evans, who was a friends wife and we were with in Saudi died in January. Really begins to tell you how mortal you really are.
Then we scurried to Kirkland so Jo could order new glasses. I broke my glasses 10 days ago and have been "BLIND" since then. I have been wearing 10 year old glasses...which really didn't do much for me.
We had dinner at friends Frank and Lynn Congers tonight. Frank made his famous Taco's and they were excellent as usual.
Friday up and at 'em. Al had an appointment in Issaquah for a hearing test...ha, it wasn't just me, he really has a hearing problem as we knew! Ordered new hearing aids (donations are gladly accepted for the cost!!! YIKES!) and then to pick up Jo's glasses. YEAH...I can see again!
We then scrambled back to Lynnwood to have lunch with Granddaughter Ashley and get caught up with her life. She is working two jobs now and learning living on her own is expensive!
Tonight we had dinner at Jenn's, Ric, Janet and Sherrie joining us for home made barbequed burgers. YUM. And it is still HOT.
Saturday dawned and we just lazed around for a while. Jenn took off for her walk. I might add she, Ric and Sherrie are doing the 60 mile Breast Cancer Walk next month and they are really training hard for it. And thank you to those friends of ours who have donated to them....really a great cause.

Saving Second Base Team Ric, Jenn and Sherrie
Saturday afternoon I had lunch with Granddaughter Cammie and had a great visit with her. She is always so fun to be around and makes me feel good. She is working at Starbucks and will be going to Shoreline Community College this winter.
Sunday started with a brunch at Ivar's Acres of Clams to celebrate Sherrie's 5 YEARS OF CANCER FREE. WHOOPEE!!! We are so glad to able to celebrate this point with her and pray for 50 more years of cancer free. She has struggled so hard with the breast cancer and the side affects of all the treatments. She is such a strong woman and I admire her so much....I am amazed at all she has gone through and came out of so strong. YOU GO GIRL.

Jo, Sherrie and Al

Jenn and Sherrie
Of course I shed a tear for Cindy, our neice who died from cancer a few years ago. I prayed so hard for both of them to survive.
It was still warm in Seattle, but it was time for us leave and head south to Portland. We are in Portland visiting daughter Melanie and her family; husband Ron, grandson Vic and granddaughter Lori.
We arrived in a warm Portland and met them for dinner at our favorite Chinese place. When we left the restaurant it was RAINING! WHAT????
Monday we awoke to a loud boom and two dogs in bed with us. THUNDER! We had a great thunder and lightning storm and a downpour of rain, of course, the dogs had to go out potty just when it rained the hardest...so I got a refreshing au natural shower!
Monday Melanie, Lori and I spent the day playing. We went downtown Portland to Powell's Books to snoop around and to get Al some books and Lori a book she needs to read before school starts in two weeks...(nothing like having all summer to read it..) I love Powell's Books...it is so fun to roam from room to room and see all the different types of books. It is such a unique book store. After that we went to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes after picking up Al from the hotel. We barbequed ribs at Melanie's house for dinner...in the rain.
Lori is quite the horse person. She is competeing the the Jr. Rodeo's and also she has lettered at Oregon City Highschool in Rodeo. Vic also competes -- he is a bull rider (not my choice) or as I say he likes falling off the bulls!

We will be leaving here on Thursday heading back to Odessa, where I hear it has been very hot...112 one day -- yup, that's hot! AHHHH...it feels so good!
So, until next time....we are busy and lovin' life..hope you are too!
Monday, August 04, 2008
Odessa has never looked so good!
Aug 4, 2008
87 degrees and SUN
HOME! Yeah! We arrived home late yesterday evening after a long couple of days. I will start at the beginning.
Aug 1, Friday
We closed up the trailer on the Kenai and by noon we were heading towards Anchorage with luggage and two boxes of frozen salmon. Now the trick here is to keep those two boxes frozen until sometime late on Sunday. Hmmm
Trip to Anchorage was uneventful..sunny most of the way until we reached Anchorage and it was cloudy, but not cold for once.
Aug. 2, Saturday
First on the agenda today was getting some dry ice for the fish boxes. Relatively easy, one trip to Fred Myer did the trick. I was fighting mosquito's as I packed the ice in the boxes...grrr...won't miss those damn pesky things.
Dinner tonight was at Henry's in Anchorage. EXCELLENT! I had salmon cooked on a cedar plank and I was sure surprised when my dinner arrived and my salmon was still cooking on a cedar plank. I finally smothered the cedar plank to put it out...too smokey for me. But my salmon was so darn good, so now I have to try this at home.
