Saturday, August 26, 2006

Home again, Home again

Aug 21 Monday Lac La Hache, BC

After a nice night in the motel, we hit the road again, refreshed and rested and both of us enjoyed a wonderful shower. That was after I sat in the whirlpool last night until I was wrinkled like a prune! Ohhhh that was nice.

BC is so pretty and we really do enjoy this drive. And the closer we get to home, the more we enjoy things! We are in the Frazier River Valley and it is absolutely beautiful. Everything is so green and fertile; hay crop is baled in most places and other crops are just now being harvested. There are a lot of high end horse ranches up here as well. I think Lori would enjoy seeing some of these! Cortney, do you remember this area?

We are stopped for the night at Fir Crest RV and Resort on Lake Lac La Hache. What a beautiful place. We think we would like to come back next year for a week just here…possibly Gary and Jeannette would like to join us and/or Dick and Lano and/or Denise and Gordon and/or……………? It is so pretty, we could back our RV’s right up to the lake, they have great RV spots. The lake has great fishing in June and we could also rent a boat. I am bringing back info on it. Start saving your pennies and we could make this a great trip. There is a lot to see from here as well.

The weather was almost perfect today! Sunny, a few high clouds, and 85 degrees. We drove with the windows down most of the day just enjoying the fresh, warm air. Both dogs had their heads out for a while as well, sniffing and enjoying getting wind blown.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh in the distance I hear a train! We must be in an RV park! We have noticed that a lot of RV Parks are close to railroad tracks. That’s okay, just getting us ready for Odessa!

We saw a couple of very funny signs today. One sign said “Prairie Dog Farm and Meat” – that had me scratching my head and saying “HUH?” Do you think? NAH! Well, I guess maybe if ----nah! Never heard of Prairie dog meat! About 50 miles down the road there was a sign that read “West End Trial Rides” -- okay, what the heck does that mean? I am sure it should have read “trail” however it did make me giggle….brought back memories of a trip through Arkansas with Donna Bearden….Ride-a-Pest! Then I just broke out in loud laughter. That is one thing I will NEVER forget Donna and I still laugh at.

We are about 400 miles from home. I have a feeling once Al gets going tomorrow we won’t stop until Odessa! Which is fine with me. We have been in this camper for 10 days now…about 10 too many. Needless to say, once we get home, I am unloading this sucker, cleaning it and hanging a “For Sale” sign on it! I want my 5th wheel back! This camper would be fine if it was just the two of us, however, with the big dogs, 2 cats and us there isn’t room to sneeze. We have done pretty good in it, and it would be great for very short trips, but never a long one again in it. We need our space…even the dogs are getting grumpy and the cats are yowling they need space. So, adios camper! Sun Country, get the 5th wheel ready…

Critter count: 1 lonely deer

Aug 22 Oliver, BC

Ah… I can almost smell it…home! We are about 200 miles from home and I can’t remember a time I was so anxious to get home. Living in this tin house for 12 days and in our tin house in Alaska for 45+ days makes be ready for ROOM! And I am not alone, Al and all the animals agree…we need to stretch our legs.

We left this morning in glorious sunshine….and wound up in a smoky mess. It is really smoky here from the fires in Winthrop and Omak WA. We have just heard about 2 new fires just started in Omak, so it really makes it smoky here. The sun has that weird red glow, the smoke red glow.

It has been warm all day and we are loving it. We drove with the windows down most of the day. We decided to take the highway through Kelowna, BC instead of going over the high pass outside of Merritt BC. BIG MISTAKE! We have never seen traffic like we encountered in Kelowna! Seattle is a piece of cake compared to the mess we were in…and Tucson during snowbird season is a nothing compared to this. We sat dead still for over 30 minutes, just waiting to get through one traffic light. The bridge over the lake is narrow and down to two lanes….needless to say it takes FOREVER to get across the bridge and that backs up traffic for over 10 miles! AARRGG! We will know better to take the high pass and bypass this nightmare if we ever do this again.

We are at another wonderful RV park…Desert Gem. We have stayed here before and it is so well kept up and clean. We really do enjoy this park. It has a good restaurant with in walking distance for us as well.

Tomorrow home….

Aug. 23, Wednesday ODESSA!

