Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sonoran Hot Dog -- YUM

First of all, I went to the hand doctor yesterday and he took out the remaining stitch and "freed" me!  I can resume normal use of the hand, as tolerated!  But, I do have to go to physical theraphy for the hand, which I will start tomorrow.  The hand feels really good and is healed, so perhaps I am on the way to getting my life back!!!

Today our friends from Montana, Gordon and Denise and Al and I took off on a quest to find a Sonoran Hot Dog.  What is a Sonoran Hot Dog you ask?  The Sonoran hot dog may take the phrase "with everything" to new heights. It starts with a hot dog wrapped in bacon. Then you begin piling on the beans, grilled onions, fresh onions, tomatoes, mayonnaise, cream sauce, mustard and jalapeno salsa. Add radishes, cucumbers, whole chilies and even mushrooms, if you want.  We went to the best place in town, El Guero Canelo down in South Tucson for this delectably delicious treat.  We were first amazed to find it very crowded; but more amazed by the price!  $2.50 gets you a Sonoran Hot Dog with all the trimmings and a bottle of Coke--a real glass bottle too!  El Guero Canelo has been dishing up dogs since 1993 and we think it is well worth the drive.  However, we did discover they do have a dog stand a bit closer to us so next time we will try it. 

Sonoran Hot Dog, and yes, there really is a hot dog in there!

TheWeather has been better here the last few days after having rain for a few days; but rain is predicted for the weekend again and we are having company for the weekend.  Al's cousin Christine and her husband Denys from Australia will be here.  We were hoping to do something fun like go to Tubac or someplace like that, but if the weather is rainy that will be a no go!  Oh, I know, we will take them for a Sonoran Hot Dog!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bye bye Picc line

Bye bye PICC line!  YES!!! I saw the infection Doc yesterday and the recent blood test showed I was greatly improved so he pulled the PICC line.  I asked him if it was gonna' hurt when he pulled it (yes, I am a wimp) and he laughed and said "I already have pulled it!"  Yup---there it was in his hand!!  WHOOHOO!  I feel 100% better already!

Holly went with me to the doctor, so afterwards we went out to lunch.  We found a great Deli, "Shlomo's & Vito's" NY style deli --  yum!!  Gotta take Al to this place!  It's part Jewish style deli and Italian style deli and ALL GOOD. 

Rain in the old pueblo today, which we need.  However the PGA Accenture Match Play is going on not far from us, so I am sure they aren't enjoying the rain.

More later --  I need to let my hand rest!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Tuesday feb 16
Another short blog. WHAT A MESS I AM IN!!!   My hand was healing fine -- I was beginning to feel human again and WHAM--i got hit with a massive infection in my hand.  Superbowl Sunday after watching the Saints win, my hand started to swell up---I thought it was gonna' pop!!!  ANd it really started to hurt.  I took two painkillers and went to bed---and even the painkillers didn't touch the pain.  Monday found me in the hand doc's office begging for relief.  Yup---got an infection---sent me home with antibiotics and wrapped my hand and told me to keep it above my heart at all times (take two asprin and call me in the morning routine?) Back to see him Wednesday, I am no better.  He lances the incision and takes out the stitches OUCH --  ever had 4 shots in the palm of your hand that was very sore to begin with?  OH MY GOSH -- I thought I was going to faint!  And by this time I am the queen of pain pills - taking two every four hours, and still no relief.  Anyway, to make a long story longer, he drains the incision, and has me come back early on Thursday - to which I was still no better.  So,,off to the infection doc I go -- same one Al had last year and that I really liked.  His words were "ICK" nasty infection.  And we still don't know what type of infection it is, but staph is suspected.  He decides to put me on IV antibiotics, massive doses.  So last Friday I had a picc line installed ( I asked if they could put a USB port in as well, but guess technology isn't that far along) and started on massive doses of antibiotics -- home healthcare nurse trained our friend Denise how to administer the IV, twice daily.

Speaking of Denise -- her and her hubby Gordon are very good friends from Montana who are thawing out here and spending the winter parked in our RV pad we had built.  WE ARE SO FORTUNATE TO HAVE THEM HERE -- AND WE THANK GOD EVERY DAY FOR SENDING THEM HERE.  I truly don't know how we would had managed without them.  She not only does my meds, but she has basically had to be cheif cook as as well.

Back to the hand -- it is much better now.  Saw the infection doc yeaterday and he said if I keep doing well I can get rid of the picc line possibly by Friday, which I would be very happy to do.

The infection is Staph -- great!!  However I am doing much better and hope to get rid of the $%^&*# picc line tomorrow!!
