May 2, 2008..........Seattle, WA
We are baaaaccckkk! Our ship arrived at pier 66 in Seattle this morning at 8:00 a.m. Back to reality! After a leisurely breakfast on board, we returned to our cabin for the last time, gathered our carry on luggage (our checked luggage was already gone)and waited for our disembarkation notice. At about 9:45a.m. our "color" was called to disembark. Off the ship, to the terminal to locate our luggage....usually in a pile of luggage. However, this time, it was all together! REMARKABLE! We cleared US Customs and made our way to the curb to wait. Jack and I both had rented cars as they are heading to Cashmere, WA to visit friends and we are headed to Lynnwood and Jennifer's house. FINALLY, the rental car picked us up and took us to the rental agency. I got back to pick up Al and luggage around 11:30 a.m. We headed towards Redmond, where we had to go to change Al's CPAP machine out. His CPAP has been emitting a very high pitched squeal for over a month....very ANNOYING! After getting that done, we headed to Jennifers.
Jennifer cooked a wonderful dinner last nigh....Italian Sausage stuffed Chicken Breast...boy that was good.
May 3, 2008 Seattle
HUH? Whadda' mean I have to make my bed? Do my own laundry? Fix my own breakfast and coffee? Darn...back to reality!
Jennifer, Ric and Sherrie walked this morning....10 miles in all. Al was up and about early, but not me....I slept in! At least until 8:00 a.m. After the kids got back from walking we went out grocery shopping. Tonight we are having Al's birthday here with the kids.... pot roast. YUM
We will be in rainy Seattle until Monday...we fly back to Tucson on Monday morning -- then get ready to head north.
So until the next time...hope this finds everyone happy and healthy and living life the way you want.
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