FINALLY --- cats are out stretching their legs and OFF THEIR LEASHES after being tethered to them for 9 long weeks. Dogs are busy marking their territory and checking out all of the different smells that have been made in the last few months. And we are HOME. We arrived home around 5:00 p.m. after a long border crossing, a stop for fresh fruit and veggies (peaches are in season and so, so good) and a stop at the grocery store for milk, etc. The border crossing was very interesting this time. Not only were they checking each and every vehicle closely, (opening trunks, all doors, looking under them, etc.) all RV’s were pulled over for additional inspections. The US Customs agents were very thorough and professional and nice to work with. Of course, I have a soft spot for our Customs Agents having worked with them for the last 20 years, starting in Saudi Arabia. However, they did confiscate Al’s bologna! Al had found this Ukrainian Garlic Bologna Ring that he really liked. We made a special stop at 100 Mile House, BC for it, buying 3 rings and throwing them in the freezer. We were very careful about produce we were bringing back to the US, but didn’t give the bologna a second thought! Well….the bologna contained Canadian Beef, which you can not bring back to the US (Mad cow disease) and even though the bologna only contained less that 2% Canadian beef, we had to give it up. Now instead of having mad cow disease, I have a mad husband!

Odessa has never looked so good…we were more than ready to be home and out of the camper. Know anybody looking to buy a camper? Send them our way, such a deal we will make them!

We have fires all around us; the biggest of course is the Tri-Pod fire near Winthrop, which we get the smoke from; as well as the fires in Omak, which we could see driving through and now fire near Colfax that seems to be out of control as well, along with the multitude of fires burning around Spokane. We drove through smoke from Oliver, BC until we got to Wilbur, WA, at which time the smoke cleared. However, as I write this (10:00 p.m.) we have smoke and I truly don’t know from which fire. When we were having lunch in Tonasket a fire crew came in for lunch. There were 20 of them and they had just completed 14 days on the Tripod fire and were on their way home for 2 days before returning to the fire lines. The fire boss said it is bad everywhere. It is very, very dry here---we could have used some of that Alaska rain we had last 9 weeks! I spoke to my brother in Alaska tonight and he said it was still raining, mudslides and flooding everywhere! And we thought it was just because we were there it was raining! :-) Guess not!

Jerry and Ardis stopped by tonight we barbequed a tri-tip and had a short visit with them. It is so good to have them near by.

So now we are going to start the long process of unloading, sorting and getting ready to load the 5th wheel….this never seems to end! At least I am finally home and can take my time. However, I did manage to fall out of the camper this afternoon -- landing on my back and left hip. Needless to say, I am a bit scraped up and bruised, but I don't think I broke anything....just hurts like heck.

We traveled a total of 8,422 miles while gone (including trips to and from Kenai River to Anchorage, Homer, etc.); total travel miles to and from Odessa to Kenai River was 5,203; and we used 610.6 gallons of diesel for travel to and from only, at an average cost of $3.56 per gallon…you do the math, I don’t want to!

We had a good trip, caught lots of fish and will do it again probably, however, NOT in a camper and probably will not drive it again, but fly next year. So thus ends our Alaska 2006 trip.

Aug. 24.....Just a note...we are doing the unloading routine, albeit, I am alittle slow today as I am pretty sore. Guess I wasn't made for falling...I don't bounce well. Okay Suzi, you can stop laughing now! At least I don't have any black eyes....just a very black and blue hip, back and leg!

Very smoky here today....and only 80 degrees, but that is okay, I am finally in a pair of shorts...haven't had shorts on since June 9!

Until next time...we finally are

UNWROAMIN' Wraspirs!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Aug 7 through 20..Alaska and heading south

Aug 7, Monday
Today dawned sunny, bright and fairly warm after the morning chill broke.

We left the river early this morning to take Jerry back to Anchorage airport. We stopped for breakfast at Gwin’s in Coopers Landing – this has rapidly become one of our favorite stops. The food is always good and the service cheerful and quick. Plus they make some of the best pancakes I have ever had!

We were sad to see Jerry leave….we wish he would have been able to stay a few more days, but we are glad for the time we had with him.

We met my brother for lunch, did a quick Costco run and the over to his house for the night. We are getting really good at backing that camper into his backyard! I bet he will be glad to see us head south. We picked his raspberries for him…well, I say we, but actually Al did most of the picking, I just ate them! Dick has loads of berries this year, I just hope they all ripen before frost. We froze some of them to take home with us…so we can enjoy them in the middle of the winter.

