Odessa, WA
We arrived home late yesterday afternoon...in the rain! Welcome to Washington..at least it wasn't snow.
We unloaded just what we needed from the trailer and crashed. Fortunately for me, the house was in relative good shape...for being Odessa. Lots of work to still be done however and the weeds are about to take over the yard! UGH! All in good time!
Today has been kinda' a let's see what we need to do day. First off, we are going to have to buy a new bbq...this one has seen it's last days. Al tried to fix it, but gave up and said it's time for a new one. Also on the agenda is a new countertop for the kitchen....so it could get expensive for us this summer! Maybe we should just sell ... don't I wish!
Other than that, it is a whopping 60 degree's and the wind is blowing hard...and it's cold. However, I talked to Holly in Tucson this morning (we had a slight issue of our alarm going off at the Tucson house) and she said it is cold and very windy there as well. Then I talked to Roger right after that and he said the same thing. So where is it warm? It is May, right? Oh wait, it is Memorial Day weekend...it's always miserable weather!
Until next time, or until something exciting happens, (hope that won't involve a snake) we are in Odessa and staying put for a week or so before we meander to Seattle for doctor, dentist visits and a granddaughter's high school graduation.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Change of Direction
May 19, 2008
Salmon, Idaho
Okay…so you are wondering how we got here? Well…it has been a different kind of day.
We left Ogden, UT late this morning. We usually travel up I-15 to I-84 and across to Boise; eastern Oregon and into Richland, WA area and then to Odessa. We got about 10 miles from where I-84 takes off and Al looked at me and said “I’m tired of this route…let’s go up I-15 to Butte, Mt and over I-90 home”…uh, fine with me. So off we went…hadn’t seen this area of the country in years…through Pocatello and Idaho Falls.
About 30 miles north of Idaho Falls we felt a “bump”…hmmm…better stop and see what that was. I got out and looked at the tires on the truck and trailer on the passenger side and they were okay, however, when I got to the trailer tires on the driver side the left front one had thrown a tread….DAMN! This was about 3:30 p.m. and we had made reservations at a RV park in Dillion, MT for the night. I called Good Sam Road Service and at the same time cancelled our reservations in Dillion as we had no idea how long we were going to be sidelined. Good Sam sent a truck out to change the tire…and at 4:50 p.m. the tire was changed…however, after looking at the rest of the tires we weren’t sure we wanted to go much longer on them. The tire service that assisted us was out of a little town called Terenton, Id, about 12 miles west of where we were and they had 4 tires for the trailer at a good price, so we followed the truck back in and had all four tires changed. This is something I have worried about for many a year…having a blow out on the trailer tires…I have heard horror stories about how bad it can be. Fortunately for us it was not bad.
At about 6:00 p.m. the tires were changed and we were ready to get on the road again to the nearest RV Park. But wait…I have been looking at the map again and asked Al if he wanted to go on some “red” roads instead of the interstate. Oh yeah…back to red roads was fine. Red roads on the map usually take you through more interesting areas and you see lots more.
So off we went … up Idaho 28, through pretty much nothing, but great scenry and lots of deer, antelope and later some beautiful farming area’s. We got into Salmon at just before 8:00 p.m. and found a great little RV Park on the Salmon River. The river is running fairly high from all of the meltoff, but we are parked about 50 feet from the river and can hear the bubbling, gurgling sound. We just had a great lightning/thunder/rain storm that lasted about 20 minutes, and now the air smells so fresh. AHHHH…
So now that we are way off our planned path of going home, we will continue up Hwy 93 through the Bitterroot Valley; some place we have both wanted to go to for many years and haven’t. Al has a friend in Hamilton, MT that he may try and call tomorrow and see if he can visit with him for a few minutes. Then on up to Missoula and hit I-90 and head home. We may not get home until Friday…but oh well…we are in no hurry.Besides, we both love to travel the red roads and explore. This is really what I miss about full timing in the RV.
May 20, 2008
St. Regis. MT
We didn't get wrollin' very early this morning...both of us just taking our time. We are in no hurry.
