Well, it is not quite New Years here, it's 10:15 p.m. and I am not sure I will be awake at midnight...I am fading fast. But it is New Years in NYC, and that is the time zone I have chosen to celebrate!!!! So Happy New Year to all...welcome to 2009.
And, there aren't many places I can write this and have the doors open in the house and still enjoying 60 degrees! The last two days have been most pleasant...all it took was sending Jennifer back to Seattle for the nice weather to return!!! We did celebrate her 40th birthday on Monday...how did THAT happen??? I am to young to have a 40 year old, or a 43 year old for that matter!!!
I talked to Melanie yesterday and she said Portland was finally starting to thaw out...they had as much snow as Seattle. Very unusual!
My brother Dick finally came home from the hospital yesterday and I wish I could say he is doing well, but he is very frail and tired. Yes, I am very worried. Hospice has been called in and I must say they have been wonderful. So very helpful to him and his care giver Pat and to me, helping us understand what we need to do, and what is ahead for him and us. What a great organization! Casa de la Luz is the hospice we chose to use and so far they are fantastic! Of course we are all hoping and praying that he will get better and get back to where he was health wise, however, me being the realist that I am, I don't think we will get there. Hopefully he will be able to remain home and recieve treatment through hospice and not have to go back into the hospital. Put him in your prayers please.
Other than that, things are pretty quiet on the home front. As you can tell, we aren't very big party people...very low key tonight. However, there was a time...Randy and Judy, remember the mail box????
And on that note, Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
I'm Dreaming of a White Day after Christmas
This is what we woke up to this morning!!!!!

Can you believe this??? Jennifer arrived on Tuesday from a frozen Seattle looking for a little warm and sun; however, this is what she found!!! And if it had to snow, it could have done it yesterday!!!! Then we would have had a white Christmas!!!
However, our Christmas was just fine. Christmas eve is always spent with Bruce, Holly and Cortney here and we had a great evening. Yesterday was spent quietly here, friends Dick and Lano are here, and of course Jennifer and friend Bob Grabow was here. Notice anyone missing??? My brother Dick!! He decided to make life a little exciting for me last Monday night and was having some heart problems! EMT's were called and they hauled him to the hospital. We thought he would be home that night; however, his cardiologist had other idea's and wanted to keep him over night. Some Overnight...he is still in the hospital!!!! He went from ER, to regular hospital room to ICU and now back in just CCU. He is doing much better, thank you, but gave us some scary moments! Hopefully, he will be home tomorrow or Sunday.
We are enjoying our visit with youngest daughter, who, by the way, will turn 40 on Monday! How can I have a 40 year old == I am only 45...hmmm...at least that is how I feel some days; other days I feel 85!
Snow or not, today Lano, Jenn and I went shopping! Not much will keep us in today...the day of the great sale! However, I spent a whopping $18.95 on some rechargeable solar light batteries and I don't think Jenn spent much more! Nothing appealed to me. I don't need any xmas decorations, nor cards. I had bought xmas cards last year on sale; didn't remember I had them and bought more this year, THEN found the ones from last year. Oh well.
So to you in the frozen north land, don't bother coming down here... it is suppose to be 27 tomorrow night.
This is what we woke up to this morning!!!!!
Can you believe this??? Jennifer arrived on Tuesday from a frozen Seattle looking for a little warm and sun; however, this is what she found!!! And if it had to snow, it could have done it yesterday!!!! Then we would have had a white Christmas!!!
However, our Christmas was just fine. Christmas eve is always spent with Bruce, Holly and Cortney here and we had a great evening. Yesterday was spent quietly here, friends Dick and Lano are here, and of course Jennifer and friend Bob Grabow was here. Notice anyone missing??? My brother Dick!! He decided to make life a little exciting for me last Monday night and was having some heart problems! EMT's were called and they hauled him to the hospital. We thought he would be home that night; however, his cardiologist had other idea's and wanted to keep him over night. Some Overnight...he is still in the hospital!!!! He went from ER, to regular hospital room to ICU and now back in just CCU. He is doing much better, thank you, but gave us some scary moments! Hopefully, he will be home tomorrow or Sunday.
We are enjoying our visit with youngest daughter, who, by the way, will turn 40 on Monday! How can I have a 40 year old == I am only 45...hmmm...at least that is how I feel some days; other days I feel 85!
Snow or not, today Lano, Jenn and I went shopping! Not much will keep us in today...the day of the great sale! However, I spent a whopping $18.95 on some rechargeable solar light batteries and I don't think Jenn spent much more! Nothing appealed to me. I don't need any xmas decorations, nor cards. I had bought xmas cards last year on sale; didn't remember I had them and bought more this year, THEN found the ones from last year. Oh well.
So to you in the frozen north land, don't bother coming down here... it is suppose to be 27 tomorrow night.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
King Crab commits suicide at my table!!!!