Aug.8 Tuesday
Back to the river today. It was another beautiful day. WOW – two in a row! We stopped at the wildlife preserve in Girdwood/Portage this afternoon on our way home. Saw moose, elk, caribou, musk ox, grizzly and brown bear, eagle, etc. I hate to see them penned up though.

The trip back to the river was uneventful, just beautiful weather and it was actually almost 80 degrees. I sat outside most of the evening just enjoying our view and the weather.

Aug. 9, Wed
Today I got to do my most favorite thing (not)…yup., you guessed it, laundry. Actually, the Laundromat I use in Sterling is very clean, well managed and there is an attendant there all of the time. Usually it is the owner who is there and we always have a good chat about the area. We missed a huge fire on Monday night..the old Sterling cannery burned. The fire department is labeling it as a suspicious fire….I guess the gossip is that the owner may have had the fire set. It has been a vacant building for a couple of years; after the cannery shut down it was used as a prefab builder for log there was plenty of sawdust for fuel for the fire. I am willing to bet this is the most excitement this community has seen for a long time!

It is cold, rainy and ugly again today. I guess it was too much to ask for 3 days of nice weather! We are ready to go home and hope we get some good weather. We are a little apprehensive of what we are going to find as far as gas prices go. After all of the nonsense of BP shutting down the pipe line, it is projected gas will be $5 a gallon in Canada. Great! It is interesting to hear what everyone around here has to say about the shut down….but the consensus is that BP has known for years there was a problem and didn’t do anything about it until now, when it can boost prices and gouge the consumer even more.

Aug 10 Thursday
We woke up to rain this morning…so what else is new? As much rain as this area has gotten this summer, it is a wonder anything could burn! Mold or rust yes, but burn?

We are packing today – my most unfavorite thing to do and I do it at least 3 times a year. I have the camper almost packed and Al is working on the trailer…I swear keeping that trailer neat and clean is almost impossible! And having to do it in the rain is not pleasant! We hope to leave here Saturday for Anchorage. The plan is we will spend the night there and then head to Valdez for a couple of days before heading south.

Locals are predicting an early winter here…snow by September…I want to be out of here soon.

Today another terrorist attack was foiled in London Heathrow airport….what has happened to our world? I don’t know why this has me so upset, but it does. Now we can’t carry on a airplane anything liquid or gel … which doesn’t bother me, I am one of the flying public that thinks you should only be able to carry on purses, laptops and ipods…not luggage. Not only do we have to remove our shoes during security checkpoint, now we can’t carry on a bottle of water. How sad this has become…and I am angry that our government can’t get this under control. WHY????? TSA asks you for your driver’s license, but how do they know it is real? It is so easy to get a fake ID so how do they know it is real????? We are at war and we should be ready to accept the inconvenience when flying….I personally don’t mind the extra security. Nuff said.

Aug 12 Soggy Friday
OKAY---so enough of the rain! I feel like a duck---web feet and all! It has rained constantly and hard since 8:30 last night…it is now noon and hasn’t let up AT ALL! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF RAIN AND COLD…I AM READY TO GO HOME! We are supposed to be loading the trailer today. Almost everything is packed with the exception of things we need for today and tonight. However, neither of us have any desire to go out and get the trailer hooked up and get soaked in the process. Loading won’t take long, if the rain would just quit for a few minutes! Even the cats and dogs don’t want to go out, which is unusual as Jose (aka Houdini) has been trying to get out on his own without the benefit of a leash, for the last 2 months! I think we are all fed up with wet, cold and gray! One good thing about rain here is while it is raining the mosquitos go into hiding…however, the minute it stops raining they come out in combat squadrons ready to attack!

Jennifer and Beverly are in New York City together for a few days and I sure do wish I was with them. They are having a great time sightseeing and shopping, however, I am not sure I could keep up with those two anymore! Poor Stephen will be exhausted when those two leave!

A little later in the day…….
I went into town to have a leak in the camper fixed…it seems to leak on my side of the bed and I wasn’t looking forward to sleeping in a lake. While they were working on the camper I downloaded my email only to find out my sister was in the hospital. Apparently she had heart attack like symptoms and our family with the history of heart problems we tend to take the symptoms seriously! After several tests that have came back negative and the doctors can find nothing wrong with her heart she is being released to go home tomorrow. Same thing happened to me a couple of years ago…so who knows what is going on! All I know is she is okay and nothing appeared on the tests….whew!

