Mar 2
21 years ago we are all patiently (well some of us weren't very patient) waiting for you. I can remember the day clearly when your Dad called and said he and your mom were on the way to the hospital. GPa and I hopped in the car and drove to Northwest as well. I got to hold you when you were just minutes old...I was so excited and I knew right then you were going to be special to me. My granddaughter Cammie is 21 today.

What a delightful little baby she was...collic and all. I remember one time when your mom and dad and your sister were at our house for were about 3 months old and all you did was cry... I must have walked a million miles that night trying to soothe you; and probably rocked you a million more miles. Never did get you to calm down, poor collicy baby.
Your were always my "me too" girl...if I was doing something you wanted to do it too. Didn't matter what we were doing , we did it together.
Then you started to grow up. You came to Odessolet to spend a couple of weeks with us each summer. Remember painting the deck??? You looked good in green! How about chasing fires, or something else just as exciting. How about going to Silverwood and drenching me in the bumper boats??? Or riding the roller hand will never be the same. Or teaching Beau how to play catch with the b-a-l-l ....which I still have to do every day. And then the time we painted the bedroom...seems like you got to do the "me too" with the paint brush more often than the rest of the grandkids did...lucky you.
How about road trip to Tucson and flying ants???? Or running into the screen? So many memories I could go on for ever, of my lil grand daughter who has grown up to be a wonderful woman. So very proud of you Cammie you bunches and miss you.
Happy Birthday Sweetheart.
2 comments: made me tear up a little. Love that photo of her in the car seat with the squished face...
*sniff sniff* not going to lie. im crying... thank you so much grandma. i miss you and love you. i will never forget all the time we spent and all the memories we have together.
some embarrasing pictures tho...
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