Arrived at the airport and unloaded our 4 suitcases and 2 boxes of fish. Since we had booked out tickets in March we were still allowed 2 suitcases each, and since we carried on one we only had to pay for one extra fish box at $25...not a bad deal. We were in for a great surprise when we checked in however. The ticket person asked us if we would like to be upgraded to first class since there were two seats left and since Al travels in a handicapped capacity the seats were offered to us. WE jumped on them. What a nice flight that was! Wheelchair waiting for us in Seattle as well. We finally arrived at our hotel at 2:30 a.m. and immediately fell into bed. Of course, I was too wound up and couldn't go to sleep right away.
Aug. 3 Sunday
Ric and Cammie picked us up at the hotel this morning around 11:00 a.m. since Cammie had kept my car while we were gone. The hotel actually had a freezer for us to put our fish boxes in...so far, so good. Fish still frozen! We met Janet for lunch and then followed all of them home to pick up some stuff there and we headed for home. We were very anxious to get home to our puppies and kitties. After a quick stop in Ephrata at Safeway we were home. Odessa sure looked good...and it was sunny and warm. YES! We quickly unloaded the car and took off for Jerry and Ardis's to pick up the dogs. But not before both cats gave us a mouth full on how they were upset with us for being gone.
I think our dogs missed us...I have never seen either one of them so excited. They danced and pranced and talked to us for hours after we picked them up! Neither dog will let us out of their sight...and last night all four of the animals were in the bedroom with us. Schuster actually slept with his head on the bed watching us most of the night! Beau moves each time one of us moves and follows us everywhere and Schuster is always right beside me. Both cats aren't done with us yet...they still have a lot to tell us apparently. Our un-vocal cat Jose hasn't shut up! WOW...guess we will have to reconsider what to do next year if we go back to Alaska.
We had a nice surprise when we opened the door to the house yesterday (that is after we found our keys...long story) -- we had new flooring in the kitchen and laundry room! We had ordered it before we left and they told us if they could get access to the house they would install it if it came in before we got home! WOW...does it ever look nice. Now I have to paint the cabinets in the kitchen...arg, it never ends.
Al is in getting his hair cut right now and I am heading that way in a few minutes. I look like a very shaggy dog!
Some things we noticed now that we are home. Food is relatively inexpensive here compared to Alaska. And so is gas. We were paying $4.79 a gallon in Alaska for gas and I got it at Safeway here yesterday for $3.89 a gallon. OF course that was after I got my 30 cents a gallon discount...I told Al that was like hitting the lottery!
Weather is to be in the high 80's to low 90's for the week and that big, yellow, bright thing we can the sun is shining. Sure feels good. Al says I am leaving little puddles of water everywhere I go...me thawing out!
Tonight Jerry and Ardis are coming for dinner...halibut tonight. Can't wait!
We will be here for a few days before we have to head to Seattle for doctor/dentist appointments again. I just hope my Explorer (the exploder) will make the next few trips. I am taking it in to the mechanic on Wednesday for a tune up, and some minor things that need to be done. Still a great car, just very old.
Until next time, we are finally
Aug 4, 2008
87 degrees and SUN
HOME! Yeah! We arrived home late yesterday evening after a long couple of days. I will start at the beginning.
Aug 1, Friday
We closed up the trailer on the Kenai and by noon we were heading towards Anchorage with luggage and two boxes of frozen salmon. Now the trick here is to keep those two boxes frozen until sometime late on Sunday. Hmmm
Trip to Anchorage was uneventful..sunny most of the way until we reached Anchorage and it was cloudy, but not cold for once.
Aug. 2, Saturday
First on the agenda today was getting some dry ice for the fish boxes. Relatively easy, one trip to Fred Myer did the trick. I was fighting mosquito's as I packed the ice in the boxes...grrr...won't miss those damn pesky things.
Dinner tonight was at Henry's in Anchorage. EXCELLENT! I had salmon cooked on a cedar plank and I was sure surprised when my dinner arrived and my salmon was still cooking on a cedar plank. I finally smothered the cedar plank to put it out...too smokey for me. But my salmon was so darn good, so now I have to try this at home.
Arrived at the airport and unloaded our 4 suitcases and 2 boxes of fish. Since we had booked out tickets in March we were still allowed 2 suitcases each, and since we carried on one we only had to pay for one extra fish box at $25...not a bad deal. We were in for a great surprise when we checked in however. The ticket person asked us if we would like to be upgraded to first class since there were two seats left and since Al travels in a handicapped capacity the seats were offered to us. WE jumped on them. What a nice flight that was! Wheelchair waiting for us in Seattle as well. We finally arrived at our hotel at 2:30 a.m. and immediately fell into bed. Of course, I was too wound up and couldn't go to sleep right away.
