Thursday, April 05, 2012

It's Spring....ACHOO!!

So, yes, my allergies have decided to kick in overtime.  Every time the wind even thinks about blowing my eyes water, my nose stops up (or drips--depending on it's mood) and I start to sneeze.  And not just one sneeze...I sneeze in series...4-5 first, then a break; then 4-5 more.  I may, or may not, be done then.  I may or may not repeat cycle for 2-3 more times.  Then I am worn out!  ACHOO

Yes, it is spring in Tucson.  One day it is 90 and the next it is 60.  We have had the a/c and heat on in the same day.  And EVERYTHING is in bloom; even things that don't bloom are in bloom I think!  And the is suppose to be "breezy", what ever that means...right now it is blowing hard.  So much for "breezy".  And when the wind blows here where we live, it usually doesn't blow where our cousins live in S.E. Tucson.  Go figure!

Company is a comin'.  Dick and Lano will be here this weekend with Misty (Beau's great niece) who is still a puppy (even tho she is 17 mos old)...both dogs just groan when I say she is coming.  They so quickly forget they were like this not too long ago!   Then son Ric and wife Janet will be here on the 20th for a few days.  Can't wait!  Then it looks like we will have a very, long, dry season...summer will be here and NO ONE wants to come then.  And I understand.  However, my favorite part of the summer are the long as they don't take out my road.  I love the lightning and long as it is in the mountains and not near me.  See, I seem to have a caveat for everything today!

Al is doing well, or as well as can be expected.  Some days better than others.  He went out to dinner twice last weekend and survived it (so did I) and did well.  He rode with me to Costco and other errands this week, just stayed in the car, but he got out of the house.  Blood sugar is a little on the high side, but we are dealing with it.   Blood pressure is good; weight is good; appetite is good; kidney's are still questionable, but they always will be.  Parkinson's shows it's ugly head at the weirdest times; but we deal with it.  So all-in-all, things are going good.  Lets just hope he stays on this plateau for a while. Hospice is wonderful and ever so helpful.  The nurse comes twice a week and the CNA comes 3 times a week.  Volunteer to stay with him while I get out comes once a week and our paid care giver comes once a we have it pretty well long as he stays this way.

Not much else new or exciting going on in our lives.  Snow birds have started their migration north so traffic is lighter, we can get in to restaurants, grocery shopping is pleasant again,  and things are quieter.  Seems like the snowbirds migrated earlier this year...probably due to the nicer weather in the north, except the Pacific NW....

Hope all is well with everyone....have a wonderful, joyous Easter and may the Easter Bunny be good to you and lay plenty of eggs.....that is still a question unanswered in my mind...but that is for a later blog.

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