Just out of Salmon, ID we rounded a curve and there were two big horn sheep along side the road...we were praying they would stay there and not cross in front of us and they waited. It was really neat to see them.
The we started climbing...up Lost Trail Pass. Hmmm---Al, what is that white stuff falling from the sky? You have got to be kidding...SNOW! Yup...snow. Not a lot but just enough to let us know we were in the mountains! At it was 40 degrees...brr!
It was a beautiful trip through the Bitteroot Valley....and we can see why so many people like it here. All the rivers in this area are running very high and most are out of their banks...spring run off! We also were amazed at the damage that was done by the fires the last few years in the Hamilton, Darby area. Darby has been hit hard by the wildfires the last few years. We could see where there was a lot of new buildings in the Bitterroot Valley and we had to assume alot of it was from where the people had been burned out.
We arrived in Hamilton, MT around 1:00 p.m. and we had called Al's friend, Hans Schwietzer and we met him for lunch. A long, fun lunch. Al hadn's see Hans since 1971! They worked together at Boeing, and had talked off and on over the phone, but hadn't see each other. Needless to say there was a lot to talk about. I had to laugh tho -- the both would start to say something about someone they knew, but could only remember thier first name, so the game of "what was the last name" was played a lot. And Pete Rielly, if your ears were burning there was a reason for it as your name came up a lot.
Hans and Al
Finally, we took off from Hamilton and landed here in St. Regis around 5:00 p.m. It's cold here....and looks like it wants to rain...I am just hoping that it won't snow!
Tomorrow we will head into Liberty Lake, WA and have lunch with Gary and Jeannette and do some grocery shopping and head home. Hope to arrive in Odessa by late afternoon.
We are both glad we changed direction and came this way. Much prettier of a drive and a bonus of seeing an old friend.
So, until next time...we are wroamin' for now..........
Salmon, Idaho
Okay…so you are wondering how we got here? Well…it has been a different kind of day.
We left Ogden, UT late this morning. We usually travel up I-15 to I-84 and across to Boise; eastern Oregon and into Richland, WA area and then to Odessa. We got about 10 miles from where I-84 takes off and Al looked at me and said “I’m tired of this route…let’s go up I-15 to Butte, Mt and over I-90 home”…uh, fine with me. So off we went…hadn’t seen this area of the country in years…through Pocatello and Idaho Falls.
About 30 miles north of Idaho Falls we felt a “bump”…hmmm…better stop and see what that was. I got out and looked at the tires on the truck and trailer on the passenger side and they were okay, however, when I got to the trailer tires on the driver side the left front one had thrown a tread….DAMN! This was about 3:30 p.m. and we had made reservations at a RV park in Dillion, MT for the night. I called Good Sam Road Service and at the same time cancelled our reservations in Dillion as we had no idea how long we were going to be sidelined. Good Sam sent a truck out to change the tire…and at 4:50 p.m. the tire was changed…however, after looking at the rest of the tires we weren’t sure we wanted to go much longer on them. The tire service that assisted us was out of a little town called Terenton, Id, about 12 miles west of where we were and they had 4 tires for the trailer at a good price, so we followed the truck back in and had all four tires changed. This is something I have worried about for many a year…having a blow out on the trailer tires…I have heard horror stories about how bad it can be. Fortunately for us it was not bad.
At about 6:00 p.m. the tires were changed and we were ready to get on the road again to the nearest RV Park. But wait…I have been looking at the map again and asked Al if he wanted to go on some “red” roads instead of the interstate. Oh yeah…back to red roads was fine. Red roads on the map usually take you through more interesting areas and you see lots more.
So off we went … up Idaho 28, through pretty much nothing, but great scenry and lots of deer, antelope and later some beautiful farming area’s. We got into Salmon at just before 8:00 p.m. and found a great little RV Park on the Salmon River. The river is running fairly high from all of the meltoff, but we are parked about 50 feet from the river and can hear the bubbling, gurgling sound. We just had a great lightning/thunder/rain storm that lasted about 20 minutes, and now the air smells so fresh. AHHHH…
So now that we are way off our planned path of going home, we will continue up Hwy 93 through the Bitterroot Valley; some place we have both wanted to go to for many years and haven’t. Al has a friend in Hamilton, MT that he may try and call tomorrow and see if he can visit with him for a few minutes. Then on up to Missoula and hit I-90 and head home. We may not get home until Friday…but oh well…we are in no hurry.Besides, we both love to travel the red roads and explore. This is really what I miss about full timing in the RV.
