Leaving Acapulco…heading to Puerto Vallarta
This morning after breakfast Suzi and I decided to go ashore and try and take a picture of the ship. However, this thing is so big I couldn’t get far enough away to get the whole thing in!!! While ashore we had to fight off the offers of “taxi, lady?” or the various vendors trying to sell anything from Chiclets to silver (?) bracelets and beads. Uh, no thanks!
After the ship sailed and we had the necessary lunch, Suzi and I went to play “Name that tune” with one of the good on board performers. We discovered we didn’t know the CORRECT NAMES to a lot of very familiar tunes! We knew the songs, but didn’t know the correct song name…however, we did get 11 of 15 correct and it was fun.
Dinner tonight was in the steak house “Cagney’s” and it was excellent. Al enjoyed his birthday dinner on board complete with a cake…icky cake, but cake. After dinner we went to see the on board show, “Year of the Gisha” which was excellent. Later we crashed, as did Jack; Suzi decided to give the casino a chance to give her some money and she actually came out ahead.
Al is feeling better and the doctor took him off the IV today and is giving him the pill form of the antibiotic. He is still coughing, but not as bad as he was.
We can clearly tell we are getting farther north…the temp and humidity is coming down. Every night before I go to bed I sit out on the balcony for a few minutes…and most nights it is still warm and humid, but tonight I noticed it was not as warm and humid, and matter of fact, a little on the “cool” side. Okay, cool, in the high 70’s.
April 24, 2008 Thursday Puerto Vallarta
Okay, I give…now I have the crud! Coughed all last night and feel like crap! So I did go to the doc this morning and got some antibiotics. Doc says the family that coughs together stays together! I have a good case of bronchitis. Aren’t I lucky? I am staying on board today, and since we have already been here, I don’t feel like I am missing anything really. I HATE BEING SICK!
Al is doing better…he helped me cough last night however. Doc gave us both some strong, horrible tasting cough syrup; but promised it would help us. I hope so!
Jack and Suzi are on shore. Suzi saw a necklace a few years ago that she liked in one of the jewelry stores here so she is going is try and find it again. GOOD LUCK! Hope she finds it with out too much trouble.
More later……………
Well, I slept the entire afternoon…something I haven’t done in years. I think I may feel a bit better. Al seems to be improving as well.
Jack and Suzi had a fun afternoon, however, they didn’t find the jewelry shop; they did have a $69 LUNCH however! Jack said they had two margarita’s each, which they didn’t realize were $10 a piece! And they both said they weren’t spectacular margarita’s either.
We had dinner up in the buffet tonight. Al and I didn’t feel like eating too much, nor did we feel like changing clothes since in the dining rooms shorts aren’t allowed. That is something I don’t understand…shorts are not allowed, however, the shortest of mini skirts are? Oh, never mind! Jack and Sue joined us for dinner and now they are headed off to the show and we are headed off to bed. I think I may be able to sleep this stuff off!
Tomorrow is Cabo San Lucas and I am determined to go on our short tour tomorrow! And most of you know how I am when I am determined to do something! :-)
Also....our cruise has been very, very smooth so far as far as sea conditions. Even the captain has made comment several times on how unusual this is for the calm sea's. Apparently, usually once you get on the Pacific it gets a little rougher, however, that hasn't happened so far. However, after saying that, tonight is a little more "bouncy" than we have had in a while.
1 comment:
Hi! May I ask you a question about your Jan 2, 2006 post? Sorry but I don't want to post a blog comment but could you please email me when you have time?
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