Friday, May 11, 2007

The day the Ice Melted!


Today the ice melted in the Santa Cruz River! Yup, today was the day! BREAKUP! You ask yourself what in the world is she talking about???? Well, here in this fine city, the first day of the year the temperature officially reaches 100 degrees is the day the ice melts in the Santa Cruz River. HUH??? EXPLAIN! Well, first of all, the Santa Cruz river is usually a dry river bed (mostly used by illegals to cross into our fair country from the country to the south of us), unless it is monsoon season; when the dry river bed turns into a vicious, treacherous, swift moving river! But only for a while! Then it goes back to its former self...dry. The local media (ahem) has dubbed the first day of 100 degrees as the day the ice melts in the river! Don't ask me why! All I know is today was the first official day it reached 100 degrees here. However, yesterday my thermometer read 103, the day before it read 100....and today it read 109, which I know it was least I don't think it was. But in retrospect, maybe it was. The outdoor temperature gage on my car decided this afternoon to drop from it's current reading of 104 to 75! And it stayed there most of the afternoon, but by 4:30 it had crept back up to 102! Go figure that one out! And yes, I was foolish enough to have to go outside of our frigid house to run some errands. Speaking of our frigid house, (Al has the thermostat set at 70, but it feels more like 50!) I can't wait to get our electric bill for this month! UGH!

On another note, I have to laugh at myself! I am playing a twisted mind game with myself! For some unknown reason, I won't let the gas in my car get lower than a half a tank. At least this way it doesn't hurt so much to go fill it up at $2.90 a gallon and spend $30! I know, I know, it is a sick game, but it makes it hurt less. I still look for the person with the gun who is holding us at gun point and robbing us at the gas pumps! Surely, that person must be there! And I am THANKFUL that gas it ONLY $2.90 a gallon (at Costco)....I have heard in California it is up to $4.00 and in Seattle at $3.58...that's a gallon right? Not a fill up? In Odessa it was $3.60 the last time I checked...think I will buy a horse!

AL is on the mend...finally. Not only does he have a sprained ankle, but cellulitus also attacked him on the same ankle. The two have nothing to do with each other either, except both of them are holding us hostage here until he gets better. The swelling on his ankle has gone down considerably, and IF we get the doctors okay, we will be heading north on the 17th...of this month I hope. However, I am learning to count on nothing! That way I won't be surprised if it doesn't happen!

Computers and I are having a hard time of getting along lately. In a previous blog I was expounding on my laptop being down. Well, I got it back, all fixed....uh huh. It worked for two (count 'em --2) days, and crashed again. So back I go to Best Buy to the Geek Squad...yup, my hard drive is toast! I am so glad I had backed up the laptop before I took it in last time. So they replace the hard drive and ask me to bring in all of my recovery disks from Dell. problem. Ya' right! I can't find the recovery disks! I have looked high and low for them...torn apart my office (well, it needed cleaning anyway) and still haven't found them. I found things that had been missing for months, but no recovery disks. AH HA...friend Bob has the same computer, I will just borrow his! But guess what? He can't find his either! I think the two sets are out having a party---without us! I have looked in all the logical places, the illogical places and everywhere in between....I CAN NOT FIND THEM! It is making me nuts. And the worse part of it is, I remember seeing them right before we went to St. Louis and I remember putting them in a safe place...if only I could remember the SAFE PLACE! GRRRRRRRRR!

Until next time, we remain UNWROAMIN'!

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