Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dawson Creek to Toad River

Hello All....
We are currently in Toad River, BC, population 100 or less. And by the looks of it, we will be here a couple of days. But let me start at the beginning of yesterday.

We left Dawson Creek and made our way to Ft. Nelson. Saw 6 deer, 2 black bear (one was a cub) and a healthy coyote. Got into Ft. Nelson and decided to stay at a motel last night....a break from the camper. All of us got a good nights sleep and the dogs got a good run last night, so they slept well, too.

This morning we went to breakfast, then filled up with diesel at $3.94 a gallon!!! Yikes, the most we have paid so far. And back on the road....drove through some beautiful scenery, and after about an hour on the road, we began smelling raw diesel fuel. Hmmm....but since we were going up and down we thought maybe it was just a bit of an overflow from fueling. But then it started to really smell and the gas gage was sinking fast! About 50 miles out of Toad River (the nearest place in the middle of nowhere).....we kept on going to Toad River. Now, Toad River consist of a gas station, Cafe, Cabins, RV park and an emergency air strip. We get out of the truck and look under it and diesel fuel is POURING out! Our $3.94 per gallon diesel fuel! ARRGGG! I wanted to get a bucket and catch it! We asked if there was a mechanic here and yes, there was. He came out, looked and looked, and looked, scratched his head, and looked some more! Finally found that the fuel was leaking from the place where the fuel lines split into the injectors (I think)...anyway, he couldn't fix it. He called a tow truck from Ft. Nelson to come get the truck. In the mean time (it took over 3 hours for the tow truck to get here) we unhitched the trailer, took the camper off and and settled in for a day or two. Well, at least Cortney and I settled in here....Al went with the truck back to Ft. Nelson (122 miles back!) We are hoping it will get fixed tomorrow, but if they have to order parts it may be Thursday before we are back on the road.

While we were eating lunch here this afternoon, an RV pulled in and this man came in the cafe. I about choked on my was Don Miller, my ex-husband! Now, I ask you, what are the chances???? He is on his way to Alaska as well....but stopping at the same place?
Strange things do happen.

In the mean time, the people here are so nice to us and very accommodating. The cafe has great food (Cortney and I had dinner here tonight) and have a satellite Internet hookup and satellite TV! If only Cortney and I can figure out how to hook it up! We are parked with a great view of the mountains, a lake and today saw 7 moose (yes, I GOT TO SEE MOOSE -- more than one!) feeding in the lake. Of course the mosquitos are as big as horses and my new cologne is DEET...unfortunately, it doesn't stop these mosquitos! They are a hearty bunch!

By the way, before I forget to mention this again.....the rock and roll has finally been removed from the truck and camper and I am no longer hanging my head out the window turning green from motion sickness! THANK YOU SUN COUNTRY RV!

We did see 17 stone sheep on the way to Toad was a baby! We also saw two buck deer this morning. Al was salivating!

Ted and Shirley, you will remember Toad's the cafe we stopped at that has all the caps on the ceiling...over 6887 of them! Pretty cool!

So, until next time.....we are the


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