Monday, December 06, 2010

Al's shoulder

On Dec. 1 Al fell and broke his left humerus at the shoulder.  He was walking down the handicap ramp we had built and his walker got away from him and down he went.  He had surgery on it on Dec. 4, they put in a plate, rod and pin. He really smashed it.  He is being discharged from the hospital today and will be moved to a Skilled Nursing Facility.  I have no idea how long he will be there, it could be up to 3 months, but I am hoping is will be shorter.  I hate to see all of this happening to him.  I try to take care of him, I really do, but I am learning there are just some things I can not prevent. 

I am trying to take care of myself.  Everyone tells me to "Take care of you" but I really don't know what that is or how to do it some days.  I have a friend whose husband recently went through a long illness and died and she said she really didn't know how to "take care of you" either.  What does that look like?  My daily life is wrapped up around Al and his needs.  Right now that is why I am here.  That is my main job.  I try to do things for myself as time permits, but sometimes it just isn't possible.  However, after saying that, I literally collapsed yesterday.  I took the poodles in for grooming yesterday morning; then went to the hospital.  I was at the hospital about 2 hours and then I started shaking, I was so cold, and weak.  I came home and was running a 101 temp and was cold, but hot.  I took a nap, knowing I would have to go pick up the dogs later in the day.  I finally realized that I was going no where, I was afraid to drive I was so weak and shaky.  Bruce and Holly to the rescue.  I called them and they went and picked up the very handsome, groomed, cleaned, fluffy poodles.  Whew!  And all I wanted to eat was Chicken Noodle soup and hot tea.  My sick food.  I didn't have any soup tho.  Denise to the rescue this time.  I am so very thankful for all the good friends we have around us.  Saturday while Al was in surgery Jude and Holly sat with me in a freezing, cold  waiting room. Apparently on Saturday they don't turn on the heat in the surgery waiting room because there is usually no one there!  Well, Jude found the thermostat...just as we were getting warm the doc came out and said surgery went fine.  Other friends, Jack and Sue have driven from Rio Rico, 80 miles south, to come see Al.  Gordon goes to see him every day, some times twice a day.  Gary and Jeannette have been so supportive to me, even tho Gary won't hang my outdoor Christmas lights!!!  Of course, he won't hang his own either!!!  :-)  Barb, our neighbor has been wonderful as well.  She is a hospice nurse, and she really helped when he fell.  And I can't forget to thank the Golder Ranch Fire Dept.  They sent 9 big, burly, fit, firemen up here to help get Al up when he fell.  I seem to be calling them way to often...but at least I get my firemen fix that way instead of stalking them in the grocery store!!!

So I am off to the hospital now.  Al will be moved right after lunch today.  But first, before the hospital, I am going to the chirocracker to get my back worked on.  YEA!!! 

Until the next up date, I hope all of you have a safe and wonderful day.

1 comment:

Jenn from WA said...

Were any of the 9 big burly firemen single?

Aside from that, I think taking care of yourself means asking for help...which you are doing. Truth is though, your identity is dad now...and that's okay. You're a giver and it's a job you do well.

Chin up. Hugs ...