May 20, 2008
St. Regis. MT
We didn't get wrollin' very early this morning...both of us just taking our time. We are in no hurry.
Just out of Salmon, ID we rounded a curve and there were two big horn sheep along side the road...we were praying they would stay there and not cross in front of us and they waited. It was really neat to see them.
The we started climbing...up Lost Trail Pass. Hmmm---Al, what is that white stuff falling from the sky? You have got to be kidding...SNOW! Yup...snow. Not a lot but just enough to let us know we were in the mountains! At it was 40 degrees...brr!
It was a beautiful trip through the Bitteroot Valley....and we can see why so many people like it here. All the rivers in this area are running very high and most are out of their banks...spring run off! We also were amazed at the damage that was done by the fires the last few years in the Hamilton, Darby area. Darby has been hit hard by the wildfires the last few years. We could see where there was a lot of new buildings in the Bitterroot Valley and we had to assume alot of it was from where the people had been burned out.
We arrived in Hamilton, MT around 1:00 p.m. and we had called Al's friend, Hans Schwietzer and we met him for lunch. A long, fun lunch. Al hadn's see Hans since 1971! They worked together at Boeing, and had talked off and on over the phone, but hadn't see each other. Needless to say there was a lot to talk about. I had to laugh tho -- the both would start to say something about someone they knew, but could only remember thier first name, so the game of "what was the last name" was played a lot. And Pete Rielly, if your ears were burning there was a reason for it as your name came up a lot.
Finally, we took off from Hamilton and landed here in St. Regis around 5:00 p.m. It's cold here....and looks like it wants to rain...I am just hoping that it won't snow!
Tomorrow we will head into Liberty Lake, WA and have lunch with Gary and Jeannette and do some grocery shopping and head home. Hope to arrive in Odessa by late afternoon.
We are both glad we changed direction and came this way. Much prettier of a drive and a bonus of seeing an old friend.
So, until next time...we are wroamin' for now..........
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Movin' along
Ogden, Ut
May 19
We arrived here yesterday afternoon and set up for the night. I decided I needed a nap so I layed down around 6:30 and woke up this morning at 8:00! Some nap? WOW! Guess I was tired.
We left Bryce Canyon around 10:00 a.m. yesterday. We are moving fairly slow...taking our sweet time. Al drove as far as Nephi, UT, where we stopped for fuel ($4.57 owowowowow)and we got some lunch. Then I took over driving. Hmmm...where did all these white cars come from? Both of us noticed an unusal large amount of white cars...all around us. Come on people...get some pizazz in your life and get a colored car!
In through Salt Lake City we go....in rush hour of course! Hey, you! The one in the Silver Ford F250 that just cut in front of me...didn't you see this BIG BLACK FORD PULLING THIS HUGE TRAILER THAT CAN'T STOP ON A DIME? YA' YOU DUMMY! I some times think that people see us coming and think "I want to be in front of them so I will cut them off..they can surely stop before they plant themselves in my rear!" NOT! But then, of course, there was the nice person in the Silver Dodge pickup (Hush DAN) that let me in a few minutes later...restoring my faith in humans. After all...I am in Salt Lake.
There is a fire just west of us today...just started. Don't know where it is, or if it is a forest fire or a structure, but the cloud of smoke is huge and black and in the direction we have to go. UGH!
And we are off...maybe more blog tonight IF I can get internet.
May 19
We arrived here yesterday afternoon and set up for the night. I decided I needed a nap so I layed down around 6:30 and woke up this morning at 8:00! Some nap? WOW! Guess I was tired.
We left Bryce Canyon around 10:00 a.m. yesterday. We are moving fairly slow...taking our sweet time. Al drove as far as Nephi, UT, where we stopped for fuel ($4.57 owowowowow)and we got some lunch. Then I took over driving. Hmmm...where did all these white cars come from? Both of us noticed an unusal large amount of white cars...all around us. Come on people...get some pizazz in your life and get a colored car!
