WE have just returned from a few days in Puerto Penasco, (Rocky Point) Mexico. Our friends Jack and Sue have a beautiful home there on the beach and we spent 3 wonderful, relaxing days there with them. What a treat! We always love going there...it's the getting there that bothers me. I don't particularily like to drive in Mexico. You need eye's all around your head and be very cautious. The drivers in Mexico don't exactly obey traffic laws and rules. And it seems that is just isn't the residents there, but everyone else from the U.S. drives like they do! I guess when in Rome....or Mexico in this case. At any rate, driving is a frightening proposition for me there and I don't like to drive down there. Jack does just fine, but then again, he is somewhat used to thier driving habits. I, on the other hand, felt like I was back in Saudi!
Jack and Sue Waddick in Puerto Penasco
"Rocky" Jack and Sue's Mexico cat...he is the neighborhood cat and he is well taken care of!
And since my oldest daughter is named "Melanie" I had to take this picture for her!
The weather was so-so while we were there...we had one absolutely beautiful warm day, one day that was cool and one day a dust storm blew in and made a mess of everything! We took Beau and Schuster with us and they really loved running on the beach and chasing the ball on the beach. Beau, of course, made friends with everyone on the beach....our little goodwill ambassador! Of course, to Beau, everyone is a potential ball thrower!
Once we got back to Tucson we hit the floor running. Al had a doctor appointment yesterday and the doctor doesn't feel that all the fluid is gone, so Al is still taking lasix twice a day along with the potassum. But Al is feeling much better and has more energy. Right now he is out on the deck planting a tomato plant in a pot....his passion...tomatoes! If we can just keep the javelina's from eating the plant we will have it made. The Javelina's have taken big, huge, bites out of some or our cactus...OUCH!
April 5, 2007
The last week has been busy with doctor appointments, helping a good friend celebrate his 60th birthday (he is older than I am!!! Tee Hee! -- and he knows who he is!) and generally just doing our normal "stuff"!
Today we are leaving for Phoenix to spend the night, because at 0'dark thirty tomorrow morning we are flying to St. Louis (via Dallas) to spend Easter with Mike, Bev, Sarah, Chris and Natasha. We are both really looking forward to this trip and hope this trip won't get interrupted like our trip to St. Louis did last year when AL's brother died. So, all of you, stay well and safe!
Our plans are to spend a few days with Mike and Bev, then we are off to Lake of the Ozarks for a few days in a time share. We usually meet up with the Skidmores at their house on the lake, however, this year due to medical problems, they won't be in Missouri until sometime in May. We will get in a visit with AL's cousin Fern and husband Les in Clinton and try and see our grandson David (if he will ever answer my phone calls...I think he may be trying to avoid seeing the Grandparents---however he should know me well enough to know I will track him down!) We are looking forward to this trip. The dogs have their dishes packed and ready to go to Holly and Bruce's while we are gone and the cats know they will be "home alone" again...Holly looks after them as well.
Weather here in Tucson has heated right up....92 yesterday and right now at 2:00 p.m. it is 91 -- my kind of weather. Al is starting to make noises about heading north, but he has a doctor appointment on May 8, so I know we will be here that long, but I bet we will be heading north on May 9!
So, until next time, we wish everyone a Happy Easter and hope you are living life the way you want!
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