Boy, talk about someone being the Bah Humbug Christmas elf...that would be me. I am not in the Christmas mood and can't seem to get into the spirit. I do have some of the outside lights hung, and the Christmas cards are done and mailed (thank goodness); but for the rest of it, UGH!
Part of the problem is my great grand daughter Natasha. Natasha is Sarah's oldest child, (10) Mike and Bev's grand daughter. Last week Natasha wasn't feeling good and Sarah took her into the ER. What they found was shocking! Natasha has a mass (tumor) on one of the 4 main veins into the brain. Natasha will have surgery on Friday, Dec. 18 to remove the tumor. Please pray for her and her family. Needless to say I am worried sick.
In other news, our weather has been great...however, last week it was cold and rainy. Our friend Carolyn was here from Seattle last week for a visit and the weather did not cooperate....it was cold, rainy, windy and generally ugly while she was here. We had a good visit and hope she will come back, the weather isn't always rotten.
Our wild animal kingdom is alive and well. The other night we had 12 javalina's around our flag pole and they stole the quail block we had out to feed our birds. Drove the dogs crazy!!! Then yesterday morning I let the dogs out because they were barking and saw why they were barking...2 bobcats were walking up our road. Plus the coyotes seem to be busy singing every night. It can get very noisy around here at times!!
We have done our donation to our local food banks and Toys for Tot's and I have a few bags of clothes ready to go to the local clothing bank. Have you made your donation yet? Support your local food banks and Toys for Tots to ensure that a needy family will have a Merry Christmas.
Our Christmas wish for everyone is simple...peace, joy, happiness and good health.
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