In through Salt Lake City we go....in rush hour of course! Hey, you! The one in the Silver Ford F250 that just cut in front of me...didn't you see this BIG BLACK FORD PULLING THIS HUGE TRAILER THAT CAN'T STOP ON A DIME? YA' YOU DUMMY! I some times think that people see us coming and think "I want to be in front of them so I will cut them off..they can surely stop before they plant themselves in my rear!" NOT! But then, of course, there was the nice person in the Silver Dodge pickup (Hush DAN) that let me in a few minutes later...restoring my faith in humans. After all...I am in Salt Lake.
There is a fire just west of us today...just started. Don't know where it is, or if it is a forest fire or a structure, but the cloud of smoke is huge and black and in the direction we have to go. UGH!
And we are off...maybe more blog tonight IF I can get internet.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Travelin' along
Bryce Canyon, UT May 17, 2008 Saturday
We arrived here this afternoon after a very uneventful trip from Camp Verde. We spent last night at a KOA in Glendale, UT…not far from here. Nice campground last night, had lots of room for the dogs to run as well. There were a lot of horses pastured right next to us…and we discovered Schuster had never seen a horse up close. He wasn’t sure what they were…are these just big dogs (bigger than me?)
Al’s cousin Neal and wife Bobbie are parked here at Ruby’s Inn in Bryce Canyon for the summer. Neal is working at the Rock Shop here and Bobbie is leading ATV tours. Do I need to say more? This after noon after we got set up, we were off on an ATV tour with Bobbie. Since Al wanted to go, he and I had a Polaris Ranger…kind of a 4x4 golf cart.
We had a great hour tour, saw lots of Antelope along the way. Fun ride. Then, we got back and Bobbie had one more tour for the day, and there was only one person on the tour…hmm…so I hopped on an ATV and went on another tour! One thing I love to do is ride the ATV’s. This tour we saw a herd of over 15 antelope, plus many singles and I got to see a baby antelope being born! Bobbie and the other rider were a bit ahead of me as I was hanging back to stay out of the dust; I looked up to my left just in time to see an Antelope kinda’ squat and drop a baby! Fascinating! I had never seen this before! This evening Neal, Bobbie, Al and I went out to dinner and on the way back Al kept spotting Antelope…we have renamed him HEAP BIG CHIEF ANTELOPE SPOTTER! Nothing wrong with his eye sight…he can spot an antelope a mile off!
Our weather has been perfect. Coming out of Camp Verde to Page yesterday it was in the low 80’s most of the way…perfect to travel. Last night it got down right chilly. I had to go scrambling for a blanket! The cats were cold as well…they were both in bed with us and the dogs were curled up in a little ball! Tonight promises to be just as chilly. However, this evening is pleasant. The dogs and I took a long walk and I found a place they could run…and boy did they ever run! Now they are both sacked out…too much exercise!
We will be here until Monday…then we will continue our trek north. It is nice to sit for a day or so and we are just taking our time heading to Odessa. We have been here before and saw all the canyon then, so it is rest time for us. Besides, how many hoo-doo’s can one see? There is a managed forest fire burning not far from here as well and the smoke in the park is bad at times, so we are just going to do nothing! I know, a lot of you wonder (and Jennifer, that is wonder, not wander!)how we can do that…it’s easy! Try it some day!
We arrived here this afternoon after a very uneventful trip from Camp Verde. We spent last night at a KOA in Glendale, UT…not far from here. Nice campground last night, had lots of room for the dogs to run as well. There were a lot of horses pastured right next to us…and we discovered Schuster had never seen a horse up close. He wasn’t sure what they were…are these just big dogs (bigger than me?)
Al’s cousin Neal and wife Bobbie are parked here at Ruby’s Inn in Bryce Canyon for the summer. Neal is working at the Rock Shop here and Bobbie is leading ATV tours. Do I need to say more? This after noon after we got set up, we were off on an ATV tour with Bobbie. Since Al wanted to go, he and I had a Polaris Ranger…kind of a 4x4 golf cart.
