June 29, 2008
We have another graduate in our family. Son Jerry graduated from Big Bend Community College on the 13th of June. Jerry works for BLM and during the winter he has a 2-3 month break from work; and for the past 17 years he has been taking a class or two at the college. Well, he officially has his AA in General Studies. WAY TO GO JERRY! Proves that persistence and determination pays off!
In other happenings around Odessa, Granddaughter Cammie got her drivers license FINALLY. I had taken her to get it last week, only the Explorer failed the safety test and I have spent the last week waiting for a part for the middle tail light. She was so excited and I must say, she is a good driver.
AL and I attended his high school school reunion yesterday. He went to school in the small town of Marlin, WA and his high school has an all school reunion every three years. The school closed down in 1964 and the alumni are beginning to dwindle; however there were at least 100 attending yesterday. HE had a good time and enjoyed seeing everyone. THen we came home and had a graduation party for Jerry. Ric and Janet came over from Seattle and Gary and Jeannette were here, so we had a lively crowd. Al bbq'd ribs (Yum--eat your heart out Cortney) and I made baked beans and potato salad and a white cake with peanut butter frosting. I sent a lot home with everyone as we are leaving for Alaska on Tuesday.
Now I am in the throws of getting organized and packed and ready to go. We will be gone for a month and I am trying to scale back on what we take with us. But, last year I about froze up there, so I am throwing in some long sleeved shirts and long pants. However, it was 101 here today and tomorrow is suppose to be hotter....yehaw! I am loving it...and I am probably the only one in town that is! I am finally warm.
So until next time from ALaska...see you in the funnies as someone used to say!