I am in Anchorage for a few days to help clean out my brother’s storage unit. He sold his house here a couple of months ago and put everything in a self-storage place. Now, the time has come to clean it out. Al and Randy are still at the river and will “batch” it for a few days. I rode up from the river with my nephew Bruce today and it was nice to be able to ride and see the scenery for a change, since I usually do all of the driving here.
The last few days at the river have been quiet. I did my favorite thing on Thursday – laundry. At least it gets me away for a few hours. The weather has been so miserable that I haven’t felt like doing too much. Since we have had a bear in camp I can’t walk down the road and feel comfortable; so I try to walk around camp every day for exercise—but that gets boring quickly. I could also go up and down those $#%^&* stairs to the river, but I am not sure how many trips my knee’s will stand!!!! However, today we had a bright, yellow orb in the sky for about an hour…I am not sure what it was, some say it was the sun! I think the sun just hides behind all these clouds and lets the clouds filter the 18 plus hours of daylight we have a day now.
I have been busy scrapbooking my pictures – I finally finished 2006 pictures and I am working on 2007. I am saving them to a memory stick and will print them when I get home. Oh, for those of you who don’t know, I do all my picture scrapbooking on the computer.
Randy has been going out with Bruce in the boat fishing and they have caught some nice trout. However, anything OVER 18 inches can’t be kept here. I know, screwy rule! They did bring home 2 dolly vardens and a rainbow so we had those for lunch the other day….yum…I do like those dolly’s. I think Randy is having a good time, even if the red salmon aren’t running yet. Here is a picture of Randy and his Halibut.
The mosquitos are still strong around here….I think I saw one carrying a bear on it’s back the other day…yes, they are big and vicious! I had heard somewhere that if you get bit to use Listerine on the bite and it will instantly quit itching; so I tried it and I’ll be darned…it worked. Wonder if you used Listerine as your body lotion the mosquito’s would stay away? Since I hate the smell of Listerine I doubt if I will try it…however, if the mosquito’s don’t slow down some I just may give it a try!!!
July 13 2008 Happy Birthday Peggy
WHEEE….I found a moose today…er, or, he found me! This morning Dick and I decided to go out for breakfast. As I was backing Bruce’s Mercedes out of his drive way I glanced in the rear view mirror and lo’ and behold a moose was behind me! WHAT??? Okay, Mr. Moose! He ambled across the road and into the neighbor’s yard and began munching on a tree. Hmm…I think I want a picture – and NO I DID NOT get out of the car. However, I had Dick roll down his window. Mr. Moose didn’t like that at all; he shook his head and started to charge the car! SO off we go down the road. But I still wanted that picture. So I turned around and came back; this time Mr. Moose is on my side of the car. I rolled down the window and the moment I did he charged the car again! So I take off down the road which is now a dead end and I glance in the rear view mirror and the damn moose is behind me! NOW WHAT TO DO ??? Here I am almost to the dead end…I have to turn around. DO I play “chicken” with the moose? Undoubtedly he will win. But I got lucky and he turned off into another yard and began to butt his head against a cement bird bath in the yard! I do believe he was upset! And I still have no picture. Oh well, I am not about to try again. On the way home from breakfast, we turn on to the street adjoining Bruce’s and who should we meet but Mr. Moose. He was eating a tree along side the road. The minute he saw our car, he shook his head (I understand they do this to show their foe’s the size of their antlers..which he was a young bull and only had knobs for antlers) and he comes after the car. Apparently he doesn’t like the color or something about Bruce’s car! I finally get Bruce’s car back into his drive without any moose damage.
I spent most of the day at my brother’s storage unit beginning to plow through 50 plus years of accumulation. I at least put a dent in it today. We got back to Bruce’s about 3:30 this afternoon and not before being chased by that damn moose again! He really doesn’t like Bruce’s car!
I am staying in Bruce’s guest bedroom, his motor home which is parked right outside his front door. This afternoon I was in the motor home getting ready to go in the house to take a shower, when I looked out the window, guess who was staring back at me? MR. MOOSE! Holy crap, does he want in here? Now what do I do? I did the only logical thing I could think of…I honked the horn! Ya, that did no good! He finally wandered over to a bush and began to eat it; however, he was between me and the house still. Bruce came out and tried to chase him off (where were you Ted???) but there was no chasing this moose off. I did get a picture of him through the window of the motor home however. Finally he moved off behind the house and I made a mad dash for the house. So far that is the last we have seen of him today, however, he does live around here and I am sure I will encounter him again before I leave!
Is this the end of Moosecapade 2008? Knowing me, NO! I get a real thrill when I see a moose and they make me laugh, especially if I watch them walk or run; just not AT me! Even when this moose shook his head and started to charge, I got the giggles (Dick didn’t think it was too funny)…it reminded me of Simon and how sometimes he will shake his head and “charge” you…however, a poodle doing that is really different than a moose!
Weather was really icky today….low clouds, foggy, rainy, cold crap! Even the locals are complaining about this summer, or lack there of! The sun hasn’t been out more than 6 days in the last 30! BAD record.
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