Our weather has been perfect. Coming out of Camp Verde to Page yesterday it was in the low 80’s most of the way…perfect to travel. Last night it got down right chilly. I had to go scrambling for a blanket! The cats were cold as well…they were both in bed with us and the dogs were curled up in a little ball! Tonight promises to be just as chilly. However, this evening is pleasant. The dogs and I took a long walk and I found a place they could run…and boy did they ever run! Now they are both sacked out…too much exercise!
We will be here until Monday…then we will continue our trek north. It is nice to sit for a day or so and we are just taking our time heading to Odessa. We have been here before and saw all the canyon then, so it is rest time for us. Besides, how many hoo-doo’s can one see? There is a managed forest fire burning not far from here as well and the smoke in the park is bad at times, so we are just going to do nothing! I know, a lot of you wonder (and Jennifer, that is wonder, not wander!)how we can do that…it’s easy! Try it some day!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Ohhhhhhhhhh -- Gone again!
Tucson May 14
The truck is tethered to the trailer....so guess that means we are getting ready to start our annual trek north. Uh-huh! We hope to be heading north tomorrow...if we can get all the packing done! ARG! I hate this part! I have said for years there must be an easier way to pack...but I haven't found it yet. One answer would to be just not to go anywhere, but somehow, that isn't in our makeup!
The dogs are watching their beds, food dishes and toys closely. Beau has even brought me one of his toys to the trailer...I think they want to make sure they are going this time! They didn't like getting left for a month! Spoiled brats!
We had the truck washed and the trailer washed and waxed on Monday. Guess what it did yesterday? RAINED! It hasn't rained in over 6 weeks here...but of course, the day after we wash the vehicles it rains just enough to mess them up! Oh well...such is life.
Thursday, May 15
Camp Verde, AZ
We finally made it out of Tucson around 3:00 p.m. today. After all the times we have packed and unpacked, you would think we would be getting faster at this, but we are getting slower! I think it has something to do with age, maybe!
As we left the house it looked like it was going to rain and surprisingly, it was only about 75 degrees! Made it nice for packing and closing the house up. As we neared Florence, AZ the wind was really blowing and we could see we were going to get into a dust storm ... however, we got into a mud storm! Have you ever been in one? This was a first for us on the road. It was blowing dust and spitting rain = mud! What a mess both rigs are now! So much for having them clean.
It was an easy drive -- Phoenix at rush hour wasn't much fun, but not as bad as we had anticipated. The weather was cooler than normal so even coming up through Black Canyon and the hills north of Phoenix wasn't bad. We got here at 7:00 p.m. and got parked and set up. I took the dogs for a walk while Al finished hooking up the utilities. Had a nice evening, all the windows open and a nice breeze blowing. The sun set was beautiful as well. Tomorrow it is on to probably Kanab, UT; then to Bryce Canyon on Saturday. We plan on spending a couple of days at Bryce. So until the next time, we are on the wroad again!
The truck is tethered to the trailer....so guess that means we are getting ready to start our annual trek north. Uh-huh! We hope to be heading north tomorrow...if we can get all the packing done! ARG! I hate this part! I have said for years there must be an easier way to pack...but I haven't found it yet. One answer would to be just not to go anywhere, but somehow, that isn't in our makeup!
The dogs are watching their beds, food dishes and toys closely. Beau has even brought me one of his toys to the trailer...I think they want to make sure they are going this time! They didn't like getting left for a month! Spoiled brats!
We had the truck washed and the trailer washed and waxed on Monday. Guess what it did yesterday? RAINED! It hasn't rained in over 6 weeks here...but of course, the day after we wash the vehicles it rains just enough to mess them up! Oh well...such is life.
Thursday, May 15
Camp Verde, AZ
We finally made it out of Tucson around 3:00 p.m. today. After all the times we have packed and unpacked, you would think we would be getting faster at this, but we are getting slower! I think it has something to do with age, maybe!
