We arrived back in Odessa last Wednesday after being in beautiful Noxon, MT for over 2 weeks. Yes, I came back here kicking and screaming the entire way -- I have work to do here and know it has to be done, but don't want to do it. After all, it's WORK!!
Last Sunday proved to be a very interesting, stressful, worrisome, scary day for us. About noon I signed on to the computer to check the status of the Station Fire in LA. The last I had checked it was headed towards the town of Acton, CA, which is not far from where our daughter Billie and son-in-law Dan live. So, on the computer on Sunday and holy crap...the fire is heading directly at them. I called Billie and yes, the fire is on the ridge above them and yes, they are staying and not evacuating. After a few choice words to them, I really start to worry. Given, Dan is a fireman, but this fire is huge. There is an engine from Orange County at their house, along with other assistance; but, can they ward off this monster that is heading their way? I talked to Billie a few times during the day getting progress reports of where the fire is. That evening I was away from my phone for a few minutes, and when I checked, Billie had called. The fire had gone around and over them. Burned to close to their house for comfort, but they saved their house and out buildings. Unfortunately, some of their neighbors weren't as fortunate and lost everything. God definitely had a hand in saving them...and thank you to all of you who said prayers for them.
Fire on the ridge

Then, on Tuesday, our granddaughter Sarah called to tell us she had a minor fire in her apartment!! WHAT is going on with fire and my family????? Apparently the unit next to her was being worked on and where they were welding caught fire and burned through her upstairs bedroom and bathroom wall. Not a lot of damage, luckily no smoke damage so they could stay in the apartment; but scary none the less. ENOUGH!!!
I just thank God that none of them were hurt --- now stop with the fire thing.
It was windy here yesterday and the wind was rearranging all the dirt around. Oh goodie, no sense in dusting yesterday! We are parked at our house for the next three weeks. I will be sorting, tossing and going through all of our stuff that remains in the storage trailer and getting ready for a HUGE garage sale during Deutschfest (Sept. 18-20) and hope to get rid of everything. No, make that, I WILL GET RID OF EVERYTHING, either by garage sale or to the Senior Center Thrift Store!!! Todd and Vicki have been living in our house since December last year, and Vicki has the law office here in Odessa and Todd is working on a ranch. Their two children, Alyssa (6) and Austin (4) are so darn cute and so much fun. We enjoy having them around and they pop in and out of our trailer frequently. So much energy....wow, I wish I had an eighth of it. So, if you are in area during Deutschfest, stop by and take a load home with you!!!!
Speaking of work, I am helping Vicki out in her law office for a few days. Helping may be to strong of a word....since I haven't worked in over 10 years. But I am here to answer the phone and do some filing for her and little things that really take no brain power!!!! I have forgotten more than I ever knew about working!!!
1 comment:
You're working with Vicki? I had no idea...do you make the coffee too?
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