Thursday, September 22, 2011

Things are looking up!

Well, things are finally beginning to look up. Al was moved to Oro valley hospital rehab center yesterday to begin extensive therapy to strengthen him so he will be able to come home. He has been doing well at the Skilled Nursing Facility and the powers that be feel he no longer needs that level of care. Good news for us. Now I pray he can maintain the therapy level required as he has to do 3 hours a day to remain in this facility. Of course, those 3 hours are broken up to different segments during the day.

It was like old home week at rehab.  The nurses, CNA's and staff all were glad to see him and see him doing so well.  When he left there last July he was really in bad shape, so this made them happy.  They are really a great team to work with....we have been there enough, this is Al's 5th visit there.

The weather has finally started to cool off and feel a little like Fall.  Right now (10:00 a.m.) it is only 73 outside...of course that is in the is 93 in the sun.  Still it  is better than the 110+ we had there for a while.  And the weather guesser's say the monsoons are over.  So much for our rain.  We had a few good storms, but we still need rain.  However, once I said that, I realize we ARE living in the middle of the Sonoran Desert!!!!  :-)

Son Ric, Daughter-in-law Janet and niece Sherrie just finished walking the 3 - Day, 60 Mile Susan G Komen walk for the cure in Seattle last weekend.  Daughter Jenn and Granddaughter Cammie were the best walker stalkers as well.  Great job; so proud of all of them for supporting such a good cause.

Not much else new to report for this time.  I will keep posting to the Caring Bridge site for Al 's progress....check it out at

Until next time, hope this finds all of you happy, healthy and living life.

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