As we left the house it looked like it was going to rain and surprisingly, it was only about 75 degrees! Made it nice for packing and closing the house up. As we neared Florence, AZ the wind was really blowing and we could see we were going to get into a dust storm ... however, we got into a mud storm! Have you ever been in one? This was a first for us on the road. It was blowing dust and spitting rain = mud! What a mess both rigs are now! So much for having them clean.
It was an easy drive -- Phoenix at rush hour wasn't much fun, but not as bad as we had anticipated. The weather was cooler than normal so even coming up through Black Canyon and the hills north of Phoenix wasn't bad. We got here at 7:00 p.m. and got parked and set up. I took the dogs for a walk while Al finished hooking up the utilities. Had a nice evening, all the windows open and a nice breeze blowing. The sun set was beautiful as well. Tomorrow it is on to probably Kanab, UT; then to Bryce Canyon on Saturday. We plan on spending a couple of days at Bryce. So until the next time, we are on the wroad again!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
May 3, 2008
Home never looked so good!!!!! As I told Al yesterday, part of the fun of going on a trip is coming home! We were both glad to be home!
After a fun and relaxing weekend in Seattle, we were up at 3:45 a.m. (yes, that does come in the morning some times!) for our 7:30 flight to Tucson. I was asleep before the plane pushed back from the gate and I stayed asleep until 15 minutes before landing in Tucson. Nice flight! Dick and Lano picked up and our ton of luggage at the airport and after a quick stop for lunch we were home. Dick and Lano headed for Yuma as soon as we got home. We can't thank them enough for house sitting for a month for us....what great friends they are!
Needless to say the dogs and cats were as happy to see us and we were to see them. Matter-of-fact, if we have an empty hand, we have a pet under it! Beau tried to sleep with us last night, but after a few tries of we convinced him to sleep in his own bed. But not the cats...they were busy snuggling with us all night. Schuster got up several times last night and came to check on us to make sure we were still in bed. Guess they missed us!
We went back to the airport last night to pick up Jack and Suzi; then to dinner. They had a good weekend, but were glad to be home as well.
We are all hitting the floor running today. I have several things scheduled for the day including paying bills; and tomorrow's schedule doesn't look any better! Now I am just trying to get myself organized so we can get packed and head north to Washington. As usual, Al is chomping at the bit to get going.
So until next post, we are home and getting ready to go again (sigh)......more later.
May 3, 2008
Home never looked so good!!!!! As I told Al yesterday, part of the fun of going on a trip is coming home! We were both glad to be home!
After a fun and relaxing weekend in Seattle, we were up at 3:45 a.m. (yes, that does come in the morning some times!) for our 7:30 flight to Tucson. I was asleep before the plane pushed back from the gate and I stayed asleep until 15 minutes before landing in Tucson. Nice flight! Dick and Lano picked up and our ton of luggage at the airport and after a quick stop for lunch we were home. Dick and Lano headed for Yuma as soon as we got home. We can't thank them enough for house sitting for a month for us....what great friends they are!
Needless to say the dogs and cats were as happy to see us and we were to see them. Matter-of-fact, if we have an empty hand, we have a pet under it! Beau tried to sleep with us last night, but after a few tries of we convinced him to sleep in his own bed. But not the cats...they were busy snuggling with us all night. Schuster got up several times last night and came to check on us to make sure we were still in bed. Guess they missed us!
We went back to the airport last night to pick up Jack and Suzi; then to dinner. They had a good weekend, but were glad to be home as well.
We are all hitting the floor running today. I have several things scheduled for the day including paying bills; and tomorrow's schedule doesn't look any better! Now I am just trying to get myself organized so we can get packed and head north to Washington. As usual, Al is chomping at the bit to get going.