Beau is doing great. I have his meds cut down to one a day and he seems to be doing fine with it. I will take him to our vet when we reach Odessa and I will also call our vet in Tucson as well. He is very interested in playing ball again and is active as ever…and on the look out for moose! Schuster is still playing “mother hen” however.

It is now 8:30 p.m. and we had a about a 45 minute break from rain this afternoon and we got the trailer loaded so tomorrow all we have to do is the last minute things and hook up the trailer, plus I will have the cleaning task before we leave. Our nephew is going to winterize the trailer for us this year as my brother may want to use it for a few days later this month.

It is still raining like mad out and has most of the day. Locals are getting their boats ready…..and this rain can only remind me of the “Galoshes Please” story of a few years ago…quit laughing Nancy, Eva, Donna and Ted! I am so ready for sun and warm!

Aug. 12 Saturday
We woke up to rain, nothing new. However it was more of a "Seattle Mist" so we finished our last minute loading, got the trailer out of it's "storage" and finally got off from the river about noon. It rained all the way to Coopers Landing and then it was just cloudy into Anchorage.

Elmendorf AFB is having it's air show this weekend and my brother lives fairly close to base, so we were able to stand in his driveway and see the Thunderbirds pass over. It still fascinates us to watch them.

My nephew and my niece came over for dinner tonight and we said so long to them until next summer. We will leave in the morning for Valdez for a couple of days, then get serious about heading home. We would like to be home by the 25th or so.

It is raining again as I type this...and it is about 10:30 p.m. and it is getting dark outside already. When the days start getting shorter up here you can really notice it....there is still a lot of daylight hours, getting light about 4:00 a.m. but last month at this time it wasn't even getting all.

So we are "On the Road Again" tomorrow.......

Aug 13, Sunday Glenallen, AK
We made it this far today after leaving Anchorage around noon. We just took our time this morning and visited with Dick a little longer.

It was an uneventful trip to Glenallen over the Glenn Highway. The Matanuska glacier was spectacular as always…stopped and took a couple of pictures, but it was cold and rainy (so what else is new?) so we kept on moving. We got into the “Boardwalk” RV Park (Cortney, you will remember this one) and got set up, cooked dinner. Then I took the dogs for a long walk, came back and tried to get on the wifi system at the RV park, but it was down .

Aug. 14 Monday Valdez, AK

Woke up this morning to rain, as usual. This has been a soggy trip! We finally headed towards Valdez taking our time going down Hwy 4. Very pretty trip, following along the Alaska Pipeline. Saw two glaciers, the Worthington and Mile glaciers….and some beautiful water falls, two in particular were Bridal Veil Falls (wonder how many Bridal Veil falls there are in the world???) and Horsetail Falls. Drove through Keystone Canyon, which is very dramatic with the high vertical rock sides on both sides of the road. And Ted and Shirley, we found another “hill” that rivals the hill down to Skagway! Not quite as steep, but scary none the less. And yes, we have to climb out of here when we leave!

Arrived to something new….FOG! And of course, rain, rain and more rain! I know there are suppose to be beautiful mountains on 3 sides of this town, however, you couldn’t prove it by me as you can’t see anything!!! We are supposedly parked right next to Prince Williams Sound, but again, I can’t see it!

After getting set up we walked to town, which is about 2 long blocks away. There is a Safeway here, and not much else as far as stores go. A lot of gift shops and a few restaurants. We had lunch at Alaska Halibut Hut, and the halibut was good, but not great. Then we went to the museum, which had a lot on the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989 and the Good Friday Earthquake in 1964 where this town was wiped out. The original town site of Valdez is 4 miles from where the town is now. Again, the entire town was moved to safer ground. There is a shop in town that shows a video on the earthquake and I sat through part of it. Al came back to the camper, I walked around town in the rain/fog just to see what was here. I sure wish we could see the mountains around us.

We scheduled a boat trip on Prince William Sound tomorrow. I can only hope the weather will be a little better.

Aug 15 Valdez
Rain, rain, more rain….72 hours of straight rain, no stop. Valdez is a warm water port so it is known for its boats, fishing and harbor…however; local boat builders are busy converting their shops into ark building! Good heavens, does the rain ever stop?

