Oh my...it's been way to long since I posted a blog. I don't know if I can remember what all I have done in the last 12 days!!! You know, I am getting old (Shut Up Jennifer!)
Let's see...um...oh yeah. On Feb. 5 Jerry, Al and I headed to the Grand Canyon for 3 days. We stayed at the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel in Williams and rode the Grand Canyon train the next day to the canyon. IT WAS FREAKIN' COLD! There was this white, stiff, crusty, icy stuff on the ground (thankfully not on the roads) almost every where!!! BRRRRR. And the wind -- oh my did it ever blow, making it more cold! However, we managed to have a good time. Al and I have been to the canyon several times, but it never fails to amaze and awe us! What a big hole!

This time I bought a book "Death in the Grand Canyon" which amazes me how stupid people are when they visit the canyon. Yes, it is a long way down and people do die when they either 1.) fall off or 2.) jump off! The ground is hard people!
Anyway, after leaving Williams on Saturday we drove up to Flagstaff and then through Oak Creek Canyon to Sedona, which is always a beautiful drive. While in Sedona I called my cousin Beverly and she met us for lunch. I always try to hook up with her when I am in the area. After a short visit we headed south to Jerome, an old mining town that is just unique! Jerry spent 2+ hours wroamin' around Jerome while AL and I stayed in the car (again, it was too cold and the wind was blowing a gale, as usual). After leaving Jerome we drove into Prescott, where I decided we were going to stay for the night (I was tired and didn't want to drive in the dark.) The next morning we awoke to that damn white, fluffy, cold stuff blanketing everything out side! GRRR...fortunately, it wasn't sticking to the ground yet to we made a dash out of Prescott, getting back to Tucson around 4:30 p.m. Dogs, very glad to see us, as were the cats, however, I know they had been well taken care of as nephew Bruce took them while we were gone and they were spoiled even rottener, if that is possible!
Monday was day long doctor appointments for Al. He is doing well, thank you for asking. Tuesday we awoke to that damn white, fluffy, cold stuff covering everything outside! WTH???? GO AWAY! However, it didn't stop me from quilting. I made a baby quilt for Bruce's God-Granddaughter that he wanted to take to her for her first birthday. IT was a fun quilt to make, I included pictures of the baby on it.

Both Jerry and Bruce left yesterday....boy is it ever quiet around here. Even the dogs are moping around today! After we dropped them off at the Phoenix airport I had a surprise for Al. For his valentines day gift I took him on a trip up to Canyon Lake, Apache Lake and then over to Roosevelt Lake. We took state hwy 88 up to Canyon Lake and then continued on ... over a dirt "Trail" that was the state highway, 22 miles of dirt road, of which, I was NOT expecting to Apache Lake. A very pretty drive, however, a bit harrowing at times when I just had 6-8 inches of clearance on each side of the car and NO GUARD RAILS! Then we continued on to Roosevelt Lake and into Globe. Arizona is such a pretty and diverse state, I love to explore it. From Globe we took Hwy 60 back to Florence Jct, which was another very pretty trip and then home. I was so tired that I went to bed at 6:45 last night and slept until 8:30 this morning! I think the past month caught up with me.
At any rate, we are sitting enjoying today, which is sunny, not especially warm, but nice. Mike and Bev come in on Wednesday and the whirlwind begins again. Our plans are Bev and I taking a quilting class on Thursday, Tombstone on Friday, play on Saturday and then they leave on Sunday!!! Way too short a time! Oh well, we are just happy to have them.
We miss Bruce and Jerry....and the house that I was renting to Dick is sitting idle right now. I haven't made up my mind what to do with it. I will probably use it as a snowbird rental for a while; then when the time is right, sell it. We shall see.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
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