So until next post, we are home and getting ready to go again (sigh)......more later.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
May 2, 2008..........Seattle, WA
We are baaaaccckkk! Our ship arrived at pier 66 in Seattle this morning at 8:00 a.m. Back to reality! After a leisurely breakfast on board, we returned to our cabin for the last time, gathered our carry on luggage (our checked luggage was already gone)and waited for our disembarkation notice. At about 9:45a.m. our "color" was called to disembark. Off the ship, to the terminal to locate our luggage....usually in a pile of luggage. However, this time, it was all together! REMARKABLE! We cleared US Customs and made our way to the curb to wait. Jack and I both had rented cars as they are heading to Cashmere, WA to visit friends and we are headed to Lynnwood and Jennifer's house. FINALLY, the rental car picked us up and took us to the rental agency. I got back to pick up Al and luggage around 11:30 a.m. We headed towards Redmond, where we had to go to change Al's CPAP machine out. His CPAP has been emitting a very high pitched squeal for over a month....very ANNOYING! After getting that done, we headed to Jennifers.
Jennifer cooked a wonderful dinner last nigh....Italian Sausage stuffed Chicken Breast...boy that was good.
May 3, 2008 Seattle
HUH? Whadda' mean I have to make my bed? Do my own laundry? Fix my own breakfast and coffee? Darn...back to reality!
Jennifer, Ric and Sherrie walked this morning....10 miles in all. Al was up and about early, but not me....I slept in! At least until 8:00 a.m. After the kids got back from walking we went out grocery shopping. Tonight we are having Al's birthday here with the kids.... pot roast. YUM
We will be in rainy Seattle until Monday...we fly back to Tucson on Monday morning -- then get ready to head north.
So until the next time...hope this finds everyone happy and healthy and living life the way you want.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Astoria Oregon and a new GreatGranddaughter!
Suzi, Jack, Al in San Francisco
April 30, 2008 Wednesday At sea
We are on our last at sea day today. We are heading up the California and Oregon to coast to Astoria, Oregon. Last night was a rough night at sea….a lot of wrockin’ and wrollin’ going on --- lulled me right to sleep. However, it is still somewhat rough this morning and it is a little difficult to walk at times! We have been so fortunate on this trip….smooth sea’s and good weather most of the way, so I am not complaining.
This morning Suzi and I decided to go play Bingo one last time. I never win at Bingo….Suzi has won once, however, I usually am not that lucky. Well, I won the blackout bingo pot today! Of course so did 3 others, so we had to split the pot, but I walked away with ¼ th of $311.
After lunch, the lure of the “BIG JACKPOT” Bingo was calling Suzi and I. So off we went! We decided to split a machine (in case you haven’t played Bingo in the last few months, it is now electronic…you just have to watch your machine! Takes a lot of the fun out of it!) and whadda’ know…we won. Not the big, blackout jackpot, but we won a game..of course we had to split it with someone else, but we each walked away with $54! Doesn’t cover the cost of the machine, but we had fun! AND WE WON!
I came back to the room to a sick Al. I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!!!! He has a real upset stomach….oh oh. We decided not to go down to dinner; he didn’t feel like it, and believe me, I am so tired of the food I didn’t want to go!
May 1, 2008 Thursday Astoria, OR
WELCOME TO THE WORLD SOFIE DENISE! We are great grandparents again! Grandson David and girlfriend, Tiffany had a our great granddaughter last night. Sofie (not sure of the spelling yet) weighed in at 6 lbs 15 oz and 20 inches long and all three are doing fine! David is so happy and proud!
Al and I are confined to our cabin today. He has the norovirus – a gastrointestinal virus that seems to plague cruise ships and we have been so fortunate in the past to avoid. However, we weren’t so lucky this time. It is highly contagious, so hence confining us to the cabin for 24 hours. I am fine so far and Al is feeling much better now that he has some med’s in him. I think 19 days of a cruise is just too long!
Jack and Suzi were able to get off and meet up with her cousin…so, hopefully they are having a good time.
We arrive in Seattle tomorrow morning and we are scheduled to disembark at around 9:30 a.m. Plan is that I will take a taxi to get the rental car and then we will head to Jennifer’s for the weekend. Jack and Suzi are heading to Cashmere to visit friends for the weekend.
So. Since the internet connection on ship is so expensive, I will up load pictures once I get to Jennifer’s (I hope I will have a much fasted connection as well)….it takes usually about 15 minutes per picture to up load them on this connection…which is way to slow and as I said, way to expensive.
Until tomorrow in Seattle…..we are still wridin’ the waves with the Waddicks.
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