Spring in Tucson can be interesting and this one is no different. Last weekend, we had rain, snow, wind (a lot of wind -- blew down our neighbor's shed, rearranged our patio furniture); then it was nice, warm for the rest of the week. Now, today, it is repeating last weekend, wind, rain, snow, repeat. The weather just can't seem to make up it's mind. And the saying "March comes it like a lion, it will go out like a lamb" or visa versa, well, I think the weather is PRACTICING for the end of March, since it came in like a lamb! We are very thankful for the rain/snow/rain. Our cactus are really starting to thrive, our Octillo is starting to bloom. For those who don't have a clue what an Otcillo is, it is a plant that looks like dead sticks sticking straight up in the air, and once a year, if and when it gets enough moisture, it gets really green and has beautiful red blossoms at the end of the "Sticks"....it is one of my favorite desert plants. Oh yea, it also has stickers on it, just like everything else in the desert!
For the past couple of weeks we have been laying low. AL has been battling pneumonia since March 6. He is much improved now, however, still has to take it easy as he tires very quickly. There for a while, he was pretty darn sick. The doctor has been wonderful, especially since he kept him out of the hospital. However, some of the antibiotics he has prescribed wasn't much cheaper than a hospital stay! Needless to say, I let out a yowl when I went to pick up the prescription and it was $197 for 10 pills, and that was after the insurance had picked up their share. These pills were $40 a pop! No wonder the USA is in such a mess over prescription/medical care. How do people who have no insurance do this???? Thank you Boeing for your retirement insurance coverage!
Have you ever been to a Renaissance Fair? We have never been, so on the 4th we made the trek to Phoenix to attend one. We went with Holly, Bruce and Cortney and we had a great time. I really didn't think I would enjoy it since I am not into the "mid-evil" thing, however, I really had a good time. We all enjoyed the entertainment and the huge turkey legs that we bought for lunch. There was no way I could eat that huge thing! WOW! But they were good. It was fun seeing all of the people in costume, and most attendee's were even in costume (except us, of course!) It was a good day and we were glad we went.
Well, that is about it from this end of the world for now. We hope this finds everyone doing well and living life they way they want. Life is too short to be miserable -- live it to the fullest...there is no second go around.
Until next time we are --
The UNwroaming Wraspirs!
1 comment:
I don't suppose you happen to find my Knight in Shining Armor at the fair? He appears to be lost...or can't find me.
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