We went ahead and went on the shorter of the two cruises on Prince William Sound, even though it rained all of the time and we didn’t get to see the mountains. However we did see lots and lots of bald eagles perched in tree’s trying to stay dry (HA); Stellar Sea Lions; and three Orca’s that put on a wonderful show, We had a family, a big male (papa), a cow (mama) and a calf (baby) but no Goldilocks! The Orca’s stayed with the boat for over an hour. We also saw a lot of beautiful waterfalls (go figure!) however, on some because of the overcast we couldn’t see the top of them. We cruised around plenty of ice bergs as well…but couldn’t see Columbia glacier due to the rain/fog! We did see Shoup glacier on the way back to port but this glacier is way back in and we couldn’t get very close. We did hear a lot about the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and saw where it happened and what they have done to prevent another oil spill of that magnitude.

After we got back and took the dogs for a walk, we walked 2 blocks to town and had lunch at Ku Fung a pretty good Chinese Restaurant. And yes, it is still raining.

Aug. 16 Wed. Tok, Alaska

We left Valdez in the pouring rain, and it managed to rain on us most of the day. Up over Thompson Pass, back into Glenallen. We stopped for lunch in Glenallen and met a couple from Puyallup who were traveling in a camper just like us. They were pretty much ready to be home and out of the camper as well. We could only agree. We have noticed the leaves are starting to change colors on a lot of the trees and there is definitely a nip in the air of Autumn. Even the weather forecasters (guessers) say Autumn is on the way.

From Glenallen we took the Tok Cutoff.,..same road that had been destroyed by an earthquake a few years ago. On our way to Alaska a couple of months ago it was really bad with lots of construction and frost heaves. Well, some of it has improved…we had about 8 miles of new paved highway; 50 miles of old highway with all the frost heaves, etc; 20 miles of old road that had been patched and the patched portions were great, the other was horrible and 45 miles of gravel road under construction. It took us longer to travel the 45 miles than it took us to travel the previous 80 miles. The road from hell! Lots of delays, waiting for oncoming traffic on one lane roads, etc.

We arrived in Tok to a very strange site…sun! Yes, we had sun for a while this afternoon…long enough for us to get settled in our RV park and for me to take the dogs on a much needed walk and ball session.

Beau has had a little of a relapse, however I put him back on his full dose of Prednisone and he seems to be better today. I just hate keeping him on the Prednisone for any length of time. But he played ball as he always has tonight.

We will be heading into Canada tomorrow so our cell will be on, but I won’t be answering it. If you need to reach us in an emergency call Jennifer and she knows how to reach us. If not, we will catch up with you when we reach Odessa. We will be checking email however, so don’t stop emailing us! Aug 17 Thurs Haines Junction, YT
We left Tok around 10:00 this morning heading east and south….officially on the way home. The campground in Tok was very nice and the showers and restrooms were extremely clean.

The road between Tok and Haines Junction isn’t any better than it was last June. Frost heaves and lots of pot holes, patches, etc. The truck, camper and trailer didn’t fair any better going this way either. The trailer looks like someone picked it up and turned it upside down! When opening anything in the camper you watched for falling/flying objects…everything is scrambled!

We lost an hour today, so we didn’t get into the campground until 6:00 p.m. We are at the Kluane RV park and it is a nice park. Fortunately, we are parked right next to the office and laundry so I took advantage and did a couple loads of laundry. I think I am addicted to Laundromats! At any rate, we have great wifi service here and it’s free. Last night there was a charge for wifi…first time we have encountered that.

I took the dogs for a long walk this evening and didn’t have any trouble with mosquitos (I think they have had their fill of me!) however, I did encounter some nasty little black flies that take huge hunks out of you and hurt like crazy when they bite. Now I have a new enemy to battle! Whoopee!

SUN! We had sun all day and no rain! We did have some clouds, but the sun did our hearts good. I didn’t say it was warm however. Still have on long sleeves, jeans, socks and shoes! For those who know me well, know I hate socks and closed toed shoes…however they are a necessity here.

Critter count: 1 live squirrel, 1 squished squirrel and 1 bear

Aug 18 Friday, Watson Lake, YT

After leaving this morning we drove in beautiful sunshine most of the day. Roads were much better today. Stopped in Whitehorse for a quick trip to Walmart and had lunch at Pizza Hut. I drove for a while, then we stopped at Johnson Creek for a break and Al drove from there on as we had to cross a bridge that I definitely didn't like; it’s high and being worked on so very narrow. ULP…not my cup of tea.

Arrived in Watson Lake around 6:00 p.m. and I took the dogs for a walk and got a gazillion mosquito bites -- here we go again. Sunny, but cool and there is a definite hint of fall in the air.

