I am really not doing a good job at this blog anymore. Guess I have a little too much on my mind.
Al is doing much better, matter-of-fact, he MAY come home this week. Of course we will either Hospice or Home Health Care and at this point in time it is unclear which one it will be. It initally started out as Hospice, but the doctor at the Care Center wants AL's primary doc to sign the order. However, because of Medicrap Al can't see his primary doc until he is discharged from the Care Center. I feel like I am in a real Catch 22 here. I have an appointment with our primary doc tomorrow and I will talk to him about the best way to handle this. If he determines that Al doesn't need Hospice, all the better; I just want to make sure Al has the best of what he needs.
I haven't been doing too much lately. It has been too hot to do too much. Was 114 one day; and of course that was the day I had multiple appointments. I have discovered the inside of my car can get to 140 degrees...at least that is what it felt like. And parking in the shade in Arizona is almost impossible (cactus do not make shade trees!)
I decided while Al was not home I would clean out our closet. I didn't think it would take me 2 weeks, but it has. Because of my back, I work a little on the closet, then I rest, and then the process repeats. So far I have been able to do this without hurting my back too much. And not it is crunch time, I HAVE to finish the closet tomorrow. Golden Goose (local thrift shop) here I come.
I also want to paint a wall in our guest room, but I don't think that will be done before Al gets home. It is too hot to do anything out side...even at 6:00 in the morning it is in the high 80's and the other night at 10:0 p.m. it was still 92. I usually don't mind the heat and much prefer it over cold, but for some reason I am having issues with heat this year. Of course, our monsoons haven't really been great this year, a lot of humidity and very little rain.
Friends Dick and Lano were here for a few days last week...with their puppy Misty. Misty is Beau's great niece and is 8 mos old. She sure is cute, but, oh boy, is she ever full of energy. Wore me out just watching her. Beau, has become an old man and will growl at her. Or maybe he is trying to teach her manners, I don't know. All I know she is so cute and I really enjoy her. Schuster just ignores her for the most part...
More when more happens. Hope all is well with everyone else.
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