At least that is what it looked like after dinner on Saturday night! Or a king crab suicide bomber commited suicide at my dinner table!!! Yes, we enjoyed a fine dinner of king crab legs, fresh frozen directly from Alaska, courtesy of our nephew Bruce! It was a Christmas present to us, his dad, and the Sandersons, Bruce, HOlly and Cortney. And we did a fine job of eating as many crab legs as we could possible stuff down our gullet! However, we were faced with 15 POUNDS of king crab legs! Yes, we had to finally give up and leave some behind. HOWEVER, after dinner, we had a party at same said dining room table, cracking and cleaning out all the crab meat, which was then divided up and vacuum sealed and frozen so we can do this again in the near future, just not as messy. BUT BOY WERE THEY GOOD! YUM! However, getting to the crab meat does work up an appetite...and you need iron hands and fingers, those darn crabs are pokey. Yes, we were crabby tonight, but a good crabby. This kind of crabby I could do all of the time.

In other news of the Wraspir world...IT IS DAMN WINDY TODAY! I think I saw a small house blow by earlier! Our house actually shakes sometimes when a gust of wind hits it. Winds up to 60 mph were forecast and I think, for once, the weather guesser was right! And it is cold, er, well, cold for us. Cold is relative here...we aren't cold like Washington State is right now (forcast for Odessa has it down in the - 9 area!) or cold like Wisconsin or North Dakota. But for here it is C-O-L-D! And snow forecast for tomorrow above 5,000 feet; we sit at 3200 feet so we will have nice, white mountains tomorrow.
Christmas cards are done, Christmas shopping almost done, and the house is beginning to look a little like Christmas. Next projects are to get the tree up (that is a project in itself) and get the house, inside and out decorated. I threaten every year not to do this anymore, but when Christmas rolls around there is just something in me that says I need to decorate the house. And every year I say I am not going to make cookies and candies, yup, on Thursday Cortney and I are making cookies and candy. Just can't break old traditions, nor, do I think I want to.

At least that is what it looked like after dinner on Saturday night! Or a king crab suicide bomber commited suicide at my dinner table!!! Yes, we enjoyed a fine dinner of king crab legs, fresh frozen directly from Alaska, courtesy of our nephew Bruce! It was a Christmas present to us, his dad, and the Sandersons, Bruce, HOlly and Cortney. And we did a fine job of eating as many crab legs as we could possible stuff down our gullet! However, we were faced with 15 POUNDS of king crab legs! Yes, we had to finally give up and leave some behind. HOWEVER, after dinner, we had a party at same said dining room table, cracking and cleaning out all the crab meat, which was then divided up and vacuum sealed and frozen so we can do this again in the near future, just not as messy. BUT BOY WERE THEY GOOD! YUM! However, getting to the crab meat does work up an appetite...and you need iron hands and fingers, those darn crabs are pokey. Yes, we were crabby tonight, but a good crabby. This kind of crabby I could do all of the time.

