Thursday, March 04, 2010

Visits from our Australian Cousins

Last weekend we have the pleasure of being visited by Al's cousin Christine and her husband Denys from Australia.  They are such a fun couple and we were sorry they could only stay for two days, but we were happy to be included on their visit to the U.S.  Christine is originally from Quincy, WA; but has been in Australia since she married Denys some 38 years ago.  We had agreat visit; loved hearing about their family and friends.

On Saturday we drove them around Tucson; stopping to treat them to a Sonoran Hotdog; driving up to "A" mountain where they climbed up to the top of the "A"'; took them to San Xavier Mission and then out to dinner for Mexican food.

Sunday was ugly -- it rained and blew all day.  We stayed home so they could get their internal clocks reset.  Sunday afternoon we had Gary, Jeannette, Bruce, Holly, Gordon, Denise and Bob grabow over for dinner and to visit with the Aussies.  Gary is Christines cousin and Holly is her 2nd cousin.  We all enjoyed the day.

Monday bright and early (3:00a.m.) we took them to the airport where they were headed for Kansas City to visit her aunt and then on to Seattle.  They have a busy 3 weeks ahead of them.

My hand is doing better -- I am doing physical therapy twice a week now.  It is stilla bit numb and typing with it is hard as 3 of my 4 fingers are still numb, basically only my thumb and pinkie are of any use.  PT is suppose to help this.

Weather has been beautiful the rest of this week.  However, it is suppose to rain again this weekend -- we sure have had a wet winter this year, but the desert is sure green and pretty!

Our great granddaughter Natasha will have her last round of radiation tomorrow.  Then she will wait a month and then go back in for more tests.  She sure is a trooper -- and so is her mom and grandparents.  Bev has been taking her for most of her treatments so Sarah can continue to work,  Natasha goes in early and is at school only a few minutes late each day.  She has gone to school throughout all of this -- amazing 10 year old.

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