Critter count: 1 moose and 2 squirrel

Aug 19 Sat. Ft. Nelson

We managed to make it to Ft. Nelson in one shot today…no delay’s in Toad River. Matter-of-fact we breezed right past Toad River, waving as we went by.

This part of the trip is always so pretty…and scary. We have Summit Pass to go over, very narrow, no guard rails, and lots of switchback curves. And the added hazard of Stone Sheep and Caribou on the road way. And they didn’t disappoint us…we saw over 30 Stone Sheep and one lonely Caribou, which I might add, is the ONLY Caribou we have seen this trip.

It is moose hunting season and we have decided the moose have packed their bags and have moved further into the woods, or have gone to Vegas, one of the two! We were talking to one of the highway construction crew today (as we sat and waited for “our turn” to go) and he said he hasn’t seen a moose in over a week…right after hunting season opened.

Roads are much better this stretch, however, lots of road construction and delays. But less frost heaves and pot holes as big as Texas. And the mosquitos are back in full force. I slept with one last night and have several bites today. Just as I was recovering from all the previous bites.

No television tonight…last night we were watching KHQ out of Spokane in Watson Lake. This RV park has no television, and the wifi is poor at best. I finally gave up trying to get on line. However, as I say that, we have really been fortunate to find wifi just about everywhere…and in places least expected!

Weather is beautiful today. Warm, sunny, bright with a few clouds……SUN!

Critter count: 30 Stone Sheep, 1 lonely caribou and plenty of mosquitos

Aug. 20, Sunday, Chetwynd, BC

Originally we had planned on going as far as Dawson Creek today…however, on our way from Ft. Nelson to Dawson Creek, we noticed this highway 29---cut off to Chetwynd and by passing Dawson Creek. It actually cuts off quite a few miles/kilometers as well. We said “why not?” So when we reached Ft. St. John we made a quick right turn on Hwy 29 and found ourselves on a beautiful drive. Very slow as the road is narrow and curvy, but oh, so, gorgeous! This highway took us right down along the Peace River and into Peace River valley. The leaves are starting to turn a bright yellow and beside the green fir and the beautiful river, it was a wonderful drive. We made a quick stop in Hudson Hope for fuel (it was actually cheaper here than anywhere else we have been!) Crossed the river and on to Moberly Lake and into Chetwynd. The road was actually very good, most of it recently paved, so it was a pleasure to travel on a smooth road. And the weather was glorious....and it was actually 83 with the socks and long sleeves! yea!

We made a decision today to stay in a motel tonight and stretch our legs. We are staying in a new Days Inn and they gave us a suite for the price of a regular room! I have no idea why, they asked if we would like a complimentary upgrade and we jumped on it. I think we must have looked pretty bedraggled! The cats are staying in the camper tonight, much to their dismay, but the dogs are in our suite with us. And suite it is….complete with living room, kitchen (full), king size bed and a whirlpool tub that I am going to take advantage of very soon. We are watching the Seahawks smack the Colts and I am convinced Autumn is here – at least in northern BC!

Our plans are to be home by Thursday or before. If all goes well, tomorrow we should be south of Prince George, probably Clinton for the night and then Osoyoos the next night. We are so ready to be home for a few weeks. Even the animals want to get out and play and not be tethered to leashes!

I’m off to the whirlpool tub…………………………

Critter count: 8 deer

Monday, August 07, 2006

Alaska July 31 to Aug 6

From our daily log.............

July 31, Mon

We really didn’t do a whole lot today. We went with Dick to Sears so he could buy a new refrigerator. His in the house is probably 30 years old, and still works, however, his garage fridge went out, so now he is moving the house fridge to the garage and new one into the house. We also went out to the BX just to look at what they have. The BX’s sure aren’t like what they were when I was allowed access to them. This one at Elmendorf is really a super big store carrying just about anything you could want.

It was cloudy and cool today……and rainy, of course!

Aug. 1 Tue

Jerry arrived this evening. Al and Dick went to pick him up and I stayed home and cooked dinner. Most of the day I spent doing laundry at Dick’s house this time. I swear I do laundry about every other day! I know I don’t, but it feels that way!

It’s nice to have Jerry here, however, I sure wish Ardis could have gotten the time off to come along. Maybe next time. Jerry is having a hard time with the lack of darkness….and we hardly notice it anymore! I guess we have acclimated to our surroundings.

Aug.2 Wed

Back to the river today. It rained most of the way here and is still raining off and on.

