Friday, March 31, 2006

Legal??? Illegal????

I normally don't spout off about politics, and the current news/issues, however, this business of all the protesting because of immigration policies has finally got me going and I can't leave it alone! What really got to me was the front page of today's Arizona Star Newspaper. The headlines read "Immigration Measures, Student throngs here walk out for 2nd day" HUH??? And then accompanying this is a picture of a young lady, Hispanic, waving a Mexico flag in one hand and wearing a Mexico flag as a scarf/bandanna on her head. HIGH SCHOOL students have walked out of class for the 2nd day in a row. In my day of school, that would be called "Cutting class". And there would be punishment for it. I doubt seriously 99% of these kids care about immigration issues, it is just "the thing to do" and it gets them out of school! Now I have to ask, isn't this still America? If the young lady waving the Mexican flag is loyal enough to Mexico to wave their flag, and is so unhapppy with American polices, why isn't she in Mexico???? Why the hell is she here? But I digress......

First of all, we are all immigrants from some where if we are not Native Americans. Our forefathers came to this land to make a better life for themselves and I have no complaint with that. However, MOST CAME HERE LEGALLY! Yes, they came over by whatever means, boat, walk, run, wagon, etc. across the borders LEGALLY. They obeyed the established laws of the United States (or they established the laws.) They didn't SNEAK across a border somewhere, and then either 1.) take a chance of dying in the hot desert; 2.) run from authorities and get shot/killed 3.) get caught and sent back to try it one more time; and finally, 4) STOP THE SMUGGLERS FROM BRINGING ACROSS ILLEGALS, who pay them hugh amounts of money, and are treated inhumanly. Our forefathers, the ones who made this country what it is; came here to make a better life for them and their families (to which they either brought with them or sent for their family when they could.) Those who are protesting now say we should let the illegal ones stay...and NOT punish them. Well, okay, WHY???? Why don't we send them back and let them come to America the legal way? Takes to long you say? Yes, that might be true. But maybe there is a reason for that. Has everyone forgot 9/11??? And the terrorist were here legally (or kinda)...and look what they did to us. How do we know that the illegal immigrants coming across our borders aren't terrorist??? Again, they should be made to come across legally.

Now, haven said that, I do think that a "guest worker" program could work. When I say guest, I mean, they could come here as a guest (defined as someone who doesn't reside here) and work doing the work us spoiled Americans won't do (that is a whole different topic that I won't belabor now). Immigrants could come here for a specified time limit (6 months, year, 2 years) and be given the opportunity to work AND PAY TAXES, JUST LIKE THE REST OF US POOR WORKING SLOBS DO! During their "guest" time they would also be given the opportunity to learn our language (what a novel concept THAT is) and study to take the test and become an AMERICAN CITIZEN! They possibly could even bring their immediate family here after becoming an American Citizen, (unless the entire family comes to work, then the aforementioned opportunity would apply to the entire family.)

That leads to the next idea....let them work legally and pay taxes --- perhaps we could actually lower our taxes! (Now, quit laughing and stay with me here!) THe majority of the illegal immigrants don't pay U.S. taxes, work under the table for wages a bit higher than if they had to pay taxes and are taking jobs away from perhaps the unemployed Americans. Most of the illegal immigrants are here putting their children into our schools and overcrowding our schools, forcing us to teach in different languages, and lessening the education our children are getting. AND most of the illegal immigrants are getting better medical care that we are -- and for free. Who pays? WE DO. In higher medical costs. Now, if they were here legally, we could build more schools with the tax dollars they generate and PAY, we could build more clinics for medical needs that they could use AND PAY FOR. If they had to send money back home to Mexico to support family, that is fine, however, they would have paid U.S. taxes on it first! I,personnally, am tired of everyone coming to this country thinking WE OWE them something! They can EARN it, just like the rest of us do and our forefathers did!

To wind up this rambling, let me say that I know some of you won't agree with me, and I don't expect you to....and you have the right and the freedom not to...that is what this great country is all about. However, I will bet you and your forefathers came here legally, and you pay your share of your taxes, and are proud to be called an American. And the immigrants today can do the same.....IF they do it legally! Enough is enough, we don't owe them anything, let them earn it just like we do/did!

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