Aug. 3 Sunday
Ric and Cammie picked us up at the hotel this morning around 11:00 a.m. since Cammie had kept my car while we were gone. The hotel actually had a freezer for us to put our fish boxes in...so far, so good. Fish still frozen! We met Janet for lunch and then followed all of them home to pick up some stuff there and we headed for home. We were very anxious to get home to our puppies and kitties. After a quick stop in Ephrata at Safeway we were home. Odessa sure looked good...and it was sunny and warm. YES! We quickly unloaded the car and took off for Jerry and Ardis's to pick up the dogs. But not before both cats gave us a mouth full on how they were upset with us for being gone.
I think our dogs missed us...I have never seen either one of them so excited. They danced and pranced and talked to us for hours after we picked them up! Neither dog will let us out of their sight...and last night all four of the animals were in the bedroom with us. Schuster actually slept with his head on the bed watching us most of the night! Beau moves each time one of us moves and follows us everywhere and Schuster is always right beside me. Both cats aren't done with us yet...they still have a lot to tell us apparently. Our un-vocal cat Jose hasn't shut up! WOW...guess we will have to reconsider what to do next year if we go back to Alaska.
We had a nice surprise when we opened the door to the house yesterday (that is after we found our keys...long story) -- we had new flooring in the kitchen and laundry room! We had ordered it before we left and they told us if they could get access to the house they would install it if it came in before we got home! WOW...does it ever look nice. Now I have to paint the cabinets in the kitchen...arg, it never ends.
Al is in getting his hair cut right now and I am heading that way in a few minutes. I look like a very shaggy dog!
Some things we noticed now that we are home. Food is relatively inexpensive here compared to Alaska. And so is gas. We were paying $4.79 a gallon in Alaska for gas and I got it at Safeway here yesterday for $3.89 a gallon. OF course that was after I got my 30 cents a gallon discount...I told Al that was like hitting the lottery!
Weather is to be in the high 80's to low 90's for the week and that big, yellow, bright thing we can the sun is shining. Sure feels good. Al says I am leaving little puddles of water everywhere I go...me thawing out!
Tonight Jerry and Ardis are coming for dinner...halibut tonight. Can't wait!
We will be here for a few days before we have to head to Seattle for doctor/dentist appointments again. I just hope my Explorer (the exploder) will make the next few trips. I am taking it in to the mechanic on Wednesday for a tune up, and some minor things that need to be done. Still a great car, just very old.
Until next time, we are finally
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Dead animals and other thoughts
Sterling, AK
July 31, 2008
July 26
All I can say is this must be the wettest place on earth! Rained ALL DAY.
July 27, 2008
No change from yesterday. No fish either. We went into Soldotna this evening for dinner at Frosso’s. Boy, that place is good! I had a halibut dish that I am going to have to figure out the recipe to, it was wonderful.
On the way to Soldotna we passed a dead brown bear in the road that had been hit by a car. Sure would like to see what the car looked like as this was one squashed bear! Bear pavement anyone? He was bearly there! Okay, enough, the rain has gotten to my brain. Stop already!
July 28 Monday
Dan and Ken fished all day…came home with their limit finally. Red’s are slowing down in the river. And not many have passed the escapement this year, less than 400,000…which is way down. That tells me that either the run is really poor this year; the dip netters and commercial fishermen have gotten too many or that the fish are still out in the ocean and will come in strong later. Who knows?
July 29, Tuesday
Rain and a little sun today. The guys went to Homer tonight to go halibut fishing tomorrow. I am starting to gather things up and make my packing list.
One of our neighbors in camp hit a moose on his way back from Seward yesterday. Completely totaled his rental car, but he and his passenger weren’t hurt with the exception of a few minor cuts from the wind shield collapsing on them. He said the moose jumped out from the brush on the side of the road about 10 yards in front of him and there was absolutely nothing he could do. It happened about 5 miles from here, just off the wildlife reservation. He asked the state trooper what they will do with the dead moose and he said they will give it to the native Indians here or to a institution. Hmmm
I cooked a huge pot of spaghetti today and had the “doc’s “ over for dinner. Jerry Boggs is from Roseburg, Oregon and is a neurologist and Vinnie is from Williamsburg, VA and is an anesthesiologist. Both really nice guys and we enjoy them.
July 30, Wednesday
Today was absolutely gorgeous…sunny and warm. The locals are calling it “hot”; I however, beg to differ. Hot is anything over 100; not 75! What ever, I enjoyed it! I inventoried the trailer today and made lists of things to bring up next year if we come; plus I know what I have here.
