Happy Easter
Well...this is interesting. We had several titles for this blog...such as: I'm Dreaming of a White Easter? or, We Wish you a Merry Easter, or Here comes Easter Bunny right down egg lane? Why, you ask? Well, we are having a white Easter...yes, the white is SNOW! We awoke to snow this morning...of course, we have had snow, rain, sun, windy, etc, repeat.
I rest my case...I am cold!
A busy week this has been. We arrived in Kansas City late last Sunday after a bumpy departure from Tucson, where, incidently, it was snowing when we left there! I give up!
Monday we met up with grandson's David and Danny and David's girlfriend, Tiffany. We decided to go see the museum exhibition "Bodies Revealed", which was very, very good and interesting. It was raining buckets in Kansas City that day....all day. But the rain didn't stop us!
Tuesday dawned cloudy and overcast, and windy. Oh well, better weather was forecast for the next few days. We spent most of the day visiting with David and Danny and did a little shopping. We said our goodbye's after dinner.
Wednesday we headed to O'Fallon to see Mike, Bev, Sarah, Natasha and Nadia. Weather was okay for us, but just south of us it is flooding BIG TIME! Three rivers out of their banks and many people displaced.
We met our newest great granddaughter, Nadia today...she is 3 months old. Nadia is a cutie too.

Natasha is growing up so fast. She is 8 years old and a real young lady.
Thursday Bev and I spent the day playing and visiting the quilt shops. We bought some material and made a couple of table runners....I do love to quilt.
Friday Natasha, Beverly and I went to St. Louis Art Museum to see the Quilts of Yesterday Exhibition....very impressive. We had lunch at Wolfgang Pucks restaurant, very good.
Saturday was spent in preparation for Easter Sunday. Sarah, Natasha, Nadia and I did have lunch together and a quick trip to Target.
Today we got up and went to church (in the snow); then came home and had a great dinner. Stephen left for the airport this evening and we are packed and ready to head to Kansas city and the airport there tomorrow. We flew Express Jet this time and we have to say it is a great little airline.
We have had weather from snow to 72 degree's while we were here...it must be spring.
So until next time I will leave you with some pictures.
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