April 10, 2007
After arriving in St. Louis last Friday, to 32 degree weather, and the weather deteriorated from there....I think spring has NOT sprung here! We arrived at Mike and Bev's and of course, they could hear me whining about the weather from the corner! I AM COLD! AL IS COLD! Of course, it couldn't be because we were both dressed for Arizona (it was 90 in Phoenix when we left!) Al had shorts on and I had capri's and short sleeved top. It didn't take us long to find our coats! And that night St. Louis broke all records for cold..it was down in the low 20's! I kept checking the calendar to make sure it was not Christmas and it was really April! BRRRR
Today was a bit better...it got up to a whopping 38 during the day! Our great granddaughter, Natasha, age 7, went on a Easter Egg hunt at the church and all she could say was "it was cold!" Granddaughter Sarah and Natasha and I went out to lunch and did some shopping so I could buy a couple of long sleeved tops and some long pants (I packed when it was 90 degree's in Tucson...couldn't imagine it being this cold anywhere!) Despite the cold, we are really enjoying visiting with Mike, Bev, Sarah and Natasha...haven't seen Chris (Sarah's boyfriend)yet...he is too busy working.
Easter Sunday
Today dawned bright, sunny and cold. I was convinced that Santa was going to be delivering Easter eggs this year! We went to church and it was cute to see all the little girls dressed up in their Easter dresses and big heavy coats! The BIG FREEZE (as the media is calling it) has frozen all the crops in the entire state and most anything that had blossomed was dead! The poor tulips are drooping and some tree's are still bare. Dinner was wonderful (hey, it is at Mike and Bev's and the food is ALWAYS outstanding at their house!)..Sarah and Chris provided the Honey baked Ham, Bev made a wonderful layered salad, Natasha helped make dessert. Everything was very low keyed, which is just what we wanted. We watched the movie "Happy Feet" and then the classic Sound of Music. It had been years since I had seen it and I forgot how much I enjoyed it. All in all it was a great Easter...except it was cold enough to be Christmas!!!!
Sarah, Chris, Natasha and "Herbie" Mike and Bev's dog
We took off today for our timeshare exchange at Lake of the Ozarks. It was an easy drive to "Four Seasons, MO" -- now, I know, you are asking, WHERE? We are actually 8 miles from Osage Beach, which is a resort town on Lake of the Ozarks. We usually visit our friends, Carl and Ruby Skidmore down here at this time of the year, however, they aren't here yet. So we are just kicked back, relaxing and doing not much of anything. The weather is still not cooperating. Tonight we decided to barbecue a steak...however, we ran into a small problem. After stopping at the store to pick up a few food supplies for our few days here and we even remembered to pick up barbecue briquet's and lighter fluid-- we were pretty proud of our selves to remember those. HOWEVER, what we didn't remember was matches to light the barbecue! Hmm---rubbing sticks together was out of the question! So I walked down to the INDOOR pool and found someone with a book of matches. This wasn't the easiest task...no one seems to carry matches anymore. At any rate, Al braved the cold and barbecued.
Today we woke to------yup, you guessed it... dreary, cloudy, and yes, cold weather. Mid-morning it started to sprinkle. We decided to take the toll bridge across the lake to Laurie (where the Skidmore's live) and have lunch at one of our favorite little places, "Cousins". Skidmores have been going there for years and when we are here we have to have either lunch or breakfast there. It was a short drive over there since we took the bridge, but the road was really a narrow, curvy road. On the way back, it started to rain. Then we decided to take in the outlet mall in Osage Beach...a huge outlet mall. We made a stop at Le Crueset to pickup a pan Bev wanted and next door was the Coach Outlet Store. I couldn't pass it up! And I wound up buying a Coach purse! Something I have always wanted! YEEHAW! I am no longer allowed in a Coach store however! This afternoon it was raining, gray, cold and downright ugly. At times we swore it was going to snow!
Our view from our condo,tennis courts and the lake beyond.
Tomorrow we are going to hang around here and do some exploring, IF it isn't pouring down rain, (who am I kidding??) which, is the forecast. At least we are getting some rest! However, the bed in this condo is hard...I said it felt like I slept on a table!
Thursday we will pack up and head towards Kansas City where we will visit with grandson David. We will stop on the way in Clinton, MO to visit with Al's cousin Fern and her husband Les. Then Friday back to St. Louis for the weekend before flying back home and to warmth on Tuesday. So until then....we hope all is well with you and yours and that you are warm, happy and living life the way you want.
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