I have to say that friends and family have really been wonderful to us the last month or so. Family has come to help, support and occasionally scold me into taking care of myself as well as Al. Friends have done the same. What would we do without all these wonderful, supportive people? Life sure would be lonely and boring!
First of all, thank you to all the kids...for your visits, calls, concerns, emails and generally just being there for us.
Then there is the remainder of the family, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, in-laws and out-laws. Your calls and cards have been great. Claudia and Larry, thank you for all you have done for us as well.
And for the ones near......Gary and Jeannette; Holly, Bruce and Cortney; Jack and Suzi; Jude and Roger; Pat and Patti; Gary and Suzanne; Elizabeth; Bob; thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you help and care.
Then the ones far away....thanks for the cards, calls and emails. And to Eva and Bill; and Donna and Gary for the beautiful edible boquet! It is yummy!

I also got a nice surprise from Tiffany and David today....

Daivd holding Sophie and Tiffany holding Ada...

Just a little grandma bragging....look at those dimples!
AL is doing well today. THe nurse has been here and taught me how to inject the meds in the picc line. I know why I am not in the medical field...I am all thumbs! But we got it done. Bruce built a platform for AL's chair so he can get in and out of it easily....it's 6 inches up and we call it the "Throne"...but it helps him get out of it and that was the plan.
So until next time all I can say is "THANK YOU" once again.
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