Saturday, January 05, 2008

Where have all the Meat Forks Gone?

Jan. 5, 2008

Okay, I know that is a strange title for the first blog of the New Year, but it is a question my brother and I have been asking for the past week!

It seems as if NO ONE carries the old fashion meat forks any longer. You know the kind -- large metal fork at one end for "poking" meat and the handle made of plastic or wood. Can't find 'em! Nary a one and we have been to several stores! Bed, Bath and Beyond - nope; Linen's n Things - nope; all the grocery stores - nope; Kitchen shops - nope! What??? Are people afraid of them? Afraid they will be used as a lethal weapon? Have they been banned and someone didn't tell us????? Mine is as old as the hills and my brother keeps "eyeing" it -- I told him if it goes missing I know where he lives! We will continue our search next week with WalMart and Target. I have even stopped at the Golden Goose and several garage sales! No luck!

On to other topics! Our first week of the New Year has been busy as usual. On New Years Day we hosted the Arizona Wraspir Clan....Gary and Jeannette; Bobbi and Neil; Bruce, Holly and Cortney; as well as my brother for dinner. Al smoked two hams (small ones) and they were delicious...YUM! Everyone brought something as well -- we had a yummy spinach salad, creamed potatoes and pea's; and Jeannette brought her famous white cake with peanut butter frosting. We were all sufficiently stuffed!

On Thursday I went to help Bobbi and Neil move into their new 5th wheel. They traded their 2006 Sunnybrook for a 2008 Montana. Nice coach! I am just glad it is them breaking in a new rig...ugh! Jeannette cooked a spaghetti dinner for us that night along with a huckleberry pie. Again...sufficiently stuffed. Must be the theme for this year? I hope not!

Other than that I have been lazy this week. I have just finished Khalen Hosseini's book "The Kite Runner" and I highly recommend it. Very good book even though it does raise a lot of questions in my mind. Now I am starting on his second book "A Thousand Splendid Suns".

And, I have been working on my cruise pictures. Unfortunately, my camera wasn't working well and I lost a lot of my pictures; fortunately, Jack took just about as many if not more than I did so he gave me a copy of his. I want to get them printed and scrap booked before I forget what they are and where they are!

Our weather was beautiful this last week...until today. Now we have rain coming in and it is very windy right now. We can use the rain however!

Hope this first week of the new year has been good to you all. We really enjoyed the letters and cards we got over Christmas from a lot of you. It is so fun to catch up with people! Too bad most of us only do it once a year! Oh well, it is good to hear from you all.

And with that I will close this first blog.....if you see any meat forks in your wanderings, let me know where! :-)

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