Sunday, October 16, 2011


Okay, so I am a little behind here on my blog.  I read Jenn's blog and then I start to think "I need to write on my blog"...they someone hollers for something (not saying Al would do that) and I lose my train of thought.  Well, my train has been derailed for many years.  Just sayin'

Al got home from rehab/skilled nursing/hospital on Sept 30.  He spent a grand total of 75 days in one or the other of those facilities.  He did really well when he came home, for about 3 days!  Now he seems to be on the long downhill slide again.  Complaining his legs/knees/back/hips hurt.  He saw the back doctor a week ago and he will see him again this week, however, doctor thinks he may have to have another round of epidural shots in the back.  They seemed to help him last time.  Let's hope they will help this time.  As his son Ric said "Dad getting up is a noisy affair!" and that is right, he groans/moans/grunts etc.  I don't mind it during the day, however, at night I do get just a little testy when he does it...espeically when I am woken up from a sound sleep.  Which, speaking of, I don't get very much of.

The weather is fall"ish" here.  We had 3 days of real fall weather, then, summer returned with a vengance.  It was 103 Friday and yesterday and suppose to be today.  I am so ready for the 90 degree weather of fall...I need some "Cool" weather.  90 degree I can stand right now, 80 would be nice, but that isn't until usually November.  However, you can feel fall in the air, if you sit just right, at the right light, at the right time of day/night.  And it does cool down to 70's at night.  And the few tree's that we have are dropping some leaves as is my Ocatillo, which is dropping it's tiny leaves all over the front deck.

I didn't mention a few blogs ago that we had to put one of our cats to sleep in August.  Juanito lost his fight with kidney failure on Aug. 30.  I am still crying.  Jose, our other cat and Juanito's brother is stuck to me like glue.  The dogs are finally accepting that Juanito isn't coming home; Jose and I are having a harder time of it.  He was a great kitty...I called him my lover kitty as he loved to cuddle with me -- only me.  No one else!  Yes, he was definitely MY CAT. 

Ric and Janet were here for a week...well, Janet was here for 5 days and Ric for a couple of days.  He was on a business trip to Mesa, so Janet came a long and stayed with us.  It was sure good to have her here and I truly enjoyed the visit.  Wish we could see our kids more, but that would be almost impossible since they are scattered from Portland, OR/ Lancaster, CA/Seattle, Redmond WA/ and St. Louis MO!  Oh well, we take what we can get and be happy with it.  I think our traveling days are over...until Al recovers much more than he is now.  And I just don't think that will happen.  So I look at our albums and cherish the great memories we have of our travels.  I am so glad we traveled when we could.

Hope this finds you all happy and living life the way you want!

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