Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Betty Crocker has invaded my body!

Oh boy...I have been in this little burg too long! The Suzi Homemaker or Betty Crocker has invaded my body. All of a sudden I want to bake and cook and clean (am I nesting??) repeat! Today I baked 200 cookies...don't ask why, I just did. It started with me wanting a really good peanut butter cookie and the only way I knew how to do that was to bake some. And so it began. I used my grandmother's recipe, which always makes me laugh when I read it. Such things as "bake until done" and "a smidgen of soda" appear in the recipe. What is a smidgen of soda???? Guessing, as I always do, I use a teaspoon. Any way, when I was done with those apparently my mind wasn't done wanting to bake (I tell you, it has got to be that $%^# CPAP doing things to my brain!)I decided it is fall and every fall I bake Pumpkin cookies. SO I dug out my trusty recipe and away I went. I have gone through 5 pounds of flour today!!! Those pumpkin cookies are so good, but the recipe makes about 120 cookies! WHEW! I have a note on the recipe that says "DO NOT DOUBLE" -- apparently I did that at one time and wound up with way too many pumpkin cookies!

Now, one would think I would be doing this on a cool day, but no, it was 85 here today! The a/c is working overtime! Especially with the oven on! :-) But it was fun.

Yesterday I finished a quilt top and I am not happy with the way it turned out so I am debating tearing it apart and trying to fix it. I have put it away for a while...too frustrated with it.

The trailer is cleaned and I am starting to load it. Most of my clothes are in it (Can you tell who is ready to go??); my sewing machine stays in it as that is where I sew; and any thing else I can do with out that needs to go south with us is in the trailer. I am bugging Al to get his clothes out that he wants to take, but he is dragging his feet and I will wind up doing it. I want to have as much loaded as I can before I leave for San Francisco later this month. Oh, did I tell you? The "girls" Janet, Kathy and Jennifer and I are spending 6 days in San Francisco. I can hardly wait. I have wanted to explore San Francisco for a long time and it has been a long time since I have spent any amount of time there. The Panama Canal cruise that we took last spring stopped in San Francisco for a day and that started me wanting to go back. AL isn't crazy about big cities and prefers not to have to deal with them, so this is perfect. He will have his hunting to do and I will get to play for a few days. Just wish Bev could be with us.

Oops -- time to go, my cats are circling telling me it is a little after 5:00p.m. and their feeding time, so until next time.....


Jenn from WA said...

You put nuts in those pumpkin cookies too didn't you!

I curse you BTW - I have had a hankering for baking and have not been doing it...but now I know why I had the hankering.

Al & Jo said...

Of course I put nuts in the pumpkin cookies...why wouldn't I? They are MY cookies...and I am not gonna' share with you!
