Al came home this morning. He is tired, but glad to be home. He is walking well and getting up the steps was no problem. He will be on IV Antibiotics once a day for 4 weeks; and the infusion company is suppose to come out in the morning to get that started. Also will have a home health care nurse every couple of days as well as Physical and Occupational Therapist will be here two or three times a week. Pat, who helped take care of my brother, will be here for 4 hours, twice a week so I can have a chance to get away to the grocery store, drug store, etc.
When the doctor told me he was coming home with the IV I wasn't very happy. For two weeks they have been doing his antibiotics orally; however, the Infectious Disease doctor wasn't happy with the results, so switched him back to the IV. When the infusion company called me and told me that it would be $288 A DAY, I about passed out. WHAT??????? After questioning them about the cost they told me that Aetna (our supplemental) wouldn't pay. HUH?? So after a very long battle with Aetna, having to go to Boeing for clarification, and back to Aetna, I finally found out that it will pay, however, I have to pay the copay...which is MUCH LESS than originally stated. And the infusion company dropped the cost to $94 a day! RIP-OFF!!! Hmmm-and the medical world wonders why National Healthcare is coming? Glad I don't accept these things as standard and not question them! YIKES!
I have six pages of orders from the doctors of things that have to be done daily. However, most of it was being done before, i.e., checking blood sugar, blood pressure, making sure he walks, does the exercises, etc.
Both dogs and cats are now happy! The dogs follow his walker everywhere, however, Schuster isn't very fond of it! And when he is in his chair both dogs are laying down beside it. As if to say, "You aren't going anywhere again without us are you?" No dogs, we hope not. And Jose is constantly in his lap....and if he gets out Juanito jumps in. I think they missed him.
Thank you all for your care, concern, prayers, calls, cards and flowers. It is nice to know that when things get rough your family and friends are there for you. God Bless you all.
1 comment:
Hi Al and Jo,
SO glad Al is home and hopefully now he will have a healthy recovery and soon be back "on the road again." The road to recovery is never easy (I'm only thinking of Randy's transplant surgery) but with your strong will and determination (notice I didn't say "stubborn determination," just kidding) I just know you will get back to your normal loving self SOON! We love you both and thank you so much for keeping us posted on the path to recovery, Jo. Love you, Judy and Randy
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