The guys got home about 4:30 p.m. and they didn’t do to well. They said the ocean was rough and very choppy with waves of 8-10 feet and the fishing was rotten. They each got one halibut; which they had filleted on the boat and brought home for me to cut up into steaks and vacuum seal. So we each got about 25 pounds of halibut…not a very good catch, but halibut is halibut. I figured these cost us each about $45 a pound!
July 31, Thursday
Dan, Rod and Ken left camp early this morning to head home. I am at my favorite spot here, the Laundromat doing my last wash. I will be packing today and getting ready to leave camp tomorrow morning. We will go into Anchorage to visit with my brother tomorrow and Saturday until we leave late Saturday night. We are both missing our dogs and cats so we are anxious to get home and get back to a somewhat normal routine.
Today is another pretty day. The camp is emptying out quickly and probably more will leave after this weekend. The newspaper said that the sockeye fishing is closed as of tomorrow. The run was too small. Of course this happened last year and after a few days a huge run came through and the fishing was opened up to a limit of six a day. Won’t matter for us this year, we will be gone and we have plenty of fish.
I was tagged by The Pink Crazy Woman for this. I’ve not answered one of these for awhile, so here it goes.
1. What is your occupation right now? RETIRED...I don't have time to work!
2. What color are your socks right now?Socks? For once I am not wearing socks...so I would say very white feet!
3. What are you listening to right now? Washers and Dryers...I am at the laundromat.
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Coffee?
5. Can you drive a stick shift? No Way
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Hmmm--guess it was Ardis, yesterday.
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I have to, she's my kid!
8. How old are you today? 60.777777
9. What is your favorite sport to watch? Football, followed closely by golf.
10. What is your favorite drink? Water or a Manhattan
11. Favourite food? Hmmm --- Cheeseburger!
12. What is the last movie you watched? Bucket List, which was very good and I have now made my own "Bucket List."
13. Favourite day of the year? Any day is doesn't rain or snow.
14. How do you vent anger? Out the trap!
15. What was your favourite toy as a child? Uh...that was so long ago....I guess it was my bridal doll.
16. What is your favourite season? Summer in Washington and all the other season's in Arizona.
17. Cherries or Blueberries? Blueberries! Cherries please.
18. Do you want your friends to add this meme to their blogs? Yes!
19. Who is the most likely to respond? Uh...good question.
20. Who is least likely to respond? See above
21. Living arrangements? Where? Here in Alaska a 33 foot Terry Camp Trailer that is getting way too small right now. In Odessa a 3 bedroom manufactured home. In Arizona see previous. In between...a 35 foot 5th wheel...any more questions?
22. When was the last time you cried? A couple days ago.
23. What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes. Lots and lots of shoes.
24. Who is the friend you have had the longest relationship with that you are sending this to? Peggy....we were high school friends...
25. What did you do last night? Cooked, and visited with Bruce, Dan, Rod, Al and Ken. And swatted at mosquitos
26. What inspires you? Good question! DON'T KNOW RIGHT NOW.
27. What are you most afraid of? Right Now? Bears...there are way too many around here.
28. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Pass the Cheese please. Though it depends on where I’m getting said burger.
29. Favourite dog breed? Well, I couldn't answer this any other way but STANDARD POODLES...namely Beau and Schuster
30. Favourite day of the week? Any day...I am retired.
31. How many states have you lived in? Oh boy....Oregon, California, Colorado, (and Jennifer you forgot Colorado in your reply) Texas, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Montana, Washington, Alaska, Arizona.
31. Biggest Life lesson? Listen to my intuition. Going against my gut feeling has always led to the wrong decisions for me.
July 31, 2008
July 26
All I can say is this must be the wettest place on earth! Rained ALL DAY.
July 27, 2008
No change from yesterday. No fish either. We went into Soldotna this evening for dinner at Frosso’s. Boy, that place is good! I had a halibut dish that I am going to have to figure out the recipe to, it was wonderful.
On the way to Soldotna we passed a dead brown bear in the road that had been hit by a car. Sure would like to see what the car looked like as this was one squashed bear! Bear pavement anyone? He was bearly there! Okay, enough, the rain has gotten to my brain. Stop already!
July 28 Monday
Dan and Ken fished all day…came home with their limit finally. Red’s are slowing down in the river. And not many have passed the escapement this year, less than 400,000…which is way down. That tells me that either the run is really poor this year; the dip netters and commercial fishermen have gotten too many or that the fish are still out in the ocean and will come in strong later. Who knows?
July 29, Tuesday
Rain and a little sun today. The guys went to Homer tonight to go halibut fishing tomorrow. I am starting to gather things up and make my packing list.
