At least that is what it looked like after dinner on Saturday night! Or a king crab suicide bomber commited suicide at my dinner table!!! Yes, we enjoyed a fine dinner of king crab legs, fresh frozen directly from Alaska, courtesy of our nephew Bruce! It was a Christmas present to us, his dad, and the Sandersons, Bruce, HOlly and Cortney. And we did a fine job of eating as many crab legs as we could possible stuff down our gullet! However, we were faced with 15 POUNDS of king crab legs! Yes, we had to finally give up and leave some behind. HOWEVER, after dinner, we had a party at same said dining room table, cracking and cleaning out all the crab meat, which was then divided up and vacuum sealed and frozen so we can do this again in the near future, just not as messy. BUT BOY WERE THEY GOOD! YUM! However, getting to the crab meat does work up an appetite...and you need iron hands and fingers, those darn crabs are pokey. Yes, we were crabby tonight, but a good crabby. This kind of crabby I could do all of the time.

In other news of the Wraspir world...IT IS DAMN WINDY TODAY! I think I saw a small house blow by earlier! Our house actually shakes sometimes when a gust of wind hits it. Winds up to 60 mph were forecast and I think, for once, the weather guesser was right! And it is cold, er, well, cold for us. Cold is relative here...we aren't cold like Washington State is right now (forcast for Odessa has it down in the - 9 area!) or cold like Wisconsin or North Dakota. But for here it is C-O-L-D! And snow forecast for tomorrow above 5,000 feet; we sit at 3200 feet so we will have nice, white mountains tomorrow.
Christmas cards are done, Christmas shopping almost done, and the house is beginning to look a little like Christmas. Next projects are to get the tree up (that is a project in itself) and get the house, inside and out decorated. I threaten every year not to do this anymore, but when Christmas rolls around there is just something in me that says I need to decorate the house. And every year I say I am not going to make cookies and candies, yup, on Thursday Cortney and I are making cookies and candy. Just can't break old traditions, nor, do I think I want to.
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