Okay, so I promised myself I would blog at every stop of this trip. Hmmm..that didn't last long. The time has litterally flown by.
We are sitting in our 5th wheel in Odessa. I am still marveling at how we got here and how fast the time has gone. So lets start where I last left off...Portland.
We headed out of Portland on June 13 headed for Seattle. We had a nice, slow drive up, it must have been uneventful because I don't remember much of it! After unloading the car at Jenn's (all 3 flights of stairs) I was done for the day.
The next day, Tuesday, Al had a dentist appointment in the afternoon. In the morning Jenn took me out to her friends house in the middle of nowhere Bothell, Woodinville, Carnation, for a massage. I WAIT to get to Seattle so Jackie can give me a massage. Ah...felt soooo good.
Wednesday was busy, for lunch we drove to North Bend to meet granddaughter Cammie and her friend Lorissa for lunch. Cammie and Lorissa are living in Cle Elum now and both are working for the summer. Cammie is planning on going back to school in the fall. She looked so good and seem to be really happy. Then that night we met good friends Bill and Lorie Lince for dinner at Cafe Purple in Kirkland for dinner. This restaurant was reviewed on the TV show "The best thing I ever ate" and I knew I had to try it. And it lived up to it's reputation...I have some wonderful lobster risotto...yum. I was so stuffed, but I had to try the coffee sundae as well...burp!
Thursday rolled around and it was back to the dentist for Al for 2 hour appointment. Sheech. I went over and visited Seattle daughter in law Janet while Al was in the dentist chair. I about froze to death...brrr...I definitely have Tucson blood now. That night neice Sherrie came over and we ordered in pizza.
Friday arrived and we had lunch with long time friends Frank and Lynn Conger at the Beachhouse Cafe in Kirkland (used to be the Foghorn for those of you who would remember it). We had a good, but way to short visit with them. Then that night Ric was panhandling for the Cure near Jenn's house. Now let me explain that one...Ric walks in the 3 day, 60 mile Walk for the Cure for breast cancer. He does his "panhandling" on freeway offramps...has a sandwich board that says "$$ for boob's not Booze". This night he made over $200 in donations. Pretty good for a couple hours work. Jenn and I hopped in the convertible and took a picture of him

Yes, this is our son.
Saturday dawned gray and raining (we are in Seattle). Jenn had a function to go to that morning so Al and I just rested. That afternoon we went to good friends Rowland and Kathy's house for dinner. As always we enjoyed our visit with them, but it was just too darn short. I don't want to move back to Seattle, but I sure do miss our friends.
Sunday was Father's Day and we went to Ric and Janets for dinner. Granddaughter Ashley was there as well as Janet's parents and Al's ex wife Marilyn. We had a good visit and Al enjoyed his day.
Monday Jenn, AL and I went to our favorite place for breakfast, Lil Jon's Cafe in Bellevue. It is just down the street from where we used to live and has been there for 47 years and hasn't changed. YUM. I spent the rest of the day packing. That evening Jenn, Sherrie, Al and I went to COHO Cafe for dinner...if you are even in the area, defintely try this place.
Tuesday Al had a 3 HOUR, yes, 3 hour dentist appointment. I dropped him off and came back to Jenn's to load the car. After his appointment we headed over the mountains to Odessa. But, we did stop in Cle Elum to have an early dinner with Cammie and Lorissa and to see their place. Very nice apartment, just right for someone with young legs...it is a 3 story place as well. We arrived in Odessa around 8:00 that night and I just crashed.
Wednesday we were up and at 'em; had to take the rental car back to Spokane to turn it in. It was a Chevy Traverse and boy I really did like it. I am not much of a GM fan, but I liked this one. Nephew Todd followed us in with our truck; then we hit Costco, Walmart, etc. for supplies. We also stopped and bought a new recliner for the 5th wheel as the old one was worn out. On our way home we stopped at Todd's parents house and his dad Larry told us of a Lift recliner that was for sale in Odessa. Yes, we bought it...it is perfect for Al and it is practically new. So now I have two new recliners.
The rest of the time in Odessa has been spent cleaning the 5th wheel. It was in storage all winter and was really dirty. My back has paid for this little cleaning spree....
Today was Al's high school all school reunion. His school was so small that they have reunion's every 3 years. There was a good turn out this year, however, as expected, there were 26 who have died in the last year! OUCH! It was bittersweet for us to be there without Bob. Didn't seem right.
Weather here has been different. Usually by this time it is pretty hot, but not this year. Everything is late this year as well. Harvest will definitely late.
We will be here until next Thursday, when we head north towards Noxon, Montana.
Al has been doing pretty good. He had a heck of time with all the stairs at Jenn's, but is finally getting his legs back now. The stairs into the trailer are steep but he seems to be navigating them okay. My back is doing okay, sore some days, worse others. But it is what it is.
Hopefully I will be back on track and blog more frequently now. So until then....
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