One of our neighbors in camp hit a moose on his way back from Seward yesterday. Completely totaled his rental car, but he and his passenger weren’t hurt with the exception of a few minor cuts from the wind shield collapsing on them. He said the moose jumped out from the brush on the side of the road about 10 yards in front of him and there was absolutely nothing he could do. It happened about 5 miles from here, just off the wildlife reservation. He asked the state trooper what they will do with the dead moose and he said they will give it to the native Indians here or to a institution. Hmmm
I cooked a huge pot of spaghetti today and had the “doc’s “ over for dinner. Jerry Boggs is from Roseburg, Oregon and is a neurologist and Vinnie is from Williamsburg, VA and is an anesthesiologist. Both really nice guys and we enjoy them.
July 30, Wednesday
Today was absolutely gorgeous…sunny and warm. The locals are calling it “hot”; I however, beg to differ. Hot is anything over 100; not 75! What ever, I enjoyed it! I inventoried the trailer today and made lists of things to bring up next year if we come; plus I know what I have here.
The guys got home about 4:30 p.m. and they didn’t do to well. They said the ocean was rough and very choppy with waves of 8-10 feet and the fishing was rotten. They each got one halibut; which they had filleted on the boat and brought home for me to cut up into steaks and vacuum seal. So we each got about 25 pounds of halibut…not a very good catch, but halibut is halibut. I figured these cost us each about $45 a pound!
July 31, Thursday
Dan, Rod and Ken left camp early this morning to head home. I am at my favorite spot here, the Laundromat doing my last wash. I will be packing today and getting ready to leave camp tomorrow morning. We will go into Anchorage to visit with my brother tomorrow and Saturday until we leave late Saturday night. We are both missing our dogs and cats so we are anxious to get home and get back to a somewhat normal routine.
Today is another pretty day. The camp is emptying out quickly and probably more will leave after this weekend. The newspaper said that the sockeye fishing is closed as of tomorrow. The run was too small. Of course this happened last year and after a few days a huge run came through and the fishing was opened up to a limit of six a day. Won’t matter for us this year, we will be gone and we have plenty of fish.
I was tagged by The Pink Crazy Woman for this. I’ve not answered one of these for awhile, so here it goes.
1. What is your occupation right now? RETIRED...I don't have time to work!
2. What color are your socks right now?Socks? For once I am not wearing socks...so I would say very white feet!
3. What are you listening to right now? Washers and Dryers...I am at the laundromat.
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Coffee?
5. Can you drive a stick shift? No Way
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Hmmm--guess it was Ardis, yesterday.
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I have to, she's my kid!
8. How old are you today? 60.777777
9. What is your favorite sport to watch? Football, followed closely by golf.
10. What is your favorite drink? Water or a Manhattan
11. Favourite food? Hmmm --- Cheeseburger!
12. What is the last movie you watched? Bucket List, which was very good and I have now made my own "Bucket List."
13. Favourite day of the year? Any day is doesn't rain or snow.
14. How do you vent anger? Out the trap!
15. What was your favourite toy as a child? Uh...that was so long ago....I guess it was my bridal doll.
16. What is your favourite season? Summer in Washington and all the other season's in Arizona.
17. Cherries or Blueberries? Blueberries! Cherries please.
18. Do you want your friends to add this meme to their blogs? Yes!
19. Who is the most likely to respond? Uh...good question.
20. Who is least likely to respond? See above
21. Living arrangements? Where? Here in Alaska a 33 foot Terry Camp Trailer that is getting way too small right now. In Odessa a 3 bedroom manufactured home. In Arizona see previous. In between...a 35 foot 5th wheel...any more questions?
22. When was the last time you cried? A couple days ago.
23. What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes. Lots and lots of shoes.
24. Who is the friend you have had the longest relationship with that you are sending this to? Peggy....we were high school friends...
25. What did you do last night? Cooked, and visited with Bruce, Dan, Rod, Al and Ken. And swatted at mosquitos
26. What inspires you? Good question! DON'T KNOW RIGHT NOW.
27. What are you most afraid of? Right Now? Bears...there are way too many around here.
28. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Pass the Cheese please. Though it depends on where I’m getting said burger.
29. Favourite dog breed? Well, I couldn't answer this any other way but STANDARD POODLES...namely Beau and Schuster
30. Favourite day of the week? Any day...I am retired.
31. How many states have you lived in? Oh boy....Oregon, California, Colorado, (and Jennifer you forgot Colorado in your reply) Texas, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Montana, Washington, Alaska, Arizona.
31. Biggest Life lesson? Listen to my intuition. Going against my gut feeling has always led to the wrong decisions for me.
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