Saturday, April 08, 2006

Just Had to Say This

I can't refrain myself from a few comments on the Katrina Hurricane and the recent wave of tornados that have devastaed the south east. I have noticed a lot of difference in the way the news media has covered them. Katrina is all you heard about from every news portal.....and more than you could take at some times. We were saturated with it. (Pardon the pun!) Now, the southeast has been hit hard by several killer tornados. Do you hear people crying on national TV, "Help us, Help us"? Or even much of a coverage from the major networks on the tornados? There is usally a blurb during the national news, and that is it. No Brian Williams, Dan Rather (or his replacement) or anyone else rushing to cover the tornados and devoting hours to the devastation. I don't understand. WHY???? Yes, Katrina was horrible, but aren't these tornado's just as horrible? People were killed and lost their homes...and THEY HAD NOT MUCH OF A WARNING! THEY DIDN'T HAVE 2-3 DAYS OF WARNING TO GET OUT OF TOWN! Why the difference???? I know the Red Cross is there, but I sure don't see them begging for donations on National TV. I know other relief coverage is there, as well as possible FEMA (I am not betting on that one!); but where is the news coverage. I just turned on the TV and I couldn't find one single major network covering the tornados! Maybe the government could take some of the mobile homes they bought for Katrina victims that are not being used (not good enough?) and take them to Tennesse or Alabama or Georgia to help house the tornado victims. Oh, wait, not a good idea. Mobile homes are tornado magnets (Even tho I live in one at times). Another question, if there were no mobile homes, would there be tornados?

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