June 16, 2008
I can hardly believe that another grandchild has graduated from high school. Who told these children they could grow up AND when did it happen???? Heck, I'm not much older than they are (I wish)..at least I have moments that I don't feel any older than them, however, those moments are becoming farther and farther apart!!!
But back to the graduation. Cammie graduated on Friday from Nathan Hale high school, the same high school that Al's sons all graduated from. The ceremony was beautiful, albeit, COLD! It was held outside in the stadium and it was cold, windy and trying to spit rain. But I persevered and stayed .. I had to, with a name like Wraspir you can guarantee you are at the last of the line! However, I digress...Cammie is now officially out of high school. We are so very proud of this young woman...as we are of all of our grandchildren, however, this week was Cammie's turn to shine.

We have been busy while in Seattle. On Wednesday I met up with girl friend Nancy for lunch and catch up on each others lives. Wednesday night we had dinner with friends, Frank and Lynn Conger. Thursday brought doctor appointments for both of us and dentist for Al. Friday of course was graduation; Saturday was the graduation party and yesterday was Father's Day celebration at Rics. I bet Ric and Janet are ready to collapse after all the excitement of graduation and then hosting not only Fathers Day but the grad party on Saturday. And Janet was the head volunteer for the all night party for the seniors, so she didn't get much sleep and Ric pitched in with her for all the prep for the all night party. I think they were glad to get this weekend over with so maybe their lives can return to a dull roar.
Doctor appointments have gone pretty good, nothing new has turned up so far for either of us. Al has two more appointments tomorrow; the big ones are tomorrow, so we will see what comes out of those.
A little more grand child bragging for me....Lori, our youngest grand child is a real horse woman. She competes in several rodeo's; has trained her own barrel racing horse and competes with the pro's at times. I tried to insert the article that was written in the paper about her, but it was so small you couldn't read it. Darn!
The dogs have enjoyed this trip as well. I have been taking them to the dog park every day and they are having a blast! Beau keeps stealing every one else's tennis ball or will con another owner into throwing the tennis ball for him. Schuster is Mr. Social and has to meet all the other dogs..sometimes right at the gate. We have nicknamed him the greeter!!!!
We will head home tomorrow. Sure hope the exploder makes it. We did have some trouble with it on the way over...it decided to over heat on us after climbing a hill. I think it needs a tune up and a radiator flush as well. Can't remember when that was last done. Guess I will put that on my list of things to do before we leave for Alaska...oh goodie!
Gas prices are really unreasonable...(as if you didn't know that)...$4.33 a gallon here in Seattle...and if you can find it for less that is a bargain!!! Makes me furious that the American public is being raped at the pump and no hope for relief...ever. I think we should vote anyone who is in office--OUT, including Obama and McCain and start with a new bunch of idiots in Congress, etc. Apparently the ones in office now aren't doing their jobs well. And don't get me started on what is happening in Iowa...that poor state is just about all under water, yet, amazingly, I haven't seen one person with a sign that says "HELP US" like we did during Katrina. What, you say? People are helping them selves? Outrageous! Oh, wait...that is possible! Haven't seem FEMA bringing in house trailers to sit and not being used yet either....nuff said.
So, until next time....hope you are all happy, healthy and living life the way you want.
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