The sockeye (red’s) salmon are finally running strong in the Kenai, so the state has opened up fishing again on the river, limit 3. In 5 casts I had hooked 3 fish! The fish are really running strong….and the department of Fish and Game say this is an unusually strong run, however, about 3 weeks late. Most fishermen that come up to fish for reds come up July 15 for a week…usually when the fish are running the strongest. This year, for what ever reason, the fish hung around in Cook’s Inlet longer than usual…but they are here now! All of us limited out in less than an hour. What fun! Jerry is really having a good time fishing.

Aug. 3, Thursday

Jerry and Al spent most of the day fishing. I went into town and downloaded email and did a little cleaning around the trailer. We had wonderful bbq’d salmon for dinner tonight…just the way I like it..out of the river and on to the bbq. YUM!

Weather is still ugly.,..raining, cold, cloudy ick.

Aug. 4 Friday

Al and Jerry took off to go halibut fishing out of Ninilchik today.. Al called when they got there…too windy and the launch was closed. Darn…and Kevin (Buttchaser captain) didn’t call us. A needless trip to Ninilchik! I can see why it was closed…it’s windy, cold, cloudy and raining hard here.

After they got back from their “ride” they both went down to the river and caught their limit. After a while, I went down and caught my limit as well. I caught one red that really put up a fight and boy was it fun to bring him in! There for a while I didn’t know who was going to win…him or me!

Jerry spent part of the day watching our bald eagle…I call him ours as he is always sitting up on top of a dead tree next to our trailer making his noise…which I can’t even describe what it sounds like. And I know he would really like to feast on our cats given the chance!

Aug. 5 Sat

Today we went to Seward to take the Wildlife Cruise on Resurrection Bay. This is the same cruise we did with my brother, sister, sister-in-law, Cammie and Cortney a month ago. We really enjoyed it today as well…and it was clear and sunny most of the day! Not warm, however! Jerry really had a good time -- on the way down to Seward we saw a black bear cross the road. On the cruise we saw a black bear on shore, plenty of bald eagles and Puffins. But no whale this time, which was disappointing.

After the cruise we walked around Seward for a bit, then headed home, stopping at Gwin’s in Cooper’s Landing for dinner. Great place to eat!

Aug. 6 Sun

Well, our freezer is full of salmon and halibut…..Jerry will be taking part of it home. He has succeeded in catching his limit every day. Again they were suppose to go out on the “Buttchaser” for halibut today, They were scheduled to depart the launch at 6:00 a.m. in Ninilchik, which is about an hour and half drive. They left at 4:00 a.m.; around 5:30 a.,m. Keven, boat captain called and said the wind was up and he wasn’t going out. I called Al told him. They decided to go on down to the launch since they were just turning on the road to the launch when I called. Apparently, Kevin just didn’t want to go out, as everyone else was going out. They tried to get on another charter, but they were all full. We think next year we will go back to going out of Homer on halibut charters…they seem to never cancel due to weather. At any rate, Al and Jerry decided to drive on down to Homer to see if they could possibly get on a late leaving charter out of there…but there weren’t any available. Jerry won’t get to experience halibut fishing this year…he will have to come back next year.

. They did see several Bullwinkles (moose) on the trip to and from Homer, just no Rocky…..Rocky lives in our fish camp and is busy annoying our cats!

It is sunny today, but cool -- just like a perfect autumn day…but wait, isn’t it still August? I don’t feel like I have had a summer this year. I still need my quota of warm weather and sun.

Jerry and Al are napping right now (2:00 p.m.) and are planning on going down to the river later to fish. I, on the other hand, am on my way to the laundramat….my favorite hang out as of late.

On another note, Beau is doing much better…almost back to his old self. He is still on a huge dose of prednisone, and has had some side effects from it, but he is doing better. I have dropped his dose of prednisone down as the doctor prescribed, so hopefully he will have less of the side effects. Schuster is still being a mother hen with him and won’t let him out of his sight for very long! It is driving Beau crazy! J

Daylight hours are getting shorter! It gets DARK around 1:00 a.m. and doesn’t get light until around 3:30 a.m. I actually saw some stars this morning when I let Beau out at 2:30 a.m. something I haven’t seen in 2 months! The locals are already groaning about the upcoming dark age (winter) and I can’t say I blame them. I sure wouldn’t like the long hours of darkness during the winter…heck, I don’t do well with the hours of darkness we get in the winter in Tucson!
