I knew this week was too quiet. No doctor appointments at all. Something had to happen...and it did.
On March 9 the world lost a great man. Our dear friend Bob Grabow died. Bob and Al have been best bud's since 1949!! High school together and have remained friends all these years. Bob was one of the reasons we settled in Tucson. He had lived here for the last 25 plus years. We had great times together the past 10 years...we traveled to Alaska together; spent many, many hours at our house, met for lunch at least once a week, etc. Our lives will never be the same and a big void has entered our life.
I got a call Wednesday evening around 7:00 p.m. from the MedicAlert company that Bob had pushed the emergency button and they had dispatched the EMT's. I called Bob and he said he was having trouble breathing and would I come over and take care of the dog and "things". Friend Gordon and I raced over to Bob's only to be met by the fire department telling us they had transported Bob to the hospital. So off to the ER we went. When we arrived we were escorted into a private "consulting" room...I knew then that the news wasn't good. The doctor came in and informed us that Bob had died from a massive heart attack. Needless to say, Gordon and I were in shock. We then had to go find Bob's son, Rob and tell him. Worse thing in the world to have to do. Hope I never have to do that again. We spent all day Thursday at Bob's house sorting through paper work and getting it ready for the executor of the trust. I sure was glad to turn that big box over to him.
So our life has changed once again. We will miss Bob tremdously, we will miss his dry humor and wit. Rest in peace our dear friend. We loved you.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
I CAN NOT BELIEVE MY EYES! I looked at our calendar this week and we have no doctor appointments...AT ALL .. for this week or next! Surely, there must be a mistake. We seem to have plenty of Physical Therapy appointments, but NO doctor appointments. I can't remember how long ago this has happened!! Woo Hoo... However, I am still on my quest to figure out all the medical bills we have and how to pay them! Yes, Medicare has done their part and our supplemental insurance has done it's very small part....at least for most of the bills. I still have a few questions on some of the bills for Medicare ( or Medicrap as it is commonly referred to in this house) and I have a lot more for the supplementary insurance. Strange things that wasn't covered that should be, etc. I think I will hire out to others to do this....just kidding.
Weather has been wonderful the past few days. In the high 70's to mid 80's most of the days. The nights are still pretty cold, but at least not freezing any more. We have had our share of wind, but then we always do. It's funny that when we have wind Gary and Jeannette where they live across town have no wind and visa versa.
We are anxiously looking for our next set of visitors. Daughter-in-law Bev and great grand daughter Natasha are due in on Mar 13 for a week. Mike will join them mid week. So excited.....
Not much else to report from this household for once. Everything is pretty calm and I like it that way. Al is doing well; my back is same and the physical therapy is helping, however, it will be a long road to better. Oh well, such is life.
Weather has been wonderful the past few days. In the high 70's to mid 80's most of the days. The nights are still pretty cold, but at least not freezing any more. We have had our share of wind, but then we always do. It's funny that when we have wind Gary and Jeannette where they live across town have no wind and visa versa.
We are anxiously looking for our next set of visitors. Daughter-in-law Bev and great grand daughter Natasha are due in on Mar 13 for a week. Mike will join them mid week. So excited.....
Not much else to report from this household for once. Everything is pretty calm and I like it that way. Al is doing well; my back is same and the physical therapy is helping, however, it will be a long road to better. Oh well, such is life.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
To William Eugene....
Happy Birthday to daughter Billie Jean, or William Eugene as Jenn calls her. Some of you may be saying "who??" Billie is our special daughter. We adopted each other many years ago...as I like to say, we found her in our family room when she was 11 and she never left us. Billie was Jennifer's best friend in school...6th grade I believe. Anyway, she was always at our house, went on vacations with us, etc. We love her like we love all of our children.
I don't really have any childhood stories to tell about Billie because she didn't enter into our lives until she was 11, but I do have stories. One vacation we took to the beach/Big Sur/Carmel/Winchester Castle, etc. Billie was into squirrels that trip....I bet she took over 100 pictures of squirrels....I know I had a lot on my camera as well. Imagine my surprise when I got the film developed and there were all these pictures, this is a squirrel, this is another squirrel, etc. We had a tent camper at the time and I remember the girls giggling at night until Dad or I would tell them to be quiet, then the would just giggle quietly.
Fast forward a few years...we have been to Saudi and now back in Seattle. Lo and behold I come home from work one day and here is Billie in my family room again! She had flown up from California to see us! Imagine how happy I was.
Billie is a Lt in the LA County Sheriffs Department. However, when she was out on the streets, before her various promotions, I didn't want to hear what she did....of all of our kids, her job scared me the most. She is as smart as smart can be and it didn't take her long to go up the ranks to LT, which is fine with me. At least she is off the streets. Very proud of her.
Billie married her wonderful hubby Dan in 1998. We were privileged to be "parents of the bride", with Dad walking her down the aisle. He was so proud of her. Heck, we both were! Talk about beaming parents -- that was us!
Billie and Dan still live in the Antelope Valley and they are so good to us. She truly has a big part of my heart....such a special daughter. Happy Birthday Billie.....we love you.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Cammie is 21....I can't believe it
Mar 2
21 years ago we are all patiently (well some of us weren't very patient) waiting for you. I can remember the day clearly when your Dad called and said he and your mom were on the way to the hospital. GPa and I hopped in the car and drove to Northwest as well. I got to hold you when you were just minutes old...I was so excited and I knew right then you were going to be special to me. My granddaughter Cammie is 21 today.

What a delightful little baby she was...collic and all. I remember one time when your mom and dad and your sister were at our house for dinner....you were about 3 months old and all you did was cry... I must have walked a million miles that night trying to soothe you; and probably rocked you a million more miles. Never did get you to calm down, poor collicy baby.
Your were always my "me too" girl...if I was doing something you wanted to do it too. Didn't matter what we were doing , we did it together.
Then you started to grow up. You came to Odessolet to spend a couple of weeks with us each summer. Remember painting the deck??? You looked good in green! How about chasing fires, or something else just as exciting. How about going to Silverwood and drenching me in the bumper boats??? Or riding the roller coaster...my hand will never be the same. Or teaching Beau how to play catch with the b-a-l-l ....which I still have to do every day. And then the time we painted the bedroom...seems like you got to do the "me too" with the paint brush more often than the rest of the grandkids did...lucky you.
How about road trip to Tucson and flying ants???? Or running into the screen? So many memories I could go on for ever, of my lil grand daughter who has grown up to be a wonderful woman. So very proud of you Cammie Lou....love you bunches and miss you.
Happy Birthday Sweetheart.
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