In other news of the Wraspir world...IT IS DAMN WINDY TODAY! I think I saw a small house blow by earlier! Our house actually shakes sometimes when a gust of wind hits it. Winds up to 60 mph were forecast and I think, for once, the weather guesser was right! And it is cold, er, well, cold for us. Cold is relative here...we aren't cold like Washington State is right now (forcast for Odessa has it down in the - 9 area!) or cold like Wisconsin or North Dakota. But for here it is C-O-L-D! And snow forecast for tomorrow above 5,000 feet; we sit at 3200 feet so we will have nice, white mountains tomorrow.
Christmas cards are done, Christmas shopping almost done, and the house is beginning to look a little like Christmas. Next projects are to get the tree up (that is a project in itself) and get the house, inside and out decorated. I threaten every year not to do this anymore, but when Christmas rolls around there is just something in me that says I need to decorate the house. And every year I say I am not going to make cookies and candies, yup, on Thursday Cortney and I are making cookies and candy. Just can't break old traditions, nor, do I think I want to.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
And so it's Christmas....almost
BRRRR....cold in the old pueblo tonight. Matter of fact, it has been cold all day! And our mountain tops have a nice dusting of snow...makes me want to break out the Christmas songs, and I guess it is time to do just that!!!!
As I sit here writing the blog, Christmas Card Address Labels are spitting out of the printer...yes, it is time once again. Only 183 cards this year..down from 198 last year and I am not sure why ... or maybe I am and I don't want to admit it!
Since my last posting we had a very nice Thanksgiving Day, thank you for asking. The crowd at the Wraspir household consisted of the Sandersons; Holly, Bruce and Cortney; some Wraspir's happened along; Gary and Jeannette and some Dashiells, Chuck and Jude were here from Texas (Chuck is Jeannette's brother) and then my brother Dick and care giver Pat were here. We had a nice gathering and lots of food. And Chuck and Judy and my traitor brother were delighted to watch the Seahawks get killed by the Cowboys! I finally turned the TV off...my house, my rules!
The last 4 days we have been in Austin, Texas where our God Daughter, Ashley Dionisio graduated from the University of Texas. Austin...what a place. We spent 99.9% of our time getting lost...even with the GPS! Our hotel wasn't the easiest to get to, even though it was right next to the freeway. Getting to it was a real challenge; especially when the freeway was I-35 and the frontage road was the same name!!!! Chuck did you do this???? Our poor Lucy (which we named our GPS) was soooo confused. She kept "recalculating" until she was about ready to explode. I thought surely the next words she would utter would be "I give up...you are lost!" However, faithful Lucy finally got us to the hotel...and that was just the first night! Needless to say, we spent a few hours going in circles, utterly lost all four days!
The graduation was great, we enjoyed seeing Willy and Nora (Ashley's parents who came in from Hawaii and were freezing the whole time...I say they need to leave Hawaii at least once a year and experience weather below 80!) We had a short but good visit with them. Ashley is engaged to a very nice young man, and his family was there as well and we enjoyed meeting them for the first time.
On Saturday Al's cousin, Dwight came in from Dallas for a short visit with us. He was on his way to Houston for a few days so we are glad he made time for us. We always enjoy seeing him and our visits seem to be few and too far in between. What a great guy!
We got home late last night...the dogs and cats were happy to see us. Cortney house sat for us and she did a great job. It seems a bit weird to me that she is old enough to stay by herself...but she is almost 18. Where has the time gone? And how did these kids grow up so fast????
Now I am in the Christmas frenzy mode. Still have gifts to buy and packages to send...arg. And the cards...ah yes, the printer is done, so it is time.
Until next post...hope all is well with you and yours..................
BRRRR....cold in the old pueblo tonight. Matter of fact, it has been cold all day! And our mountain tops have a nice dusting of snow...makes me want to break out the Christmas songs, and I guess it is time to do just that!!!!
As I sit here writing the blog, Christmas Card Address Labels are spitting out of the printer...yes, it is time once again. Only 183 cards this year..down from 198 last year and I am not sure why ... or maybe I am and I don't want to admit it!
Since my last posting we had a very nice Thanksgiving Day, thank you for asking. The crowd at the Wraspir household consisted of the Sandersons; Holly, Bruce and Cortney; some Wraspir's happened along; Gary and Jeannette and some Dashiells, Chuck and Jude were here from Texas (Chuck is Jeannette's brother) and then my brother Dick and care giver Pat were here. We had a nice gathering and lots of food. And Chuck and Judy and my traitor brother were delighted to watch the Seahawks get killed by the Cowboys! I finally turned the TV off...my house, my rules!
The last 4 days we have been in Austin, Texas where our God Daughter, Ashley Dionisio graduated from the University of Texas. Austin...what a place. We spent 99.9% of our time getting lost...even with the GPS! Our hotel wasn't the easiest to get to, even though it was right next to the freeway. Getting to it was a real challenge; especially when the freeway was I-35 and the frontage road was the same name!!!! Chuck did you do this???? Our poor Lucy (which we named our GPS) was soooo confused. She kept "recalculating" until she was about ready to explode. I thought surely the next words she would utter would be "I give up...you are lost!" However, faithful Lucy finally got us to the hotel...and that was just the first night! Needless to say, we spent a few hours going in circles, utterly lost all four days!
The graduation was great, we enjoyed seeing Willy and Nora (Ashley's parents who came in from Hawaii and were freezing the whole time...I say they need to leave Hawaii at least once a year and experience weather below 80!) We had a short but good visit with them. Ashley is engaged to a very nice young man, and his family was there as well and we enjoyed meeting them for the first time.
On Saturday Al's cousin, Dwight came in from Dallas for a short visit with us. He was on his way to Houston for a few days so we are glad he made time for us. We always enjoy seeing him and our visits seem to be few and too far in between. What a great guy!
We got home late last night...the dogs and cats were happy to see us. Cortney house sat for us and she did a great job. It seems a bit weird to me that she is old enough to stay by herself...but she is almost 18. Where has the time gone? And how did these kids grow up so fast????
Now I am in the Christmas frenzy mode. Still have gifts to buy and packages to send...arg. And the cards...ah yes, the printer is done, so it is time.
Until next post...hope all is well with you and yours..................
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